Lost Souls


Maxwell Danvers was the real deal ‘Tall, Dark and Handsome’. Immortal and a mage, powerful beyond words and in fact, the only one who knows the true extent of my boss’ powers is himself. He’s easy going and wasn’t really our boss. He was a great friend to the whole troop but it was evident who led. We all gladly followed him. But more than ever, he was scary. His aura itself was dark and that alone gets people to stay away.

He was wearing Doc Marten boots, dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt that hugged his muscles and barely hid the tattoos he had on his arms. He went to Crystal.


Before I could’ve joined Max and Crystal, Damon’s voice cut through theirs. I was a little surprised he was still next to me. I tuned out of whatever Crystal was saying and looked at Damon.


“What the Hell was that?” his voice was laced with anger. I blinked. Whoa, calm down Lassy.

“Um, an attempted assassination I’m guessing. Huh, I wished we could’ve videotaped him jus so I could like stamp a big ass ‘fail’ over it. So pitiful really.”

“Rayna,” he said my name sharply. “You’re bleeding.”

Oh right. I shrugged. “Just a scratch. Probably healed anyways.” I wiped off the blood on my cheek. “See, all gone.”

“Why were you bleeding in the first place?” he asked. I could feel Damon’s temper raising.

Oh oh.

See this is why I don’t have boyfriends. Because when someone tries to kill me, they freak out. I mean God, how irritating.

“Listen Damon, I need you to leave right now.”

Damon grabbed my arm. “I need answers dammit!”

I was breathing heavily.



That’s what I needed to be and what I struggled a lot to accomplish. I stared at his hand, grasping my arm tightly. I could easily break free from his clutch.

Then Damon started again. “I can handle you being with Stefan but answer me! Why do you have a gun? Who are these people?”

I really considered knocking him out. And shit, me with Stefan? I would’ve laughed in his face if I wasn’t so very pissed.

Instead, I looked at him steadily. “Listen to me Damon and listen carefully. You are not whatsoever my boyfriend and you have no right to ask the questions you’re asking. We’re not even friends.” I saw his visibly flinch but I didn’t stop. “Not to mention what’s between me and Stefan is none of your fucking business. Now these people behind me can kill your fucking vampire ass without blinking. And I, I am just as good. In fact, I’d laugh while killing you.
“Now, I think you need to leave.”

He held my gaze. “I don’t think you would kill me Rayna. Now who is it that wants to kill you?”

“That’s a good question.” That came from Max. The two of us turned to him. The fae was gone and was replaced with Ransom, the owner. He had sandy brown hair and hazel eyes with a dangerous glint in them. He was lanky but don’t let appearances fool you, he’s a tough motherfucker and could more than well hold his own.

Richard was still there, rubbing his wrist. “Hurts?” I asked as I walked up to the group. He shrugged.

Maxwell came in front of me and looked at me straight in the eyes. “What the fuck happened?”

“Whatever Crystal said Max, was it. I could’ve felt the attackers determination to have that knife in my back. But before I could even see him, he was gone and just like that, I lost whatever link I could to start probing his mind.” I sucked my teeth. “Damn it, I feel so stupid. Why the fuck didn’t I feel him sooner?”

“What were you doing before that?” he asked.

I jabbed a finger into Damon’s direction. “Was talking to him.”

Max looked at Damon and must’ve decided something mentally ‘cause he nodded and stepped away from me. “Alright, well let’s go back to the ‘quarters.” I nodded.

Crystal hugged me. “Oh honey! I meant for this to be a relaxing time. Oh look what he did to your hair!” I smiled.

“You kidding? I loved tonight!” A lie. “I just wished I could’ve gone face to face with that dickspit.” Complete truth. “And for the hair, it doesn’t matter. You could fix it for me.” Crystal grinned and nodded in agreement.

“Let’s go before Max comes and drags us by the hair all the while complaining about women.” I smiled even wider. Sounds just like our fearless leader.

As soon as we caught up with Max we began to head out. I stopped short as Damon appeared before me. Shit, couldn’t he be a good vampire and just stay back in the club? “What are you doing?” I demanded. From my peripheral vision I saw Max and Crystal both stop, looking at the two of us with interest. Oh boy.

“Why is it you were going to leave me behind? I need answers.You may not consider us friends but we had something.” He took my hand into his. I snatched it away from him, irritated.

“An old flame Rayna?” Maxwell asked, amused. I could see Crystal trying to hide a smile as well.

“In that case,” Crystal piped up, “maybe he should come with us.”

I glared at her and then at Damon when I saw him smirking. “Ugh, he’s not an old flame.” I looked directly at Damon. “You’re not an old flame!” He stepped closer to me, smirking.

“Then give me chance to be a new one.” I knew he was joking but I was still affected by his closeness and his words anyways.

I stepped back and fumbled, falling on my ass. Ouch. I glared as all three of them laughed at me. Some friends. Laughing with the enemy.

Damon stretched his hand for me to take. I ignored it; I don’t need him to help me. Max stopped laughing and said, “In any case, he was with you when the incident took place. He could more than well be a suspect.”

Damon shrugged.

Oh damn.