Tonight, Not Again

Get Out of Jail Free

The brief conversation with my mother had left me belittled and embarrassed. Belittled because to her, I was basically a tramp. Embarrassed because Rob had heard it all.
I stuck my head inside the refrigerator so I wouldn’t have to meet the face of the footsteps that padded into the kitchen.
“I rolled for you.” Rob cleared his throat. “You’re in jail.”
I looked up, banging my head into the top of the fridge.
“Ouch.” Rob cringed, but stayed by the counter. “You just can’t keep that melon from hitting anything, can you?”
I stared at him for a second, just wanting to chuck the glass I was holding at the wall. But then I just laughed. What else could I really do? Looking relieved to see me smiling, Rob began to laugh too.
“So your mum seems…lovely.” He mused as he crossed the kitchen. “Need any help?”
“Oh yes, the only thing missing is the broom.” I loved the woman, but she was incredibly judgmental.
“She didn’t like Brett?” I watched as Rob leaned against the counter, tugging at his hair. He looked slightly nervous.
“She did, but she didn’t like the idea of such commitment. To her, I am still seven and unable to take care of myself.”
“So she obviously doesn’t like me…” Rob’s eyes shifted under his eyelashes. He kept fiddling with stuff. I found it ironic that he was the one concerned about the impression he’s making on my mother, when he was also the one [possibly] sleeping with several other women.
“Now, how did you figure that out?” I smiled coyly, wanting to avoid the conversation.
“It’s quite…evident.” He began pacing a bit. “It’s a little uncomfortable.”
In my head, I wanted to tell him that if was uncomfortable he could leave. But the adorable expression on his way made me bite my tongue. We stared at one another for what seemed like hours, but then I quickly remembered that he was only playing me.
As I grabbed the new pitcher of Sangria, Rob caught my lips. His hands lingered on my hips as he deepened the kiss.
“Thanks for letting me stay.”
I momentarily lost my train of thought and blinked. “Oh…don’t mention it.”
Rob stared hard into my eyes, his brow knitting. I was slightly frightened at how badly I wanted to know what he was thinking whenever he looked at me.

Hearing Zoey blatantly say that she and I were not together stung me. This wasn’t a game to me anymore but as much as I wanted to believe otherwise, Zoey was still playing. To top it all off, she thought I was seeing somebody else. I knew there were a lot of photos of me and my female costars circulating through the tabloids, but I never gave her any reason to think that way. Or did I?
I thought I made it abundantly clear at the party that Kate and I were finished, though Kate felt otherwise. She called or sent text messages several times a week, so much that I considered changing my number. And then there was Kristen. Despite the onslaught of headlines declaring that we were secretly planning a wedding (where the fuck they got that idea I hadn’t the foggiest), we were just friends. I guess Zoey could fall for it—it’s a Hollywood cliché.
Then again, I couldn’t help but think that Zoey only said to avoid her own infidelities. What if she was seeing someone else?