Status: 110% Active Babeyyyy! ;) ^___^

Enchanted Hell

that green eyed monster; 03

Robbie laughed and sat back on his heels. For a moment, his face turned dark but it passed quickly and I convinced myself I'd imagined it. I sighed contentedly. This birthday turned out much better than I'd expected it too. I was stuck in a house with the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. Ever. I mean, all the boys in my school were just that. High school boys. Stupid, immature and just plain, ugh! Trapped in a house with a hot boy and my best friend. What more could a girl wish for? Well there is one thing...

For said gorgeous guy to look past the blonde haired, green eyed beauty of my best friend and look at me. And like what he see. I shook my head quickly, ridding myself of the ugly thoughts that threatened to close in on my mind. I had never been jealous of Hails. Ever. Even when she got picked for the leading role in the school play, Alice in Wonderland, and I ended up being a dude wearing a giant playing card. I was not going to start now. Even if Robbie was gorgeous...

Snap out of it!

"Anybody want hot chocolate?" Asked Robbie. We both nodded frantically and he chuckled. "Regan, want to help me get the drinks?" My heart leapt. He chose me. Me! I was probably grinning like a fool but I didn't care. Me! He chose me! No one ever chose me over Hails! She was gorgeous and I was...well, I was me. I quickly got up and went to follow him, turning for a second to grin at Hails. For a second the look she gave me chilled me to the bone but she shook her head quickly and grinned at me.

"Go!" She said, winking at me. I did.

Robbie took me by the hand and lead me through a maze of corridors. I tried to memorise the way we had come but it was no use. It seemed like we were going on forever but it must have been only a few minutes. For some reason I felt like we were going round in circles but I didn't say anything. It was his house after all, he must know where he was going. We finally came into the kitchen and there was already three mugs of hot chocolate complete with whipped cream and a flake set up. I looked at him, confused. He rolled his eyes.

"My grandma must have set them up. Sometimes shes pshycic, seriously. Can you take the one over there?" I nodded and took two of them instead. His nostrils flared. "No it's okay, I can take two of them." I shook my head.

"I got these, don't worry." He gripped my arm.

"No seriously, I can take it." His voice had gone cold and his grip on my arm was tightening. His eyes bore into mine with such intensity that I winced. I tried to pull my arm free but he just gripped tighter. He was starting to hurt me now.

"Ow..Robbie, your hurting me." The sound of my voice seemed to snap him out of it and he blinked a few timess before looking down at my arm and quickly letting go, as if he was burnt. I took a step back from him, as if to run and he shook his head.

"Oh, Ree, I'm so sorry. I...I went into a trance. It happens sometimes. The doctor said its inherited or something. Sorry."

Of course, that must be it. Robbie would never hurt me on purpose...

"Chill Robbie, It's fine don't worry. If you can't help it, you can't help it." I gave him what I hoped was a reassuring smile and handed him one of the one of the two mugs I was holding. He smiled sheepihly at me and started to lead the way. I'm not sure if my imagination was playing tricks on me but the way back seemes much shorter this time. We were back in under a minute and Hails leapt up when we re-entered the door. Her face was flustered and she had obviously been caught by surprise.

"Hey your back..that was quick." I laughed at her awkward tone of voice and Robbie handed her a hot chocolate. She sipped it slowly and I went and sat by her.

"I'll be back in a sec', I just need to go and check something." Said Robbie and left abruptly. Hails and I looked at eachother, confused. Deciding that it was safe enough to talk about Robbie, I leaned in closer to her.

"Uh, wow! He's like ah-may-zing!" I said giggling and she nodded, spilling some of her hot chocolate in the process. "I think I'm going to go for it. What do you think?" She snorted and shook her head.

"Uh, you've only just met him! Look, I like him too okay, so to make it fair we should just declare him out of bounds or something." My heart sank for a second but I shook my head. It was a ridiculous idea any way, he would never go for a girl like me and besides, I was going to college in like, two weeks and long distance relationships hardly ever work out.

"Yeah. Out of bounds, got it." She laughed at my expression and pushed my slightly, I pushed her back and she knocked her hot chocolate over.

" Oops" She said and we both burst out laughing. She went to try and mop it up with her t-shirt and my mind wandered. Robbie...there was just something about him, I was so drawn to him, unlike anything I had ever felt scared me.

It scared me bad
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 3 is here :) What do you guys think? Sorry about the wait, by the way. The story got deleted a few times :S

Thanks for all the comments and subscribers. We <3 You. This chapter was written by me (Rosie) :]

Feedback is awesome, keep it coming :D

Rolo + Marelle ^_^