Sequel: Tour With Me
Status: Completed. 6/20/2010

Dance with Me

Happily Sharing Cookies

Natalie’s POV

I sat there completely dazed. I couldn’t describe the way that I was feeling right now, that’s how much I was in a daze. My mind was blank and I couldn’t seem to focus on anything anymore.

Sure, I may have smiled at Justin before he left but that was almost involuntary. It was the same as every smile I had been giving him since he kissed me. I simply couldn’t control them. I guess my body was so happy that I finally got to have my moment with Justin that it would only let me smile.

Not that it’s a bad thing. Even if I could control my actions, I think I would have smiled as soon as Justin was gone anyway. Why, because I finally got to have my moment, although most of the time I was the one ruining it. I had waited so long for the moment, or at least it felt like I had waited that long for it.

When the moment finally came…I don’t know what happened. I kissed him back on impulse because…it felt almost…natural. Of course everything that I felt during the kiss could have easily caused me to mistake it for something out of supernatural. It was way to…..amazing for it to be natural.

I never actually kissed a guy on impulse the way that I had with Justin. Of course I have before when I was expecting it but when a guy kissed me and I didn’t see it coming normally I would hesitate slightly before kissing him back. But with Justin, there was absolutely no hesitation. It was automatic, it was involuntary, just like my smiles afterward the kiss. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing Justin back, either time that he kissed me.

I don’t know if it was that way because Justin and I have both had a good amount of experience, or if it was because, it was supposed to be that way when we kissed.

I opened the front door and stepped outside, still slightly dazed. The sun was high in the sky and shining brightly. It was a hot day, the same way that it always was when summer was approaching, but somehow I didn’t notice the heat. Somehow I was completely void of noticing how hot it was outside. I could however feel the warmth inside of me though.

The sound of a car honking caused me to snap out of my gaze. I noticed that I was standing in front of Bryan’s car. Dante was sitting in the passenger seat waving excitedly at me with a huge toothy grin on his face. I couldn’t help but to wave back.

I got inside the car, sat down next to Maya and I closed the door. It was then that I noticed that everyone in the car was looking at me, well everyone except Bryan. Bryan continued to focus on the road though I knew that he was listening.

Maya then nudged me with her arm. Her blue eyes were completely wide and hopeful. “So, can I guess that from you amazingly huge smile that you got the part?” she spoke.

I hadn’t noticed that I was still smiling until she pointed it out. I brushed my hair into my face to hide my blush. I knew the exact reason why I was smiling, and it wasn’t because I was Justin’s back-up dancer. It was because of what happened afterwards.

“Uh yeah, I got the part” I spoke as I stared out the widow.

Maya squealed and jumped up and down in her seat. She quickly threw her arms around me and continued to bounce up and down. I only laughed at her excitement. She tightened her embrace and began to shake me from side to side.

“I knew you would, I just knew it” she gave me one final squeeze before she let me go.

“So you did good sis?” I heard Dante ask from the front seat. I turned my attention away from Maya and focused on him.

His seat belt was on in the front seat so he could only turn around slightly to look at me. I would rather him not be in the front seat at all. Seriously, he should be in the back since they don’t have a car seat. Although my inner mother was scolding Bryan for letting him ride in the front seat, I ignored my thoughts.

My smile grew wider as I stared at Dante. His brown puppy dog eyes were staring at me with nothing but pure excitement. I had told him about the audition yesterday night when I decided to go. He was instantly excited about it. He knew how much I loved dancing so when he heard that I was going to go dance for other people, he was jumping up and down on Maya’s bed.

He was actually mad at me for a little while for not going for it at first, but of course he forgot about it a little while later. I didn’t tell him the reason why I didn’t want to audition though. He’s only five, why tell him that I’m going to be gone for months if I get the part. He was already happy with me auditioning, which was enough to satisfy me.

“I did great Tay,” I told him as I continued smile. “They told me that I was one of the best dancers there”

“Well duh, you’re my sis” he pointed at his self with his thumb and stuck his chest out slightly. “And my sis is the best at everything”

If possible my smile started to grow wider. This is how I knew that everything had paid off. Everything that I had went through that is. I always felt as if it was worth it when I would hear how much Dante appreciates it. Even if he didn’t appreciate I would have still done what I did, but hearing him say it makes it all worth wild.

“Thanks Tay” I replied.

“And your sister is the best dancer ever, we already knew that she would get the part right” Maya gushed from next to me. She was still excited about me getting the part.I think I knew her reasons for being excited to.

