Blink Again

A Living Nightmare

Morning came and I didn’t dare to open my eyes yet. A whiff of honeysuckle passed by me and it reminded me of the little girl, of Kylie. I closed my eyes tighter and hoped that it was all a dream. My husband shook me awake and the smell of waffles replaced my smell of honeysuckle. I looked at him with my bloodshot eyes and rambled on about my dream. I decided to dismiss the whole incident as a dream since I have been stressed out lately. The next night, it happened again. Every time I blinked. I saw the image of the little girl and heard her faint giggle. The little girls laugh was like the song of the sirens drawing me toward her. Every night I stared back at the little girl not daring to not blink. It felt like I was fixed in a trance I could never escape.
This happened every night. Every time I blinked, she was there, giggling. My husband took me to the doctor and the doctor suggested I go see a psychiatrist. I refused to go and to be labeled as one of those crazy people. I went home after the doctor’s appointment and decided to take a nice long shower. I grabbed my shampoo and washed my hair. A bit of shampoo dripped into my eyes and burned. I quickly rinsed out my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw the little girl staring at me holding a small dagger in her pale hands. I gasped and blinked again. And like that, she disappeared. I rubbed my eyes and shrugged the image I just saw. In the corner of my eyes I saw crimson blood drop from my leg. I screamed and ran out of the shower and jumped in bed trying to get rid of the dream that I was having. At the end, I realize it was not. I ended up going to the hospital and got stitches. On the ride home, my husband and I decided to go visit the girl. My husband hoped that this would help end my nightmares and help stop my strange behavior. I waited in the car while he went to talk with the foster home people. I stared at them while they conversed. No one’s expression changed, everyone had a straight face. At the end my husband walked back at looked at me for the longest time.
“What?” I asked, “Where is she then?”
He looked at the ground and gave a soft nervous chuckle. “The folks told me that she died not too long ago from a high fever. They said that before that, she accidently dropped her knife on her and cut herself on the leg while she was eating. She was somehow traumatized and got a fever shortly after that. Before she passed, she lost her sight from the fever.”
I stared back at him with Kylie’s words stuck in the back of my head “Everything should be even.” I stared at my leg and realized that the cut was like from that of a cutting knife. I gulped and held myself tightly. I knew what was coming for me soon. Kylie wanted even, and she’ll get even.
The next night I blinked multiple times and I saw the little girl again holding her blanket coming towards me.
“Mommy, I can’t see, and neither will you” she whispered.
The next morning, I woke up and my sight was gone. Darkness was all I saw and I couldn’t blink anymore. I mean I could, but it was no use. As much as I wanted to blink to make everything go away, I was stuck hearing the little girl’s giggles around the house every day, until the day I die. Or in Kylie’s words, until the day when we are both even.
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Last part. I hope you guys enjoyed it