Status: Just created. Not sure yet.

Break All Your Rules

We could be happy, can't you see?

I walked out of my AP History class, smiling and breathless. We had just spent all class debating, and I had been voted to argue my team’s side. I loved to debate – I had a competitive streak a mile long – and I had gone all-out. I was on a high from winning, and as I turned the corner to go to my locker, it all went away. Mason was leaning casually against the wall, arms crossed. He nodded in recognition as I stomped by him, quickly pulling open my combination lock and glancing at my books, mind already processing exactly what to take.

“You’re very competitive, Fiona Eriksson.” He smiled. “And very quick to open that lock.”

“Pre-set it to the third number before I leave so all I have to do is pull it,” I explained. “And yes, I am very competitive.”

“I saw part of your debate.” He flinched as I slammed my binders around, getting out my stuff for the next class. “You’re vicious.”

“Thank you.” I paused, zipped up my backpack, and closed the door. “Now, why are you here?” I asked as I turned my lock to its last number in the combination. I started walking and, as expected, Mason followed.

“I’ve got a challenge for you.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. Tell me now, before I lose interest.” I knew I was being bitchy, but I couldn’t help it. I was PMS-ing horribly, and anybody who had known me for any length of time knew I was not responsible for my actions during the one week leading up to that “time of the month.”

“Ooh, someone’s bitchy,” Mason said, putting his hands up in front of chest in defense.

“Get to your point, Aguirre.”

“Fine. I challenge you to go on a date with me.” I opened my mouth to interrupt, but he motioned for me to hold on. “Just one. If you’re miserable and you hate it, you get the glorious prize of me never speaking to you again. If you like it, though, I get to go out with you in the future. And I get the satisfaction of being right.”

I laughed out loud. “Like I’m gonna go for that. Nice try.” The bell rang and I stopped in the doorway of my next class. “Mason, just give up. We’re not supposed to be together.”

I left him with that and went into the classroom, closing the door behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Really, I am.
So here you go. I'm updating at least twice today, for real.
Anybody who can tell me anything about the song used for this title gets a super awesome web cookie! :D
Question: how's the detail in this?
Love you!