Status: Active :)



My heart was beating and it was only getting faster as the car drove closer and closer to the dive shop. Today was the day I would either break up with Fiona after four years or begin a relationship with a man I had just met a week ago.
Make it or break it.
I wondered if I chose Frank, would Fiona push me overboard and feet me to the sting rays and sea turtles or would she jump in herself. If I stayed with Fiona, I don't think Frank would mind much, I mean, I hardly knew him.

"Last dive." Fiona smiled. She looked so happy. I wondered if it was because once we went back to Jersey I would never see Frank again. I think she was catching on, she was a smart girl. "You excited?"

"Yeah." I lied. I wasn't excited, I liked exploring the deep blue sea, especially with Frank's sweet kisses. I wished we could be mermaids... mermen, so that we could just stay down there forever.

"I think we should go to Brazil next summer." she piped up. I inwardly groaned. I didn't want to go to Brazil! I wanted to stay here with Frank.

"No." I said.


"I refuse to go somewhere where I seriously don't want to go." I replied boldly.

"Okay then Gerard. Where do you want to go?" she swung into a parking space at the dive shop. She was mad at me again but I have had enough.


"We are after this. Where do you want to go next summer." she sat stiffly and gripped the steering wheel. The ignition was still on.

"I want to stay in Jersey."

"You know what. Fine! You can stay in God damn New Jersey and walk down the stupid streets with your brother and get drunk!" she screamed. I winced at her tone.

"First off I do not get drunk! When have you ever seen me like that? Dammit Fiona!" I threw my hands up and opened the door. "I've had enough of this." I got out of the car and closed the door behind me. By myself I walked to the boat and Fiona followed when I was about half way to the boat. I was so tired of her but the question remained; her or Frank?
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of boring :/ but this story is coming to a close by the way... I have lots of ideas lined up but I can tell you guys liked this one too :) But really, who do you think he will choose :P You should know me by now- things don't always turn out the way you want >:P