This Suffering

This Is G-R-E-A-T

I woke in the morning with the sound of laughter, Nevada’s laughter and the smell of pancakes and hash browns. I sat up, my hair a tangled mess of brown curls. I frowned when I noticed the empty place beside me. Was the night before all just a dream? Was Ben here or not? I pulled the layers of blankets off me and remembered Ben placing them on me. I put a bra, underwear and pair of jeans and a shirt on. I steadily walked down the stairs found Ben making breakfast. My mother was sipping a coffee and Nevada was eating an apple, cut up into pieces.

“Mam, did you know that Benny is a veggie-mataryian? So he doesn’t make bacon...” I chuckled in sync with Ben, who looked up at me with a wide grin.

“Yes I did Nev, did you know that I used to be a vegetarian?” I asked. She shook her head and took another big bit of her apple. I smiled and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

“Oh, Emily you are up. Oh my honey, what on earth happened to your arms?” she gawked at me, when I looked down I noticed my arms were red, scratched and bruised.

“Oh nothing. It’s nothing mother.” I smiled, taking a seat at the round table.

We ate in silence, except the few questions Nevada had for Ben. One of them were he worked.

“I am in a band.” He smiled, scooping some hash browns into his mouth, a coy smile on his face.

“Are you a rock star?” she asked.

“No,” she grinned.

“Yes he is Nev. He sings for this really good band. And they perform all-round the world for millions of people! And his band has three CD’s out!” I gushed, pretending to be a super huge fan.

“Really? Benny you silly head.” Nevada laughed.

Ben gave me a look but I just grinned. After we finished, Ben shoved me and Nevada out of the kitchen so he could clean. I brought Nevada upstairs and brushed her blond curls. I pulled a pair of jeans on her and picked out a pretty purple dress and slipped it on over top. She picked out a half jacket and accessorized herself. For only four, she had great taste, but she inherited that from her mother.

There was a knock at the door, and Ben walked in.

“Nevada, you look beautiful. And Emily, there is someone at the door for you. It’s the p-o-l-i-c-e... they want to talk to you.”