
Humble Beginnings

“Panic is what drives this universe” I thought, when I saw the riot. My brother Rafe was always starting riots. But never this big. Too bad I had to go meet up with some friends. My ex-coven will have to deal with this. What a shame. Rolling my eyes at no one (it's a bad habit) I started walking towards the large building on the corner of 5'th and 21'st. Boy was I looking forward to seeing Lucy, Cassandra, Art, And Marius again. Especially Lucy. Blushing I ran into the building, through the lobby with it's fifty's shag carpet, and into the completely white elevator. Pressing for the basement, I stood there and let the cheesy music be the only thing I thought about. For a moment. Visions kept coming up. Of Skyler, a hippie Fae that was killed by Rafe's “pack”. It would not have mattered except Skyler was vital to breaking the curse that killed my best friend and almost lover Rain. I still thought about Rain. A lot. Too much. That's when I realized that Cassandra was in the elevator next to me. I jumped in surprise. “How did you get here?” I asked suspiciously. She chuckled. “my my Caden. Were you so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you didn't notice me? I live in this building and you know it.” I blushed. In case you haven't noticed yet, I blush way to often. Always at the wrong times. “Yes, that is true.” I said, careful not to show any emotion. During the long silence that followed I twirled my fingers through my black and red hair. No need to say anything else.
Soon, with a small “ding” the doors opened and we were let into the small meeting room. Me and Cassandra were the first ones here it seemed. While walking across the large basement to the darker section, I embraced magic. When I reached the spot I wished to sit in, I conjured up a chair. Not hard, but you definitely needed the talent to conjure even the most simple wooden stool. Motioning for Cassandra to sit down I walked across the little spot to start making chairs for everyone. Smiling at me she sat down. “Caden are you all right?” she asked, half kidding, half serious. “You aren't your normal talkative self!” I managed a weak smile. “you got me their Cassandra. I had to quit my latest coven. They wanted to perform genetic experiments on my brother and Stefan. All I had the guts to do was cast spells on Stefan. And I only cast 15. 136 others were cast by other coven members.” She looked at me like I was a man a crying man she loved. She did that to everyone. I knew better. Or at least now I do “Oh Caden that's terrible!” She half squealed. “I cannot believe that they. . .!” She was interrupted by the sound of an elevator arriving. Out stepped Marius and Lucy. They were always together. Always. I stole a quick glance at Lucy. She was calm yet excited about something. Marius was looking quite excited. To some extent. He and Cassandra hated one another with every bone in their body's. Marius then looked at me and his face went kind. “Long Time no see, Caden! How have you been?” The third oldest vampire of our group ( I was the first born, Cassandra the fourth, Marius the third, etc.) “I'm great thank you” I said, beaming. “Oh sure.” I heard Cassandra mutter. “Smile at him but not me.” I quickly avoided looking at Marius knowing that if our eyes caught he would burst out laughing, and I would probably sob. Only me, Cassandra, Lucy, and Marius knew what happened during the American revolution, and I intended to keep it that way. “Have you talked to Rafe lately?” I asked the pair of them. “When will he be here?” By now we were all sitting. “Always worried about him aren't you.” Cassandra said. “I never talk to him and you know that they don't either.” I flushed a bit. I guess I did know that. “No, I'm afraid he's going to kill someone over something stupid. He does tend to kill without reason.” There was a loud bang on the door and I heard my brother say “I didn't kill anyone, but someone did try to kill me!” Out of the corner of my eye I saw him carrying a carcass. “I think you might know her Caden.” After throwing the corpse at my feet he started walking away. I wasn't that surprised that someone died until. . .wait, that was . . .she was. . .Myy ex-covens leader!
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It's short