Is It Really Just Another Crush? A Kyle Gallner Love Story


Bree Pyke
Looks: Long,brown hair. Blue eyes that fade to grey when sad. She is very pretty, but doesn't think so.
Personality: Sweet, charming, lovable, modest, loves her friends and easily falls for guys that are nice to her.
Likes: Her friends, food, guys, and dirty blonde hair.
Dislikes: Rude people, people who talk on the phone while driving, the dark.
Friends: Alana, Jessie, and Mavy.

Alana Kendely
Looks: Blonde hair, green eyes, short, pretty.
Personality: Funny, kind of crazy, a little conceited, and can be mean but usually nice.
Likes: guys, herself, sports, her friends.
Dislikes: People who are mean, not looking good, and doctors.
Friends: Mavy, Jessie, and Bree.

Mavy Clark (Real name Maverine)
Looks: Black choppy hair, emo look. pretty. dark brown eyes.
Personality: Quiet, depressed sounding, but really not, very nice if you know her.

Jessie Kemp
Looks: very light brown hair, light hazel eyes, very tall. pretty
Personality: loud, a bit obnoxious, over excited.