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Spirit in the Stars

The moon will fight with fire

I squeezed through a small gap in the brambles in the warriors den, escaping the Wildclan camp to go to a secret meeting with a certain tom... Lionblaze was his name, I believe. Of course it was. I couldn't get that blasted name out of my mind for a moon, great Starclan!
I padded past the Hollow Tree, now running towards my destination.
It was a small meadow, called Firefly Meadow, that was always filled with fireflies at night. It makes for the most romantic atmosphere. It was right on the border between Thunderclan and Wildclan.
Thunderclan is one of the four clans that rule the forest around the lake. Not our lake of course, a much larger one in the middle of the four territories.
The Clans are Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Windclan and Riverclan. Lionblaze told me on one of our secret meetings.
Oh, I guess you don't know who I am, do you? Well, I am Moonclaw of Wildclan, the strongest warrior of my clan. I fight with the fury of fire, but I can also be gentle as a ray of sun at dawn. My temper flares up easily, but I try to be calm most of the time. I don't always succeed. My pelt is as black as a moonless night, and my claws a dazzling white. My eyes are crystal blue, an unusual color compared to all the other cats I have met in my life.

You ask about my clan and littermates? Well, that is a story for an other time, for I have just padded past the Climbing Tree and am entering the Firefly Meadow at this very moment.

The night sky was filled with little pale yellow dots of light, created by all the bugs.
I looked around, and purred with delight upon seeing Lionblaze, half-asleep in the haze of fireflies.
He looked so adorable.

I settled beside him, and nuzzled his side gently, causing him to jolt awake, positioning himself for a fight quickly.
I let out a small laugh at the alarmed look in his eyes, until he realized it was only me.
He sighed and settled beside me again, rasping his tongue over my ear. I returned the favor.

"so, what is new in Wildclan?" Lionblaze mewed lightly, twining his tail with mine.

I purred.
"well, Pineclaw's apprentice Ferretpaw, became a warrior the other day! Her name is now Ferreteyes and tawnykit almost drowned today, but luckily my sister was there to save her! I think Mothkit helped her too... Anyways, that's about it. What about Thunderclan?"
I meowed excitedly. Leafspots, my sister, is the medicine cat around here.

"well, I recently got an apprentice, Dovepaw, and a tree fell over the camp, killing one of our elders, Longtail, and crushing one of our apprentices. Briarpaw will never be able to use her hind legs again," his golden head bowed with grief, so I licked his shoulder comfortingly.

"I'm so sorry about your loss, Lionblaze." I whispered in his ear, then I heard a voice.

"Moonclaw? Are you there?" my sister asked. My eyes widened in alarm.
Lionblaze didn't know that she knew about us. Fox dung!

"um, yeah?" I called to her, facing the spot where her voice was coming from.
Her tortoise-shell head poked through the branches, soon followed by the rest of her lithe body.

Lionblaze froze up beside me, and hissed quietly in my ear,
"what is that she-cat doing here?" I felt so guilty.

I had asked him, plead with him, not to tell his brother. And here I was, having told my sister, and now she was padding forward to meet my secret mate.
Oh, I was pissed at her.

"Leafspots, what in Starclan are you doing here?" I almost hissed at her, but restrained myself. No need to cause a fight.

She didn't answer me, only went to chat with Lionblaze.
Oh, this is going to be one hell of a night. I thought to myself, settling down and resting my head on my black paws. I hoped to Starclan she would leave soon, this was supposed to be my time with Lionblaze. She had nothing to do here.
I was seething inside, but I would only show it to my sister when we were alone.


That night, I fell asleep frustrated and with an ache deep in my heart. How could Leafspots do that to me?


I was dreaming. I knew it. I was standing on the edge of a cliff, I could see a camp down in an old two-leg mine.
By the looks of it, it might even be Thunderclan camp.

"hey. Who are you and why were you with Lionblaze tonight?" asked a voice from behind me.

I whipped around, my eyes wide. I thought for a second that I was facing a Starclan cat, but I soon realized that it had no stars in its fur.

"Moonclaw. And what, may I ask, are you doing in my dream?" I asked the gray-pelted tom standing in front of me.
His eyes were the same color as mine, and the smell of various herbs clung to his pelt, making him a medicine cat.

"My name is Jayfeather. I'm the Thunderclan medicine cat. What were you doing with my brother?" he asked. I sat down, and scoffed at him.

"And what makes you think I'll tell you? You can go ask him yourself." Once again, I almost hissed, but held back only because this was my mate's brother I was talking to.
Yeah, I have an attitude problem. Deal with it.

His ice blue eyes, very similar to mine, narrowed in a glare.
I got up, tired of this.

"look, if you can't find a more interesting thing to say, I'm out of here." and with that, I ditched the pissed off Thunderclan medicine cat behind, and bounded off to better dreams.
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Yeah, I'm writing this with my sister, and no i won't ask questions. That's her thing not mine. I already have questions to think of for one of my other stories. Anyways, check out my other stories and Comments=Updates. If you know me, you know the drill.