Is It Really Just Another Crush? A Kyle Gallner Love Story


*Bree's P.O.V.*
I woke up at like ten. I only got five hours of sleep thanks to the gorgeous dirty blonde haired hot guy that I talked to. I woke up to Jessie's annoying jumping on my bed.
"Wakey wakey! Come on Breeey get up!" Jessie jumped on my bed obnoxiously, that is so like her.
I pushed her off my bed angrily, "Get off Jess. I"m up." I said angrily.
Jessie giggled and walked out of my room and towards the bathroom. I didn't follow and looked over at my phone. There was one new message. I had recieved it just a minute ago.
Morning Gorgeous.
It was Kyle.
I decided to write back.
Kyle: So how did you sleep?
Bree: eh, ok, hbu?
Kyle: okish. paul woke me up.
Bree: jess woke me up
Kyle: sounds obnoxious
Bree: it fits her well
Kyle: lol. nice. so, wat r u doing today?
Bree: nothin. my friends r about to leave. so im alone most of da day.
Kyle: im just down the street
Bree: i take it u want to hang out
Kyle: yes i do.
Bree: lol sure. come ovr at lunch. we can eat somethin out and then hang or wateva
Kyle: its a date.
Bree: wateva u say.
Kyle: then im definitely sayin its a date
Bree: c u then. 12. k?
Kyle: c u at 12.
(Text convo over)
I put my phone down and walked down the hall. My friends were gathering up their things and were walking towards me.
"Hey, got anything to do today?" Mavy asked me.

"Yeah, I do actually." I said pulling at a strand of hair.

"Oh cool, what are you doing?" Alana asked.

"I have adate." I said shyly.

Jess was immediatly all over me, "Oh my god! With who? Is he cute? Do you like him a lot? Where are you going? Can I meet him?"

I widened my eyes, "Jess! I'mgoing with Kyle Gallner, he is very cute, I do like him a lot, we are going somewhere, and no you cannot."

Jess looked sad, "Why can't I meet him?

I smirked, "You'll scare him away."

Jess shrugged, "Well we have to go." Jess said hugging me. The other two did the same and wished me good luck on my date.

It was about eleven, and I was meeting Kyle in an hour. I quick ran to get a shower. I blow dried my hair and applied a light amount of makeup. I let my hair be a bit wavy and then picked out a cute outfit. I was wearing a blue shirt that hung on my shoulders and a pair of light colored boot cut jeans with a pair of regular white sneakers. It was exactly 11:59 when I ran down the stairs.

I sat on my couch and checked my phone at least fifty times in one minute. It was 12:05 when my doorbell rang.
I nervously walked over to the door and opened it. Kyle was standing there, with Paul.
My heart beat out of my chest when I saw Kyle and then I felt disapointed when I saw Paul.
"Oh, Paul. Are... you coming too?" I said slowly, and hopefully that he wasn't.
"Nope." Paul said popping his P.
I narrowed my eyes, "Then what are you doing here?" I said almost angrily.
"I had to show Kyle where you live, and I wanted to see the look on your face when you saw I was with him." Paul said with a smirk.
I smiled, "Bye Paul."
Paul laughed. He walked away from me and down the street. I looked to make sure he was gone, when I did I pulled Kyle inside.
"I'm sorry about him. He's a loser." I said, Kyle laughed.

"It's quite alright. Where are we going today?" Kyle asked me.
I smiled, "Where would you like to go? We can stay here if you want." I said leaning against the counter in my kitchen.
Kyle smiled, "We can stay. I don't mind."
"Okay, come with me." I pulled him towards the refridgerator.
"Oh no, what are you going to do to me?" Kyle asked faking nervousness.
I laughed, "Nothing, just come." I said. I opened the freezer and pulled out ice cream. I got two spoons and walked him into the living room.
"What movie do you want to watch? My family has likeeverything." I said.
Kyle pulled a horror movie, which I can't not scream during. The moment the movie started I was almost on Kyle's laugh and was biting the spoon in my mouth.
Kyle laughed a little.
"What?" I said my voice shaking a little.
"You're so cute." Kyle said taking my hand and taking a scoop of ice cream.
I giggled and snuggled in closer to him. He sighed and laid his head on mine.
The movie finally ended, with many screams from me. Kyle had pulled me closer each time I had screamed.
I was shaking when it was over.
"Whoa, Bree, chill baby." Kyle whispered holding me into him.
I giggled, "You called me baby."
Kyle smiled, "Yes, I did." He kissed my temple.
I blushed so much.
We watched three more movies. Kyle and I hesitantly walked to the door. He leaned down and kissed me lightly. I pulled him in closer for a bit more passion, which it immediatly gave. It was almost like a spark, and then he let go of me. He kissed me lightly and then walked, glancing back once more. I went to bed in a trance.