Status: Updating soon.

Same Guy

I Know This Isn't What I Wanted

Every girl has three guys in her life: the one she loves, the one she hates, & the one she can't live without.

Growing up in Thunder Bay wasn't Caitlin's decision. Getting her heart broken wasn't her idea. If she had learned anything from 18 years on this earth it was that nothing comes without a cost. That goodbyes will always hurt & pictures will never replace having been there. Memories good or bad will always bring tears & words can never replace those feelings. Life throws everyone unexpected curve balls, & they all just have to learn how to deal with what they get, even if it's not what they wanted.

The last sunset of summer was on the horizon as the previous seniors made their way down to the lake. Soon they would be heading off in different directions, some staying in Canada to go to University others moving to the states. Everybody had their own plans, & then there was her, Caitlin. She wasn't one of the most popular girls in school but everybody knew who she was. Whether it be for her kind & friendly demeanor or who she had invested time in, they all knew the dark haired green eyed girl. Caitlin's loose curls swayed in the cool breeze as she fought to keep her white sundress from blowing up.

"I told you it was windy." Mel said noticing the smile that her best friend was sporting, the smile that had been absent from her pretty face for far too long.

"Shut up!" She replied before climbing into the short blonde's black Jeep Wrangler with the
girl she had spent her whole entire summer with. The two had been best friends since middle school, they had been there for each other threw thick & thin. Nothing could possibly change that.

"How are you?" Mel asked obviously concerned as she stole a glance at Caitlin before her eyes returned to the road in front of her.

"What do you mean?" She questioned arching her left eyebrow as she stared down her friend. Mel could feel her gaze on the side of her face, wondering what she had gotten herself into she sighed.

"You know... this is your first big party since..." She trailed of regretting the fact she had brought the subject up at all before consciously deciding it was for the best. She didn't want Caitlin to be uncomfortable at the party. "since he left." she finally spat out after a moment of deliberation. Caitlin shook her head as an annoyed look crept across her facial features.

"I can't believe you, why would you even bring him up?" She wondered, not bothering to give Mel a moment to answer the question. "That was the end of last summer, it's been a year Mel!" speaking louder. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine before you start to believe me?" she whispered before silence washed over the both of them. Caitlin was telling the truth, she was fine. Until that cozy white house came into view, his old house, that hit a nerve.

"Hey dad." Caitlin said greeting her father as she came down the stairs heading straight towards the fridge. The slim big breasted brunette poured herself a glass of orange juice before joining her father at the kitchen table where he sat reading the news paper.

"Hi princess." He replied looking up with a smile, he was a single dad doing the best that he could.

"Have you talked to Henry lately?" She wondered curiously as she sipped her drink.

"Nope, I haven't talked to him in about a week. why?" He asked, a worried expression
covering his face. She instantly wondered why they hadn't spoken for a week, her father Matt was best friends with Henry.

"No particular reason, I just haven't heard from Jordan." She explained pushing all the horrible reasons that were crowding her head to the side. Her father could see a worried look in her eyes as he stood from the table.

"You know Henry did mention something about Vancouver." He said as he began to walk towards the sink, stopping right next to Caitlin's chair. "I'm sure he'll call." He reassured her gently squeezing her shoulder before placing his coffee cup in the kitchen sink. Caitlin forced a smile as she nodded her head hoping that would make her believe him, when that didn't work she headed for the door. "Where you going?" He asked.

"I think I'm going to take a drive over to the Staals, see what's up." She explained before making her way towards her Pontiac Grandam.

"Be careful" Matt hollered from the kitchen loud enough for her to hear. The 5 minute ride seemed like it was taking her hours, most likely because of all the possibilities running through her head. None of which would be an acceptable excuse as to why a boyfriend of 5 years hadn't taken a second out of his day to let her know what was up. Pulling into the Staal's driveway anxiety washed over her. Caitlin took a deep breath before retreating from the car towards the dark blue door she had grown familiar with.

She knocked once, no answer.

She knocked twice, no answer.

She knocked three times, no answer. The slim girl began to turn away, worry overcoming her features.

"Caitlin?" She heard a comforting voice turning to look into the blue eyes of Jared Staal. "What are you doing here?" He asked curiously.

"I'm here to see Jordan." Caitlin stated, she couldn't help but think how different this seemed. Most day's, no matter who answered the door, whether it be Linda, Henry or Jared they'd all say the same thing when they saw her face. 'Jordan's upstairs' or 'He's out by the rink'. No one, not once in her whole life of knowing the Staal's did they ask her what she was doing there. The air grew silent as Jared stood in awe shaking his head in disappointment. "What Jared?" She asked with an obvious scared tone in her voice.

"He didn't tell you?" He asked astonished that his brother could be so dumb. Caitlin looked at him with a confused expression which answered his question. "I can't fucking believe him." Jared whisper yelled not making any eye contact what so ever. "That's honestly the last thing I expected him to do." He continued still completely shocked & outraged.

"Jared, tell me." She pleaded after standing in silence for a moment.

"He got drafted..." He trailed off taking a deep breath, angry that he was the one that had to tell her. "He's been gone all week."

Caitlin stared at him intently trying to make sense of it all, she was speechless. One minute everything was fine & the next her world was crumbling around her. She should be proud of him she thought to herself but she couldn't get the thought that 'she wasn't good enough' out of her brain. She had so many questions but she couldn't even ask him, her heart was shattering as the seconds passed as all things they'd never get to do together flashed in her mind. A single tear slid down her cheek & her stomach began to churn.

"Are you okay?" Jared asked concern written all over his face. "You're looking really pale, maybe you should sit do...." Before he could finish his sentence she was passed out in his arms. He easily lifted her limp body, carrying her up the stairs towards Jordan's old room. Jared gently placed her on her back & elevated her legs hoping she would wake up. When she didn't he went with plan B, grabbing a bottle of Vodka out of Jordan's stash. He lightly poured some on a paper towel before placing it under her nose. In seconds her green eyes fluttered open, confused as to how she had ended up where she was.

"I..." She she began to speak before remembering the last thing that happened, the news Jared had spilled. "I really need to go." She said jumping up, instantly becoming dizzy. Tears brimming the edges of her eyes making her vision blurry.

"Relax." He whispered pulling her close, Caitlin began to push him away. She didn't want to be there in that room. She wanted to get away & forget everything she had found out moment's earlier. "You're going to be fine." He reassured her as she finally stopped fighting him & let the tears fall. Jared held her until she couldn't cry anymore.

Her mind was racing as she thought about how something so horrible could create a friendship as great as theirs. He was her go to guy, her best friend, besides Mel. Both of which were there to keep her mind off of things, things that would be painful to remember...

"Caitlin, we're here." Mel said pulling her out of her deep thoughts before they both climbed from the Jeep. "You sure you're okay?" She asked once again.

"Yes, I'm fine." She replied with a forced smile as she made her way down towards the lake. Caitlin sighed, she was ready for what ever the night brought her way, or so she thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally, I know. I'm sorry this took so long to post.
I really hope you guys enjoy it.

Comment's are greatly appreciated & they often inspire me to update :)