Lost Souls


New York is famous for social events hosted by rich people with far too many time on their hands. Especially vampires.

What I hated though, was when my nice team mates get invited to a masquerade ball and then trick me into going to said ball by saying it’s a ‘mission’.

I sulked in the limo, looking at the soft fabric of the dark blue dress that Crystal put me in. I remember being all willing, thinking ‘oh it’s a mission, I need to camouflage’, while she made me put on the dark blue dress.

The straps were thick and off the shoulder, and with its tight bodice intricately designed with black lace and semi-low neck, there was a lot of cleavage showing. The skirt flared, with little diamonds—and since Crystal handed me this dress, then it was definitely authentic diamonds—making it look like the night’s sky.

To compliment the dress, she gave me earrings that hung like a teardrop and a necklace with a big ass diamond for a pendant. Well, big enough.

Then, she shoved these stilettos in my way, and I knew that unless I broke off the heel and used it as a weapon, my feet would be killing me.

To top it off though was this beautiful Venetian mask. It covered my whole face. It was white but the eyes were lined in silver-shimmery paint and on the left cheek was a dark blue treble clef.

Have I mentioned I’m a sucker for Venetian masks? They’re just so pretty.

And even though I was ultimately played, I had to admit, I looked really nice.

Snapping my out from my thoughts and my mood of feeling completely stupid, Raphael said, “Come on Ray Ray, you need to loosen up.” I narrowed my eyes on him. I need to loosen up? Me?

“Yeah honey, you train and work all the time. You deserve some fun, and who knows, you might just get lucky,” Crystal said, wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed even though it probably wasn't likely. Not in this dress. There’s just too much…poof.

The limo stopped and I looked at the two of them steadily.

They looked right back at me.

I sighed and placed the cool ceramic mask on. Raphael smiled triumphantly as if he won something--oof, insert ‘roll eyes’ right here—and Crystal squealed and hugged me.

Almost breaking my back in the process.

Werewolves and their strength.

Christophe DeBeaux now known as Louis (Anne Rice much?) is very famous for being a ruthless, coldhearted SOB. His fighting skills are amazing. With his super fast speed and strength that is strong even in vampire standards, he makes a difficult opponent and definitely someone you don’t want on your bad side.

He’s also different.

The first time I met him was a few years back, about ten years, in France. Raphael was injured, badly, and I was, for once truly scared that I might lose my friend. Then he appeared and told me to bring Raphael. This mysterious vampire, with dirty blonde hair that was tied back by a simple ribbon and cold eyes that spoke of trials that no one could possibly overcome, led me to his home where someone took Raphael from me.

When I was waiting, praying for Raphael to live, he stood and watched me and simply said, “You’re deadly. You’re nothing anyone knows. I like you.”

Initially I was appalled. He, someone who never even heard me speak, discovered that I was not a typical supernatural. In a short period of time, he had figured out what I am, all the while still not pinpointing exactly.

If anything, any supernatural would think of me as a new born vampire.

The way we tell what someone is can’t be defined simply. It’s not a scent. It’s a feeling; there’s just something telling us that the person in front of you is a witch or a vampire.

I remember staring at him for a long while and then shrugging.

And weirdly enough, we became friends.

So when I entered the huge room, the first person who spotted me was Christophe—I’m privileged enough to call him that. If it bothered him, he would’ve told me—despite me looking entirely different.

He embraced me and I found myself grinning behind the mask. Then turned to Raphael and Crystal. “I see you got her out.”

I scowled even though he couldn’t see it. Was I really that bad?

“I’m going to get a drink,” I muttered, leaving the three.

While walking I bumped into someone, sending me off balance. Strong arms steadied me. I knew it was a guy and that he was a vampire.

“Are you okay?”

I froze. My heart started to beat fiercely.

The voice. That all too familiar voice. The one I never wanted to hear. Ever.

My eyes flew up to Damon’s face.

Oh my holy fucking shit.