Tay quickly nodded his head as he smiled at her. It seemed as if everyone in the car was smiling now, all for different reasons. Sure me nailing the audition was one of the reasoning, but there were far more reasons than that. But I knew that no matter what the reason was, none of them were smiling for the same reason as me.

“Alright, alright, D time to turn around” Bryan spoke to Dante. He gave him a quick glance before looking back at the road. Dante gave a slight pout before facing forward in the seat. Dante’s pout quickly disappeared once he saw a McDonalds fly by. He jumped up and pressed his face against the window.

“Mickey D’s!!!” he shouted. Maya and I both shook our heads at how adorable he was. He didn’t know how to pronounce McDonalds when he was younger, so I told him to call it Mickey D’s. The name simply stuck as he got older.

“Mind if we go to Mickey D’s and celebrate?” Bryan asked.

“Uh, No” Maya and I shouted in unison. Sure, it wasn’t my ideal place to go but it was fine.Besides, just had already given me a reason to celebrate.

Bryan laughed before turning the car around. “Aright Mickey D’s it is!”

Of course, being the kids that we all are, we cheered. We didn’t stop cheering until we pulled into the parking lot of the McDonalds. How could we though, we were all simply having a great day. Again each of us for different reasons.

Dante jumped out of the car as soon as he could and ran across the parking lot. Bryan chased after him, and picked him up once he was in reach. I simply laughed as I watched the two of them. I started to run after them but Maya caught my arm preventing me from going anywhere.

She quickly turned me around to face her. Her blue eyes were still full of happiness but now they were also curious and eager. She wanted to know something, and she was going to find a way to get me to tell her whatever it was.

“So?” she questioned. Her eyes were searching mine as I stood there. I simply stood there simply blinking my eyes not knowing what she wanted me to tell her. I knew what I could tell her, but I wasn’t going to unless she asked.

“So?” I retorted.

“So, how did Justin react to you being there. Oh, god unless he didn’t see you, but that couldn’t be possible because even if he didn’t see you he would have to see the approved list of dancers. Of he saw the list then he saw your name if he saw your name, and if he saw your name then he knew that you were there so he had to have some sort of reaction. So what—”

“Breathe” I interrupted with a smile. I could tell that she was excited by her rambling. I let out a light laugh as I shook my head.

“Honestly Maya you expect too much sometimes” in this case she had every right to expect much. I’m sure that whatever she was expecting was nothing compared to what had actually happened.

She rolled her eyes before starting to shake my arm. “What. Happened?”

“Alright let go of my arm and I’ll tell you” I half lied.

Maya immediately dropped my arm. She crossed her arms over her chest and started to tap her foot impatiently. I rolled my eyes before motioning for her to follow me inside McDonalds. She followed me without missing a beat.

“So yea he did see me up on stage once the auditions started—”

“Oh my gosh what did he say?” she eagerly interrupted.

“Shut-up and I’ll tell you” I half lied once more.

“Okay, okay I’m sorry” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her attempted apology.

I walked past the line and stood behind Bryan, since we were with him. I quickly told him what I wanted, as did she. We then walked over to a booth and sat down. Maya was sitting across from me and staring at me eagerly. I sighed before speaking again.

“He stopped the audition for a moment and told me to step off stage. He dragged me into the hall and started asking me questions like “why was I here”, and “what made me” change my mind blah, blah, blah,”

“I told him that it was complicated, he told me to try and explain and I told him I would after the audition,”

I took another deep breath and closed my eyes. I couldn’t tell her about making out with him. She would never let me live it down. She wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut about it either when we went back to school. I opened my eyes to see Maya anxiously staring at me, waiting for me to continue.

“After I auditioned and got the part he congratulated me and asked me the same questions. I didn’t bother explaining to him that you guys and Summer are going to watch Dante while I’m gone,”

“I simply told him the truth, I auditioned because I wanted to. Not because he wanted me to, because I wanted to” I plainly finished.

Maya’s mouth fell open. Her happiness was quickly replaced with shock. “Please, tell me that you didn’t really say that” she spoke. I nodded my head.

“Uh, yeah I did. Those were almost my exact words”

Maya let out a loud groan and leaned back against the booth. “You might have just ruined the whole plan” she was an octave away from shouting but I couldn’t blame her.

