Frerard in love and death

I brought you my bullets you brought me your love

It was a pity Frank thought as he lay in the littered back streets of belleville New Jersey in a growing pool of his own blood; everything he had worked for had been destroyed with a single bullet to the heart, he tried to turn over to look at the man running down the street calling his name but a sharp pain shot through his leg and he cried out, the man on the street corning rushed to his side, "Frank!" Frank peered at the man and pain hit his heart like a sharp knife, it was his own true love Gerard Way.

Gerard crouched on the side of the road beside Frank's head as the younger man's eyes began to darken, and Frank just stopped struggling against the intense pain that was slowly taking over his body, maybe it was the heartbreak of knowing he'd never see Gerard again but Frank actually started crying, something he hadn't done in years, "Frank can you hear me? Don' move Imma call an ambulance." Gerard's words came out in a thick drawl slipping over each other in his worry and haste, Frank tried to move, to show the older boy the bullet wound pierced through his chest right bellow where his heart was but Gerard was moving off pulling out a cell phone and Frank had no strength the call out to him, then the others appeared, rounding the corner and Frank found a glimmer of hope, Ray had gone to doctors school, maybe he could....No. Frank thought, he was too far gone, he had already lost to much blood. He drifted off into the night and the last thought in his head was a single name: Gerard
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okay first chapter, dont get me wrong I LOVE Frank I just wanted to do this and see what people think....