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Spirit in the Stars

Duties call

{Leafspots's POV}

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath Highstone for a Clan meeting!" came Whitestar's yowl. I was sure there were some warriors to be named.

"We gather here for one of my favorite duties as a leader. Sunpaw and Sandpaw, please step foward." The two apprentices walked forward on shaky paws. They seemed really excited. "I, Whitestar, leader of Wildclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code and i commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Sunpaw and Sandpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan even at the cost of your lives?" She asked the apprentices as they were quivering with excitement.

"I do" They replied in unison.

"Then by the powers of Starclan, i give you your warrior names. Sunpaw, from now on, you will be known as Sunheart. Your clan honors your loyalty and kindness and we welcome you as a full member of WildClan." She deposited her chin on top of Sunheart's head and he licked her shoulder in sign of respect.

"Sandpaw, from now on you will be known as Sandblaze. Your clan honors your bravery and hunting skills and we welcome you as a full warrior of WildClan." She did the same with Sandblaze and the clan started cheering. Their mentors first.

"Sandblaze! Sunheart! Sandblaze! Sunheart!"

The stars in Silverpelt seemed to shiver as a wind passed, blowing away the cloud that was covering the sunset and the rising moon. Tomorrow would be full moon. I couldn't wait to share tongues with StarClan. Moonclaw was angry at me, i could feel it. Ever since i went and talked to Lionblaze, 2 sunrises ago, she wont talk to me. I would have to ask Darkheart. Just the idea of it made me shudder. Even though we were littermates, we never really went well together. It was always him and Moonclaw or me and Moonclaw. Never me and him. Oh well, this was a chance worth taking. I started walking towards him.

"Darkheart, i have something to ask you." I told him as soon as i was close enough.

"You want me to ask Moonclaw why she's angry at you?" he told me. I gotta say, i was kind of taken aback. Moonclaw told me he could read minds but i didnt really believe her...

"Umm, yeah. Is there anything you would like me to do in return?" I asked him. He was the kind of person that never did anything without wanting something in return.

"Well, keep my apprentice out of the elders den for a while please. Sweetfoot thinks Mouseheart has greencough." he told me seriously.

That's it? i thought to myself. He usually wanted more than that.

"I dont want my apprentice getting greencough so close to the end of his training." he continued rather rudely. Like if answering my thoughts. Never mind, he was answering my thoughts.

The meeting broke and everyone went to their dens. I went to my den and started sorting out herbs. I was missing catmint. Out of all the things i could run out of, it was catmint. The one i needed the most.

"Flameheart!" I shouted through the clearing to the ginger warrior. "I need you to take your apprentice and bring me back as much catmint as possible." He nodded without question and went to fetch Dirtpaw. Every cat in the clan knew what catmint smelled like.

Now i was headed off to check on Mouseheart. Let's see. Greencough, fever, rough throat, eyes and nose running, and i think thats it.

"Hello, i just came to check on you guys." I told Mouseheart and Sweetfoot. Darkheart was right. Mouseheart has come up with greencough.

"Mouseheart, sorry but you have greencough. Come on, let's move you to my den." I told her. Tawnykit had moved back to the nursery, so my den was empty apart from me.

"Oh, oka-" she didn't have time to finish her sentence for she broke out into a fit of coughs.

Once i had settled her in, i gave her some honey and waited for Flameheart and Dirtpaw to come back.

"Is dish enoush?" Flameheart asked around a mouthful of catmint. His apprentice was carrying almost as much as he was. I guess it comes from having a smaller mouth.

"Thanks, thats plenty." I invited them in and they dropped it just inside.

I fed some to Mouseheart, funny how she didn't complain. I guess that comes from me being a medicine cat. Anywho, once i was done with Mouseheart, i decided to take a well-deserved nap.

~*~time lapse~*~

"Leafspots! Leafspots wake up!" I felt a probing in my side i was awaken my Mothkit's worried mew.

"What, Mothkit?" I asked rather grumpily.

"I think somethings wrong with Flamespots. She can barely walk, she hot but she complains she's cold and her eyes and nose and running!" her worried mew struck me again. Except this time, i wasn't grumpy about it. I was anxious and relieved. Flamespots had greencough and she came to tell me right away.

"Thank you, Mothkit. I'll go check on her." this was bad. Really bad. "While i'm out, could you prepare a nest for me please. Right beside Mouseheart will be fine."

"Okay." She replied and got to work.

Once i got there, i was struck by the unmistakable stench of illness. Flamespots really was sick. Just the thought of it stung my heart. We had been denmates. Both our mothers had given birth to us at the same time. Isn't that weird?

"Flamespots, you have greencough." I told the overprotective mother. "You have to sleep in my den until you are well again." She seemed as if she was going to protest but obviously thought better of it. I would ask Sweetfoot to take care of the kits later. She loves kits.

I fed Flamespots some catmint and Mothkit got back to the nursery. Since everything was going well, i could go ask Darkheart how it went. I shuddered again. I hate talking to him! He seems so careless and mean! How can he stand himself? This is why i became Medicine cat. Because i care for my clanmates. Of course, sometimes i wish i was out there, patrolling and fighting for my clan, and hunting and stuff like that. But technically, i was fighting for my clan. Except i was fighting sickness and infections. I rather this kind of fighting better. I don't get hurt, i help my clan and i actually have a chance to save my clanmates from StarClan. Being a medicine cat is great. Ooh! There's Darkheart! i better go talk to him now. Looks like he's about to leave camp.

"Darkheart!" I called out his name and he stopped to wait for me. "Have you spoken to Moonclaw yet? What did she say?" he seemed thoughtful for a minute. As if thinking of what he should give away and what he shouldn't. He finally shook his head.

"She said you would have to ask for yourself."

"But, didn't you read her mind? That's why i asked you and not Pantherheart." Oops. Oh well, he would've known anyways since he's able to read my mind. He seemed really angry at my answer.

"Well, you know what? Why don't you go ask him to betray his sister's word for the sake of a selfish mouse-hearted other sister and see if he says yes!" he told me and ran off to the camp entrance. He was really angry. I shouldn't have said that. Well, i would have to take my courage and go ask her myself.

Once i reached the warriors den, i called to the entrance to see if she was there. "Moonclaw? Are you there?"

"What do you want, Leafspots?" came the hostile growl of my beloved sister.

"I just wanted to talk to you" I told her as i walked in the warriors den to my doom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey!! relitavedly longer, isn't it? Anywho, now for the questions!

1.What are the apprentice and warrior names of the 2 new warriors?
2.Who is the new deputy after Redtail dies?
BONUS! what are the names of all the series?