Between Two Worlds

Chloe | Taylor

When Chloe ran away from home, she didnt know where else to go but as far away as she could get. When she arrives in LA, after hitch hiking all the way there, she's dumped on Taylor Lautner's doorstep, after knocking at his door to ask to use the bathroom and fainting at the site of the actors face, Chloe is offered to stay with Taylor as long as she needs to.

Chloe isnt planning on staying long though, she's heard about these people who let fame get to their head and she thinks Taylor is one of them ,so she doesnt wanna stick around.

Buit for some reason Taylor doesnt want her to leave, and does whatever he can to prove he's not like all the others.

"Why are you so interested in me anyway?"

"To be honest, i really dont know... your different i guess"