“He probably thinks that you don’t care for him at all now, and on tour you guys might not be anything more than friends. Gosh, Nat you just completely ruined my fantasy romance story of you guys”

It took all my will power not to smirk as I stared at her. If she only knew how wrong she was. Justin obviously didn’t think that and he proved it. Besides, I knew that she would jump up and down and run through the streets if she knew what happened after I said that to Justin.

“Alright I brought the food” Bryan spoke as he reached me and Maya.

He set the food down on the table showing us which bag belonged to who. Dante sat down next to me, grabbed his happy meal and started eating his fries. I grabbed my sweat tea and started to drink it. Bryan then sat down next to Maya. He looked up at me and his face fell. I furrowed my brows together as I continued to sip my tea.

“Oh my gosh” he mutters as he continues to stare at me. his face was a mixture of shock, awe and disbelief. I sat there confused as I drank my tea. Maya’s face soon resembled the same thing. Neither of us knew what was going on.

I finally stopped drinking me tea and looked over at him. “What?” I asked with a joking smile.

“You got some didn’t you?” he loudly whispered.

Maya’s eyes quickly darted to me. She was in just as much shock as her brother. I didn’t know what was going through her head after the story that I had just told her.

I was glad that I wasn’t drinking my tea because I would have definitely choked. I hadn’t expected Bryan to ever say anything like that. Okay, technically speaking, I did get some, but not the way he thought. I simply got some lip action…..a lot of it.And it was good.

“W-What?” I questioned. I started to brush my hair in front of my cheeks to hide my blush once more. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“Don’t give me that bull” he firmly spoke. He was starting to switch into his protective brother mode, and even though he wasn’t my brother I had known him long enough for him to be one.

“You have that whole afterglow look on your face. It’s the same look that girls have after we—” he stopped mid sentence and glanced over at Dante who was watching everyone at the table while eating his fries.

“After we…share our cookies” he covered.

“You better not have shared your cookies with anyone” he spoke through clenched teeth.

“I-I-I didn’t” I replied while avoiding his gaze. I wasn’t exactly lying, but I wasn’t telling the entire truth either.

“Bull!” he shouted. A few people looked at us but quickly shook off his out-burst.

“I don’t just share cookies. I’m a baker, I know what it’s like to share cookies and what it looks like when other people share cookies, so don’t tell me that you didn’t share your cookies with anyone. Sharing cookies is wrong for someone who isn’t my age”

Suddenly a worried expression crossed Dante’s face. “Your mom shared her cookies with me last night!” he shouted.

We all turned to look at him. Maya suddenly began to roar with laughter. I soon followed suit. A small comment like that caused the moment to disappear. It was something that we couldn’t help. It was simply to funny to resist. If Dante was older and knew what he had just said he would be laughing to.

“Not like that D now back to you” Bryan spoke. My laughter died down completely but Maya continued to giggle. “What. Happened?”

I sighed and grabbed my sweet tea. “I’ll explain at home”


So eventually once we got to the house I had to explain what else had happened between me and Justin. I had to tell them about the fact that we made-out. I left out the details about how the kiss made me feel and what nor. I planned on saving that for when Maya and I were alone.

It was completely awkward for me to say it out loud, regardless of who it was in front of. I never liked telling people about who I made-out with unless I was joking about it. Most of the time the guys were simply boy toys so I never really cared, nor did they make me feel the same way that I felt when I kissed Justin.

After Bryan scolded me for what felt like forever he eventually left. Of course he had to add the he would talk to Justin the next time that he could. Once he left, Maya and I were alone in her room.

She was wearing one of the biggest smiles on her face that I had ever seen. I knew that she was going to sequel jump up and down on the bed or both.

“Maya…” I hesitantly began.

She simply continued to smile. I was starting to get worried. I would rather have her dance around the room or scream than to have her sit her quietly. We sat there in silence for what felt like forever. All she did was sit there and smile her huge toothy grin at me. eventually she spoke.

“Hey Nat”

“Yeah?” I hesitantly replied.

“You kissed Justin” she plainly spoke.

“I know” I plainly replied.

“Justin Bieber”

“I know”

“Justin Bieber kissed you”

“I know”

“You two made-out”

“I know”

“You made out with Justin”

“I know”

“Justin Bieber”

“I know”

“You made-out with Justin Bieber”

“I know”

“And you liked it”

“I know”

If possible her smile seemed to grow wider. I furrowed my brows together out of confusion as I stared at her wide Demi Lavato like smile. As I sat there and stare at her our conversation replayed in my head. Once I finished replaying it, something clicked in my mind. I had realized what I had just said.

