Status: Active :)



I settled in my seat and looked out the window at the clouds we were soaring over. They were dotted in orange and pink and were extremely pretty.
When I was younger, my mother used to tell my brother and myself to watch for angels dancing on the clouds. Of course we never found any but the memory stood imprinted in my mind.

Fiona slept beside me with her head tilted towards the isle and light snores escaping her lips. She wasn't very attractive when she slept with her mouth open and eye lids fluttering. She reminded me of a fish without eyes which reminded me of a joke my brother told me. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh.

A small smile appeared on my face but quickly vanished when my thoughts turned to Frank. I don't know what his issue is. Was it because of Fiona? Well of course it was because of Fiona! She ruins everything and she's just so.... annoying!

My eyes widened as I quickly reached for my carry on bag under the seat in front of me. The envelope! How could I forget about the envelope?

I found it and as quietly as I could, tore it open and spilled out the contents into my lap.
I glanced over at Fiona to make sure she was still sleeping and she was.
I turned back to was lay in my lap. Photos? Why did he send me photos? Collecting them into my hands I began to go through them. They were all pictures he took from the dives we went on. There were a few of us on the boat. One of Fiona and I and one of my looking out at the ocean. I guess I didn't notice him taking the picture.
Then there were sharks and other wildlife as well as coral. I sighed to myself and went through them again. The saddest I thought was a picture Ray took of Frank and I. I sighed and put them all back in the envelope. What was Frank doing? Was this a plea for me to stay with him and leave Fiona? No note or anything else... what was I a mind reader?

Relationships were frustrating, I already knew that but why was I surprised I had backed myself into this corner? Maybe one day I will find someone who shares mutual feelings with me.
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Is this the end? no xD there's more!