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Spirit in the Stars

Darkness will enter your mind

{Darkheart P.O.V}

I looked around, staring at all the cats that hung out in the middle of the clearing. I never really did care about most of the cats bustling about around the clearing.
I never really cared to try and guess why they were doing what they were doing, because I knew exactly why.
You see, I'm special. I can read minds. In fact, I know you're thinking something along the lines of 'Wait. What did he just say?'.
Yeah. I know I'm weird. But that's just a part of being me. I know everything that every cat around me knows. Including the writer writing this at the moment. I even know you're surprised that I know I'm simply being written into existence. But that's the point of my gift.
Anyways, that being said; lets get on with the story, the plot is about to unfurl.

I padded through the clearing, trying to ignore the incredible noise I knew no one else could hear.

"Where are you going, Darkheart?" I heard Pantherheart meow as I approached the entrance. I debated going on as though I hadn't heard him, but I knew he would realize. He had a knack for that kind of thing.

"I'm... Going hunting. Want to join me?" I asked the black tom in front of me. Instantly, his green eyes lit up with joy. He loved hunting, and he was the best one at it too.
It's like he simply disappeared. How funny.

"Sure! Can Mintpaw come too? I know she's been dying to go on a hunt." he asked, but I knew Mintpaw had gone not too long ago, and Pantherheart had been in a patrol.
I nodded, allowing him to bring his apprentice along.

While he went to fetch Mintpaw, I slipped out of the camp unnoticed and ran quickly to the small lake where the kits learned to swim.
Whitestar knew it was dangerous, that a kit could go too far and drown, but she also knew the Clan couldn't do without Warriors that knew how to swim. And besides, it was the only time for them to learn, since the apprentice duties were already over-charged.

I have an apprentice too, but Scarpaw had other things to attend to. Like, cleaning up the apprentice den after he started a fight with Tigerpaw over a piece of fresh-kill.
Those two always fought. I don't know why, after all me and Moonclaw are very close. I often have to take up Tigerpaw's training too, since Moonclaw seems to be awfully tired after all her visits with Lionblaze. Yes, I know about him. And I didn't even have to read my sister's minds to figure it out.
She told me.

I sat, and let the cool wind run through my spotted black fur.
I knew Mintpaw was stuck cleaning the Elders den, that Sunpaw had almost run into Pantherheart on his way out, and that Pantherheart was trying to creep up on me from behind.
It would have worked with any other cat, since my normal ears couldn't pick up anything and that when I glanced in the water, I couldn't see him. But I could read his mind, so that kinda ruins his plan.

"Hello Pantherheart. Mintpaw couldn't come?" I heard him curse from somewhere behind me, and let the smugness dominate my face.

"Was it something I did? I didn't think I had stepped on anything... No, Mintpaw is stuck with cleaning the elders den. I'm glad I'm not an apprentice anymore, Mouseheart was always so mean to me." I could tell he made a face.

I turned around, amusement and smugness evident in my light green eyes.

"Don't worry, Pantherheart. I just saw your reflection in the water" was all I meowed.
I knew he still wasn't convinced, but he let it go, and we went hunting.
After a while, we separated and I slipped away to just stare at the trees, knowing that there were many other clans oblivious to us.

I closed my eyes, and let my mind wander, taking in thoughts from the clan cats nearest to us, Thunderclan. I froze when I heard my sister's name.

'I hope Moonclaw won't mind it if I tell Jayfeather... After all, she told her sister and probably her brother too. I wonder how he'll react? Maybe he already knows...' I left Lionblaze to think out his problems by himself, and returned my prodding to more important minds.

'What will Squirrelflight say when she learns of this? I can't keep it from her... They were considered her kits for so long... But who's the third?' Firestar kept on ranting on in his mind while I shifted to look through their medicine cat's mind.

'Mmm... I wonder if Jayfeather has walked in anyone's dreams lately? Maybe I should ask him. I know him and his brother are hiding something from me, I just don't know what...' I knew this would take a while, so I decided to go through the head that seemed to have everyone thinking of him.

'I wonder why Moonclaw was so rude to me? Lionblaze never always said- Hey. Who are you? What in Starclan's name do you think you're doing?' being talked to directly like that, through another cat's mind, shocked me so much I almost yowled. Almost. Instead, I returned and tried to project my thoughts and see if Jayfeather could hear them.

'Hello Jayfeather. Can you hear me?'

'Of course I can hear you! I'm blind, not deaf!' he snapped back at me. I didn't react.

'Don't bite my tail off, I just never did this before. It's the first time I project my thoughts. How did you even notice me entering your mind?' I said calmly.

'I don't know. I just felt it. I guess it was strange having it being done to me, when I'm used to doing it to others. So you know who I am, but who are you?'

'I'm Darkheart from Wildclan. You should know about it if you know my sister, Moonclaw.' I closed my eyes, and tried to get a glimpse of his surroundings through his mind, but I saw nothing. It must have something to do with him being blind...

'Oh. Of course. Do you know how I met her? Did she tell you?' he sounded wary.

'No, she didn't tell me. I figured it out for myself. You walked in her dreams, didn't you?'

'Yeah, I did. Why was she so rude to me, do you know?'
I sighed in my mind. He met Moonclaw, alright.

'She just has a bit of an attitude problem. But that's just how she is. Don't worry, she'll become nicer as you get to know her better.'
I heard his scoff, and rolled my eyes.

'Why would I want to get to know her better?'

'Because she's your brother's mate. Go back, and tell her I told you to. She'll swallow her pride and be nicer than last time. Say... Pantherheart likes you. It'll be the code from now on.'

'Fine, whatever. Why am I being nice to you again?' he asked. I chuckled.

'Beats me. But hey, I got to go now. Take care, alright? Be nice.' I meowed and I heard him grumble before I slipped out of his mind and resumed hunting.


After my little chat with Jayfeather, I caught a rabbit (don't ask me how it got there), two mice and a sparrow. Me and Pantherheart were heading back to camp, satisfied with our hunting, our jaws filled with prey. I had no idea how it all fit in our jaws, but it did.
I padded into the camp and dropped the freshkill on the pile.

"So, I heard you had a little chat with Jayfeather last night?" I asked my sister as I sat down next to her in the warrior's den. Moonclaw froze.

"How did you know?" she asked, unfreezing and resuming her grooming. I knew she had a hunch, but she wouldn't expect what was coming next.

"I spoke with him. Through our minds. Turns out he has a power similar to mine. Did you know they were part of a prophecy?" I said leisurely. I knew she knew. She knew pretty much all there was to know about Thunderclan, all the dirty little secrets that Lionblaze knew, she knew them too.

"Oh! Yeah, I did know. He has awesome battle skills. He can't get hurt" then she started day-dreaming about things I certainly did not want to know.

"Ew Moonclaw! Please keep your thoughts to yourself!" I wrinkled my nose in disgust and she bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Oops... Sorry, Darkheart... But if you don't like my thoughts, stay out of them!" she snapped back, her temper showing through her embarrassment.
I rolled my eyes and gave her ear a lick.

"Sorry sis, I can't help it." And with that, Whitestar called a clan meeting. I knew Moonclaw was going to be thrilled about this.
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Yo. You know the drill.