The Adventures of Cat and Kat.


"NO NO, NOT ME!" Kat cried.

The unicorn looked confused. Then angry, then happy, then he started skipping around in the grass, then he started to roll around on the flowers. Then he started to hump a flower "OH YESHHH!" The unicorn cried.

Kat stood there, entranced in the adult visuals she was seeing there, right before her very own eyes! This time she didn't have to pay for the movies!

Cat got up very weakly.."Kattt...weee must leaaavveeeee...Baaackkk to the U..SSSS" Cat said and stood up.

"But but." Kat whined.

Cat grabbed her by her shoe and used her new power that she got from the rape she just received. She flew to the U.S

Cat stood on the ground of the U.S "WE MADE IT!" she happily rejoiced.

She looked behind her, to see just little Kat's shoe!
Cat thought 'OH MI OH MY! I MUST SAVE MY LITTLE BUUDDY!' but then she decided to go to her house and open the fridge.
She got her spagetti. heated it up.
She got her sombrero. Put it on.
She got her accent. Stuffed it down her throat.

She viciously jumped on her couch. "RARARARARARARARARARARARARARA!" She yelled like a banshee...or was it a unicorn? We may never know.

She turned on the TV and watched the most horrible Movie ever, worste ratings, not raunchy, no swears, a rating that I couldn't even think of.
It was a love movie, a chick flick, a kiddie love flick.

Oh how Cat longed for a lover...
[To be continued...]

And that is how Fire was made...stupid caveman say they made it. LIARS!