Status: Just created. Not sure yet.

Break All Your Rules

Think of all the joy we'd feel

He pulled up in front of my house after we had finished the movie, singing along and laughing. The sing-along continued as we listened to the soundtrack in the car. I was really enjoying myself. He stopped in my driveway, and I felt my heart sink a little. As he let the car idle, I placed my hand on the door and looked at him.



“Who won? Is there a second date, possibly?” he added hopefully.

“Have you ever seen A Hard Day’s Night starring the Beatles?”

“No…” He looked confused.

“Tomorrow at seven, if you’re not busy, you can come over and watch it with me.” I smiled as he broke out into a huge grin, showing all of his teeth.

“Sure. So I’m guessing this means -”

“Just a second date, Mason. I had a really great time tonight, and I want to try this out. Nothing serious.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Seven?”

♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh, another short chapter.
But I has a video for you guys to watch!
:D Click on the smiley face. You have to see this! It's my new ringtone. :)
So yeah.
I'd love to hear from you guys. Just drop me a comment with your favorite parts of chapters, tell me your predictions, give me some suggestions or concrit - really. It helps me write more and post more.
And also - I'm making story layouts and banners now. If you'd like one, just message me!
Love ya guys!