“Wait I didn’t mean—”

“To late!” she quickly interrupted. “You admitted it and you can’t take it back”

I quickly groaned and covered my eyes. I was scared her reaction to my confession. I hadn’t planned on telling her that but now that I had I knew that I wasn’t going to like her response.

Surprisingly, she didn’t react. I looked through my fingers at her, to find her in the same position. She hadn’t moved an inch since my confession. I slowly brought my fingers down from my face. I was completely shocked by her lack of reaction.

“And you know what else you would like?” she plainly questioned. I didn’t answer I simply stared at her.

“To have intercourse with him”

My mouth fell open. I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks as I stared at her. The thought had honestly never crossed my mind. Not even while we were making out.

But before I could speak and tell her that, she jumped off of the bed. She started dancing around the room once she hit the floor. That’s when I knew that she was waiting for the right moment to react.

“Intercourse with him, relations, intercourse with him” she started singing, quoting Stewie and Bryan from Family Guy.

“Intercourse with him, y’all made out, intercourse with him, relations, intercourse with him, ‘cause you liked it, intercourse with him, sharing cookies, intercourse with him”

I was speechless as I watched her dance around the room. I knew for a fact that I was blushing like crazy right now. I didn’t know what to say to her. For once I had lost my voice. I couldn’t deny that I liked kissing Justin…a lot, but that didn’t mean that I wanted to, “share cookies” with him.

Eventually Maya stopped dancing around the room. She continued to hum the tune as she pulled a suit case out from under her bed. She walked over to the dresser in her room that had the few clothes that summer had bought for me. she started to pull them out and put them in the suit case as she continued to hum the tune.

“W-W-What are you doing?” I quietly asked. I was still in a bit of shock form her reaction.

She turned around to face me, completely un-phased. “Sending you off to your man” she calmly replied before humming again.

My blush only deepened as I looked down at my hands. “He’s not my mind” I spoke somehow finding my voice. “And besides, rehearsal doesn’t start until next week”

She turned around sharply on her heel and pointed her finger at me. “Don’t give me that bull. You two made out, and I know for a fact that you both liked it. And don’t tell me that I don’t know, because I do know that first off Justin is a guy therefore he liked it. Secondly, you two have been waiting so damn long to kiss each other that I know that you two liked it So if I want to call him your man I’m calling him your man”

“And another thing I’m shipping you off to go get your man. Why, because I will not have you two waiting that long for another kiss. I need juicy gossip now girl,”

“So time to go share your cookies with your man” she finished.

Somehow I had managed to regain my composure. Sure, I was still blushing, but I managed to find my voice. “You. Are. Insane” I spoke.

“He’s not my man”

“Like hell he isn’t” she argued.

I shook my head at her. “He’s not my man yet”

Maya opened her mouth, ready to argue with me, but quickly closed it. A smirk slowly formed onto her face. “Yet?”

I nodded my head as a smirk made its way onto my face. “Yet”

She squealed and jumped back onto the bed. “I love this tour already”

I couldn’t help but laugh at my friend and agree. Regardless of what would happen, somehow I knew that I was going to love this tour.

Little did I know that during this small break that Justin and I were apart, big changes would happen. Those changes would cause me to change. Me changing would only make it harder for Justin to be my man. But deep down I knew that I didn’t have much to worry about all because of one small factor,

He will be my man.
♠ ♠ ♠
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really hope that this was nice long enougn for you guys. On size nine font on word it was eight pages, so i think it's enough lol. I decided that in honor of this being my first story completed and being the last chapter i should make it nice and long. I knew that it was somehting that you guys wouldn't mind.

Okay, now i just want to say thanks to all of you guys for reading this story. I completely and utterly love you guys for that. I was going to give you all that commented shout-outs in this chapter but then i saw how many of you guys there were and decided against it lol. Consider this your shout-out.

Though i will give a shout-out to everyone who mande a banner for me. It means sooo much to me that you did and since there were only a hand full i figured i could do that much. By the way, i loved all of you guys banners to death. =D

If you made me a banner and i missed you please let me know so that i can fix it. (If you send me a banner now, you won't get a shot-out but you will get your banner displayed)


Make sure to not only check out the sequel, Tour With Me, but to check out my other stories. My JB sister fan-fic, Missing in Action, my Jacob Black fan-fic, If you only knew, and my knew Taylor Lautner fan-fic, Dysfunctional

Again thank you guys so much. Be sure to spread the word lol.
I'm starting the sequel tomorrow and if i don't post you at leats now i started it.