Is It Really Just Another Crush? A Kyle Gallner Love Story


*Bree's P.O.V*

I was sitting with Jessie, Mavy, and Alana late one night. We were laughing at something strange that we had just read on the computer when my web cam and AIM popped up.

My friend Paul had messaged me.

PaulChavers: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy bReE.

Breeeeee: hey paul. jess mav and alan r here 2.

PaulChavers: wats up girl? i kno i sound like gay, but im happy.

Breeeeee: its ok. we r great. having a sleepova as usual. wbu?

PaulChavers: great. i made a new friend. he is here right now. his name is kyle.

Breeeeee: thts cool. last name?

PaulChavers: gallner.

Breeeeee: isn't he an actor?

PaulChavers: yeah, but he prefers regular human being. he is rly fun.

Breeeeee: awesomenissity. can we see him/ talk to him?

A snore came from across the room Jessie, Alana, and Mavy had fallen asleep.

Breeeeee: i guess its just me. the other three fell asleep. those BUMS

PaulChavers: doesnt surprise me, but alana and jess were actually tired enof to sleep? they have so much energy to think about themselves and all dat crapp.

Breeeeee: lol. can I talk to him? or c him?

PaulChavers: yeah sure. il put him on webcam. I'm tired anyway.

Breeeeee: YAY.

PaulChavers: ok. h/o.

I waited and my computer for about ten minutes before the web cam came up.

Paul appeared on the screen, "Hey there. Sorry about that. I was having some issues with the thingy." Paul explained.

I laughed, "Sounds just like you. Goodjob dork." I said.

Paul laughed, "Well, I'm going to go somewhere and eat something. I'll let you talk to him." Paul said.

I laughed a little. Paul ate EVERYTHING. He had a huge stomach and appetite.

Then another guy came on the screen. He had dirty blonde hair, and that already lured me in. I loved dirty blonde hair. No specific reason why, but I LOVED IT. He had blonde hair and looked young. He was very good looking.

"Hey, I'm Kyle. You must be Bree." Kyle said sweetly from the other end.

"Hey, so your Paul's new friend. How much is he paying you?" I asked laughing a little.

Kyle laughed too, "Nothing, I'm kind and went for free."

I giggled, "You're funny."

Kyle smiled, "Well you're pretty." I blushed immediatly.

"I am not." I said trying to hide my blush.

Kyle smiled, "Paul said you were modest."

I smirked and raised an eyebrow, "What else did Paul say?"

Kyle smirked too, "You really want to know?"

I nodded my head and laughing a little.

Kyle sighed and ran his hand through his hair nervously, "He said you were very nice, charming, sweet, hot, and very, very, very, very, screwable." Kyle said laughing shortly, and nervously.

I raised an eyebrow, then rolled my eyes, "He is diguesting."

Kyle laughed naturally again, "I think he is funny."

I laughed a little, "I think so too."

"He said that your friends are not nearly as pretty as you, or as nice, or charming or anything. but he doesn't like you." Kyle said snickering.

"I know he actually likes Alana. Even though she's way conceited and can't do anything other than look in the mirror." I laughed a little too loud and one of them behind me threw their pillow at me.

Kyle started to laugh, "They sure love you."

I smirked and rolled my eyes, "Of course they do."

Kyle smiled at me. I felt my insides start to squirm with butterflies.

"You know you already are the best of the four." Kyle smiled flirtatiously.

"How so?"

"Your already the prettiest. Paul had pictures." Kyle said.

"I am not that good looking." I said quietly.

Kyle laughed, "You really ARE modest."

"Well, fine! You are very good looking yourself!" I blurted. Kyle looked surprised.

"I knew I would get you to say it." Kyle smiled. I blushed.

The conversation lasted all night before I finally yawned. Kyle looked at his phone for the time.

"Oh my god, it's five in the morning." Kyle smiled, "We've been talking since midnight."

I smiled, "You are very interesting Mr. Gallner. That's why I put up with you."

Kyle smiled, "Well, Bree. I don't want you to forget about me, so I'm giving you my cellphone number."

I smiled, "What is it?" I asked pulling out my phone.

Kyle gave me his number and I saved it into my phone. I gave him mine and we parted. I was sad, I had grown to actually like him. When I say like, I mean like.

Kyle seemed hesitant to go too. But he did, and so did I. We flirted for a little while, then we'd talk and get to know each other, then we'd flirt again. It was one of the funnest nights in my life. I don't think I'd ever felt that way about a guy before.

*Kyle's P.O.V.*

I walked into the kitchen where Paul was eating a hot dog.

"Have you been down here all night?" I asked. It was truely amazing how Paul ate constantly and never once gained a pound.

Paul nodded his head. I smirked.

"I see you enjoyed talking to Bree, all night long." Paul said smirking.

I blushed, "Shut up."

"You like her, don't you?" Paul asked.

I just stared at him, "Didn't I just tell you to shut up?"

Paul smiled, "Ah denial. It's brutal isn't it?"

"I don't like her" I said.

Paul laughed, "Didn't I just say denial?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You suck."

"Bree lives down the road from me."

I immediatly felt happier, "Really? Can we visit her? Oh crap." I said putting my hand onmy head.

Paul smirked, "Ha, I always win." Paul said triumphantly.

I didn't care at this time that Paul knew I had a major crush on Bree.

All I cared about was that I actually met her, and I really, really liked her
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