Red or Blue Pill?

The Third Day: Thursday

Now I woke up at 05:15 again, just as I used to, ready for the new Day!
The Voice said: “Ah, you like your Quarters Too, swell!”
Like the previous Morning I was not supposed to reply to this, just as good!
Then came the Question, like the Morning before, nothing new or unexpected there!
<Would you like to try on something new?>
<Red or Blue Pill?>
<Red = Yes> - <Blue = No>
Why not, I thought to myself, and decided to confirm the Red again!
The Pill came, and I swallowed it, like before, nothing new, indeed!
Then I forgot about the Pills, and went on with my Life, like the Days before!
Today, I read a Book, this claimed the entire Day, and I went to bed,
like the Night before!
This was but my first book here, and I had countless more to read!