Status: Active :)



"Come on Fiona, I don't want to sit on a damn boat all morning and watch you go back and forth getting in and out of the water. Why can't we just, I don't know, go souvenir shopping or if you really really want to dive, go in the submarine in town. I hear that's pretty cool." I said as I watched m girlfriend pack her dive gear in a huge bag in which I would have to carry around.

"Gerard, please. Diving is amazing! You can get up close and personal with the wildlife which you could never do in the submarine." she replied in dismissal. I grunted and walked to our kitchenette.

"That's the point." I mumbled under my breath so she wouldn't hear. I didn't like the fact she was going a thousand feet under water with killer sharks and giant squid monsters. What about those giant fish she told me about... whatever they're called, they could shallow her whole! What if there was an underwater whirlpool and she drowned? Or maybe an underwater eruption or even a tidal wave... then I'd be dead too!

"You should get certified Gee-bear." she called from the living room. I snapped my head around only to somehow bang my head off the cupboard. I groaned in pain and brought my hand to my head.

"Wait what?" I hissed in pain.

"Great!" she chirped.

"What? What's great?" I rubbed my injured skull in confusion.

"Oh nothing." she walked past the kitchenette smiling. I quickly followed her. "We can do it today."

"What? What's today? Fiona!" I whined. "Tell me!" she stopped when she was in the bedroom. I nearly ran into her. She grinned at me and i raised my eyebrows.

"You'll be fine." she went on her tippy-toes and pecked my lips. Of course this lead to desperate hugs and touching. I emitted a soft moan and together we fell back on the bed.

Splish. Splash. Splish. Splash.
Just the ocean against the boat made me feel sick to my stomach. That and the constant rise and fall of the marine vessel. I felt nauseous already and we haven't even left the dock. I sat in the shade with my head in my hands leaning against some tanks. Fiona was quickly putting all her gear on the tank and I wondered how she even remembered where all the damn parts went. Like, everything attached to it but they all went in the same places...

"Okay listen up for roll call." I didn't lift my head but I knew it was the driver guy of the boat or someone else... whatever. "Fiona."

"Here!" she chirped.


"Here." I grunted. the guy kept calling out names and they kept responding. I didn't lift my head until the motor whirred to life. I saw about ten people around the boat. I didn't even notice when they got on, I was too concentrated on my seasickness. All of their stuff was put together and Fiona was taking off her clothes to my right to strip down to her bikini. All I knew about diving was that you wore what was called a wet suit... which didn't look to comfortable, especially when wet. I felt the boat come to a halt and the engine shut off.

"Alright, so... my name is Ray and driving the boat is Frank who you guy's probably saw since he did roll call. Uh, so the dive site were going to is called Angels Wall and duh, you are going to see a lot of angel fish right? Wrong, it seems after you name something after something else that thing you named the thing after seems to disappear." I began tuning the guy out and looking at his curly brown hair. I mean like, he had a fro! "Any questions?" I snapped my attention back to the world.

"Are we going to see sharks?" another guy asked. He was scrawny and lanky all at once and he had short, military cropped hair that looked as though he stuck his head in a blender.

"Nah, after the hurricane we haven't seen one here since. Maybe another site. Anything else?" nothing. "Okay, gear up. I'll be in the water so look out of the bright green wet suit, thats me. Frank will be on deck and please come back with fie hundred PSI." everyone nodded. "Okay, the pools open." Ray said and went to the back of the boat and untied the ladders which had been up for the ride.
People began putting masks and fins on and their tanks. Suddenly everyone was waddling towards the back of the boat.

"Have fun." I said to Fiona who waddled past me. She grinned and thanked me before taking a step into the ocean and being engulfed by the dark blue water. I bit my lip and waited for her head to bob back up. It did and she gave the signal that she was okay. Then she disappeared under the water. She was going to get eaten or blown up, or swept away...
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I'm going to a drama festival and im in it :) im in a play and im some goth boy named Benny the Bat Boy... good thing I own a black trench coat >.> hehe