Red or Blue Pill?

Centaur 1: Monday

But now the Buzz tell me the Bed is waiting, and I fall asleep, to wake up at 05:15!
Now I hear the Voice say: “You really do love your girls, beautiful!”
<Would you like to: Go up, remain, go back or go Human?>
<Red, Blue, Yellow or Green Pill?>
<Red = Go up> - <Blue = Remain>
<Yellow = Go back> - <Green = Go Human>
I’m curious, and the only Option I have not tried is to go up!
This would be a new Red Pill to swallow, which is what I do!
There it was again, that funny Feeling, it came as I just had swallowed that Pill!
Not quit the same, but still the same, in some strange Way!
Then I swam to the PC, to see what was to happen, this Time!
I saw the two Icons, that represented my two previous Forms, and then a new came!
Once again, the dual Picture came to be, as I was about to change again!
In a Way I recognised myself there too, maybe that was to be expected?
I chose to keep the Work I had done to the Mermaid Self, here on the new Centaur Self!
Not just for the Work it saved me, but because I had really liked that so much!
Actually, I was to save that Skin too, ofcause, as I loved how it felt!
If I had it just like that, but still could have the new Form?
Then I came to think of it, I wanted the Skin White, luminous, this Time!
That seemed to work, though, to my Luck!
I figured the Hooves would be like the Tail, but then changed my Mind!
I wanted them Blue, Metallic, and shiny, like the Skin, ofcause!
Then I came to the Centaur Tail I was to have, and decided, I’d have it glistering Black!
That was what I kept from this Form, I just had to have a Part of it with me, I felt!
Now I decided, I’d change the Length of my Hair, so it reached to my Knees!
Then my new Tail was to reach down to my Centaur Heel, that would be great!
The lower Body was to be proportional to my upper Body, as it was, ofcause!
This Way, I reached only a little bit over what my Human self had, originally!
As it is, I need little to no outside source of Lights, an interesting new Thing!
Now I made sure my Nails were exactly an Inch long!
I was so exited over my new Form, I really like it as it is, ok, love it!
The Table came back, so I could have my Food there, among other Things!
Then I went to eat, I was hungry after the Night and everything!
After the Meal, I came to think of something, and went back to the PC!
There I fixed that!
Then I put on a glistering Black Bra, with even less Friction then my Skin!
As I had put it on, and it got my Warmth, it felt funny, like it was Jelly on it!
I then picked a Book and went up in the Ceiling and red it!
At Noon, my Master came, so I went down, to let him in, naturally!
He gave me a Kiss, then I asked him to sit up, on my Back, which he did!
I so loved to have him there, I had him for a Ride around the Place!
Ok, not just my Place but the entire Place, as far as a Centaur can go!
As I am, I can really visit most of it, there is very little I can’t see!
This Way, I could have a little more Time with my Master, I had figured!
Actually, that worked, I could let him off where he was to go!
I embraced him, while he gave me the Kiss, as he was to go there!
Guess if I loved how the Bra felt and so did he!
There is simply no Words to explain this, I have to say!
If anything could feel any better, I feared I would die!
Ok, so I Gallop back to my Quarters, where I continued to read my Book,
like before the Visit of my Master!
Only with the Interruptions of the Meals, as it was today!
Ok, I checked on my Girls too, ofcause, how could I not!