Status: Active :)



The dive was nice. It really was. I swam just behind Frank the whole time and the site lived up to its name, we saw two turtles cruising by.
Fiona was probably glaring at me the whole time but I didn't pay attention. I was just enjoying myself.

During the safety stop, I floated and wondered what I should do. I was really falling for Frank and Fiona sort of bugged me but we had spent so many memorable times together all over the world. I guess even though I didn't want to go, they were still nice. I sighed and checked my gage. I had another minute to sit and think.
Did I really love Frank more then Fiona and vice versa? Was I really into guys? If I chose Frank, did I want to have kids? Did Frank want kids? Did Frank really like me and think about me as much as I thought about him? So many questions and Fiona and I were taking the plane back to Jersey in the evening. What was I going to do?
My gage beeped and I began to rise right underneath Frank who had been watching me and making sure everything was okay.

I broke the surface of the water and looked up to see the boat right in front of me. I grabbed the line and began taking off my fins. Frank was already at the boat climbing up as if he was on fire. Then again, he had to move fast because he had to take care of everyone. I pulled myself towards the boat and handed my fins to Frank who had a 'hurry-the-hell-up' look on his face. He pulled me up and I realized why he was rushing more then usual.
Fiona was lying on the ground with an oxygen mask over her face. I felt my heart stop in my chest and my breath hitch in my throat. What happened?

"Fiona?" I asked and scrambled up the ladder. Frank pulled me over to the bench even though I was drawn over to Fiona's motionless body. "What happened?"

"She went into deco. It's good that this is the last dive because we have to head back to the dock. We've already called the ambulance and it will be there when we arrive. She will be taken to a decompression chamber." Ray explained.

"Looks like you will have to miss your flight." Frank mumbled as I slipped off my BC, more like Frank forced it off of me. He looked upset. Wether it was because he was mad at me or because I was leaving or even because I wasn't leaving soon enough, I don't know.
People on the boat sat where they were and watched helplessly. I ignored Frank's comment.

"Role call! Peter?"





"Here." Ray continued to call names and came to the conclusion every one was on board and we wouldn't have to leave anyone behind. If there were people still in the water like twenty feet down, they would be left behind and the other boat would come pick them up or the life guard.
Frank rushed around untying the boat from the mooring line and getting everything in place. I just sat on the bench beside Fiona looking down at her. She looked up at me with red eyes.

"How do you feel?" I asked. She pulled the oxygen mask off her face.

"Tingling all over." she put the mask back on her face and took a breath. "An air bubble would be in my joints." she put the mask back on and winced. The boat roared to life and we were off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Unfortunately the story is coming to a close... and sorry for the filler.

Kay so... story...
Kay so what Fiona is experiencing is called decompression sickness (Deco) and I shall explain more next chapter :)