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Dare to Dream

Down a different path

marianne's POV

“Are you serious!?” her voice cut the tense atmosphere between us like a knife; she flashed a dark, sinister smile before throwing back her head and laughing. She shook her head and took a step back, not watching where she was treading and tripping on a chunk of uneven ground. She came towards her and snarled down at her pitiful place on the ground, beneath me.

“I know who you are, you’re a liar and I want nothing to do with you, so leave me alone! If that doesn’t scare you away then I don’t know what will so get this in your head; I have no friends and you will not be the first, I don’t like you and that is that!” she stressed each and every syllable so she would get the message, her eyes widened with realisation and she scrabbled to get up, she laughed again at her brilliant reaction before walking back towards the orphanage down a different path.

The argument kept running through her head, she couldn’t stop thinking about how amber could have found her out so quickly, she wouldn’t give up though. Amber would be her friend and she would like it, before she was another person who would take away the loneliness but now she had to know her.

That was her problem, why she had lied, she hadn’t been kicked out. She had killed her parents because they had tried to hard not to know her, she was a disappointment and the harder she tried the more they ignored her. But know she had a reaction and that was all it took.

Amber was a challenge that wouldn’t end in disappointment, she was sure of it. All she needed was some gentle persuasion, some trust and of course; a little something to loosen her up.

She smiled as the idea came upon her, first she would gain her trust and then, then she would entrust amber with her secret.

She fished her phone out of her pocket, “Andy, you there?” she spoke through the receiver of the old phone.

“Yeah, what dya want? I’m not cleaning up another of your messes” he spoke in a voice that reminded her of a car running over gravel, she could rely on Andy.

“No, nothing like that, I just need some...” there conversation trailed on for almost four hours before she abruptly said goodbye and slammed the phone shut, time to set the plan to action.
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It's a filler 'cause i'm too lazy to write and i haven't been to well lately, i'm sorry :(
I know it's a funny pov but i wanted it to start going somewhere and this was a good understanding point :)
Thank you too:
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B u n n y - V e e

You guys are the reason i update! :D