Artemis's Lesson

Artemis's lesson


The water feels so welcoming on my skin. That was my thought as I stripped and gracefully padded into the vale on Mount Cithaeron. This crystal clear vale was surrounded by a thick green forest. The trees were thirty feet tall and where a lush green. The forest was laden with all kinds of animals and just felt alive.

I started to wash my body when a rustle in a nearby bush caught my attention. A beautiful stag cleared through the tangled vines just next to my clothes and silver bow and arrows. I finished and treaded back over to my possessions and the stag. I began to redress when I heard a heavy footstep. In the millisecond that followed my bow was slung and an arrow notched and released.

"Argh. I've been attacked," a mans voice growled. I finished putting on my short leather dress, boots, cloak, and gloves. I slung my bow and quiver across my shoulders and elegantly walked with the stag towards the intruder.

My arrow pinned him to a young sturdy tree, his expression was furious. He had sharp features and clearly thought highly of himself. His hounds were first to notice my presence, growling and barking. I quickly waved my hand and they silenced. The man glared till his face turned in to an apple red hue.

I walked around the tree slowly, scrutinizing the man cloven in rich deer skin and some gold. He was obviously a hunter. From where he was standing there was a clear view of the lake where I just was. I came back to face him and whipped my bow out, strung and pointed a his heart.

"Why were you spying on me?" I demanded fiercely. His hounds whimpered at my command, while the man was trying to swallow his fear. "Answer me!."

"I wasn't spying on you. I was tracking that stag right there until I saw you bathing in that lake." The man wasn't lying but nor did he tell the truth. He greatly enjoyed what he saw. He gazed upon my chest eagerly until I pushed the arrow head across his neck, drawing blood. Red droplets trickled down his neck as he held in a scream of pain. I walked back to the stag, placing a hand on it's head. Oh twin brother, you tell me to be merciful of these hopeless humans, but with how they act I see no choice. I had decided to kill the man and leave him to rot.

"That is my stag! Only the best of the hunters deserve a beast like that, and that is no woman," the man seethed angry of the events taking place.

"Your stag!? A beast!? A woman!? Do you know who you are speaking to? I should kill you know for your insolence you piece of scum." I was about to end his life, just like all the others who boasted that they were better then all other hunters, but another idea presented itself.

I removed the arrow holding him, took him by the collar and ran, dragging him behind me. His complaints left me unfaded. From now on I would show all humans to give respect to me, forever. When I reached the edge of the forest, the beginning of the town the stag left my side and the ignorant mans dogs barked their way ahead of me, announcing my arrival.

All the residents were gathered in the middle of the town, a man in bright clothing standing above them urging them to separate in groups to find their prince. I stormed my way into the middle of the throng of people, throwing the man down. I kept him down by placing one of my booted feet on his back, roughly. I then pulled back my hood for all to see who was dragging a man into their town. Several people fell to their knees bowing to me. The man in the bright clothing turned pale.

"This is Artemis . The Goddess Artemis has granted us time with her beautiful presence! Look at her beauty! No, look at her sacred silver bow and arrows given to her by her very own father Zeus." More people fell to the ground shouting remarks like so.

"Quiet. Who is this despicable man?" I boomed, set on my task. The man in the bright clothing lifted his head but did refused to make eye contact.

"Oh sacred Goddess of the hunt,the moon, nature and virginity, I am part of the royal court and the man you speak of is the Theban Prince Actaeon." The man in the bright clothing shook as he felt my gaze on him.

"Your Prince Actaeon has told me directly that he of all beings is the best huntsmen ever. Better then me the Goddess of the hunt. His life now rests on a competition that will take place tonight." I paused and looked around, staring down any person who dared look at me wrong. "He and any man or woman who would like to join him will compete against me. In the dead of the night we will hunt the stag of which you all fantasize about catching. This stag would make you more rich then any person alive and grant you a place in Olympus. If I catch it first your prince and any others who assist him will perish." I flipped my hood back over my blond locks and took one last look at the cowering townspeople.

"Chain him up till I arrive here at midnight." With that I turned sharply and ran swiftly into the dark depths if the forest.


I called the sacred stag to my side at midnight and returned to the town. Around seventy men including the prince were standing ready to hunt for the sacred stag. All the men there quivered at my reappearance and the mighty stag. One even tried to shoot it there, in return his arrow flew back straight through his eye and skull till he dropped dead. "I do not appreciate cheaters. Now the battle begins. You have one hour to catch it before me. Once that hour is up, so are your lives. Begin!" I slapped the stag and it sped off into the trees the men hollering behind.

I took to the branches, leaping from tree to tree always seeing the stag and the men. Foolish people, I would have thought less people would have joined. All humans are greedy. I jumped to a branch, bow in my hands arrow pointing up just above the men. Several screamed in fright. Others fell to their knees praying to me and the moon just beyond my body. I gave a laugh which made them scatter in all directions, like hogs in mud. I played along with them occasionally, killing a few who attempted to kill me or other animals not involved in this hunt. The hour was nearly gone, only a minute remained. The men became desperate scared, and regretful. I loped off to catch the gracious stag and show the rotten men who the real goddess was. I returned with the slain dear across my shoulder.

"Prince Actaeon you and your men have failed. You say you are the best hunter but yet you could not catch something that took me a matter of seconds. You shall now pay the price!"

I then turned all of the men into various sorts of stags and let their ravenous hounds eat them to pieces. The Prince and all his men set an example and lesson for all future men who sought out to boast of there hunting skills.

I looked up towards the moon and gave a laugh that was heard by all,louder then the terrifying screams of the victims of the dogs below. "I am Artemis, Goddess of the hunt and no mere human can ever surpass me."
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This is for the contest!!! I adore Artemis, and wish this was better....but hope you all enjoyed!!!!