Through the Trees

Sam - Big Bad Wolf

“Dean?!” I yelled as I heard the crashing of rubble. My feet flew from under me, I couldn't control where they went, but I knew where they were going. I rounded the corner, as I saw Red shimmer out of sight from inside house. “Dean?” I yelled again, as my hands fought to pull the mounds of bricks that penned him to the ground.
“Would you please move your face, your breathing on my neck.” Dean coughed, as he stood himself up, pulling his way up from my arms.
“Sorry, what happened?” I asked, my brows furrowing with worry.
“Bitch was flinging her arms around after I hosed her down with the holy water, next thing I know I'm out here.” Dean said, as he scanned the ground for the flask of purified water. “She just messed with the wrong brothers.”

One week later, April 12th 2010, 9:10 A.m

“C'mon Dean, its been a week and nothing. For all we know she might have skipped town already, or hell maybe even left Emma's body.” I said, my tone struggling to stay under control.
“Sam, really? Since when do they ever do the logical crap? She is waiting out, just like we are.”
“I realize your pissed she got the drop on you, but Bobby's been calling us for days with other cases. If we don't see anything by tomorrow, we need to get on the road.”
“Fine, but I promise, something is fixing to go down.”

“Sam.” I head him whisper, “Sam,”
“What?” I whispered back, slightly annoyed.
“Look,” he said as he pointed towards the open window of the large house from a week ago.

There stood the body of Emma Thorn, and its demonic inhabitant. She was staring at something we couldn't see, it wasn't until we saw the blood fly across room, that we knew she had just killed again.
“What do we do? We don't have any weapons.” I said, as I turned toward him. His hazel eyes, that mirrored mine shimmering in the moonlight that played through the spaces in the tree above.
“I told you not to leave them, we should have brought something.” Dean scoffed,
“Well, I'm sorry Mr. Big Bad Fucking Wolf, I thought this was just a recon mission, not a blast'em up job.” I spat,
“Hi boys,” Red laughed as she appeared beside Dean. “Back for more?”
“Oh, well you know, I just loved getting thrown about like a rag doll the last time, why not try it again?” Dean snickered. I laughed mentally, he had a way of doing that, of literally laughing in the face of danger. It pissed me off.
“Oh, Dean, when are you going to learn. You might of gotten out of hell the first time, but there is a new bitch in charge, and I'm gonna make sure you don't crawl your little pretty ass out again.” then she was gone.
“Dean, we need to stop this! She is saying she is going to kill you.”
“Sam, they all say they wanna kill me, its like every demon has turned into bounty hunters, and I'm the top claim. I can't let it scare me,”
“That's just it Dean, you should. It should terrify you, your being to stubborn to see that this isn't a fight we can win. Not without Cas, or the angels backing us up.” I said, tears welling in my eyes.
“Fine, we'll head out tomorrow, we'll head to Kansas to stop that werewolf.”

Two days later.

“Dean? Where are you?” I shouted into the medium sized hotel room. I could hear running water, the silence. The door opened and out walked Dean, full frontal, and dripping.
“Um...Dean...” I said as I cast my eyes away from him. I couldn't explain what was happening, he is my brother, yet...I wanted to look.
“Oh, hiya Sammy. Sorry, didn't know you were here.” he said grinning as he bent down to grab his underwear from the dresser drawer.
“Okay, well I am now, so can you please get some cloths on?” I said, though they sounded wrong, my heart fighting with my mind.
“Oh, c'mon Sam, its not like you haven't seen it before.” he said his eyes shifting down to mine, as he popped his eyebrows up. “Its natural.” he grinned.
“Okay, yeah I've seen it, doesn't mean I need to see everyone's.”

After he was dressed he set down at the small desk and I went over all the research I had gathered.
“Looks like the werewolf is Vincent Marco V, he wasn't bitten, but his dad was one, so,” I was stopped
“Wait how do you know his dad was a wolf?”
“Because dad put him down, six years ago, remember?”
“Ah, yeah, it was right before you went off to college, gotcha. So whats are plan?”
“Well werewolves like dark places with lots of potential prey. There's a bar down on 12th and Main that I think is a perfect spot for a werewolf smorgasbord.” I said laughing.
“Then we'll leave at sundown.”