Is It Really Just Another Crush? A Kyle Gallner Love Story


I was waiting in the living room for Kyle to come back. Unfortunatly, it was storming like crazy outside and the lights went out. The one thing I was scared the most of, darkness.

And I was in complete darkness.

My knees went to my chest and I took in a heavy breath, trying to block out the pain and the scared feeling. I tried to turn on the TV, momentarily forgetting that the power was out.

The wind knocked on my house and a nervous shutter ran through me. I wanted to scream. I wanted my mom and dad. I wanted Kyle.

"K-kyle?"I yelled out. My heart beating like crazy in my chest.

I was so scared. I began to cry and suddenly felt like such a cry baby. There had to be a flashlight somewhere, but I really didn't want to get up to find one. I turned my Ipod on and savored the brightness of the small light.

I checked my phone, no new messages.

I wanted to call Mavy, but I knew she wouldn't drive out in these roads and neither would Jessie or Alana.

I was completely alone. And scared out of my mind.

I curled up in a ball on the couch and tried to fall asleep. The thunder clapped all night and I slept almost soundly, a few sounds waking me up.

Thankfully, the lights came back on around six in the morning. Since I had fallen asleep at eight, I was well rested. I got up and shook off the scared feeling.

I checked my phone again. No new messages.

I sighed and dialed Kyle's number. It rang a few times.

"Hey this is Kyle, leave a message after the beep."


"Hey Kyle, it's Bree. I dont know where you are and I really would like to see you. So could you please come over? I love you, bye."

I hung up and sat on my couch and waited. And waited. I waited and watched TV. There wasn't really anything on but I was drowning out the sad feeling of being alone.

A few loud raps on my door made me jump and come out of my thoughts. I stood up and walked to the door and slowly opened it.

Kyle stood in front of me, looking disheveled and tired.

"Baby..." Kyle whispered. He looked like he was on the verge of passing out, "I got your message."

I smiled and pulled him into my house, "Why are you so tired?" I asked pulling him to the couch.

"I didn't sleep. I couldn't."

I stared at him, "Why not?"

"I felt like shit leaving you here in the dark." Kyle said. His eyes were almost drifting shut.

"Kyle, do you want to sleep upstairs? Please, don't do this to yourself." I whispered, but Kyle had already laid his head in my lap.

"Just want to... sleep." Kyle whispered. He was out the second he finished the words. I smiled and played with his hair as he slept. I was stuck on th couch all day. For almost ten hours I sat there and let him sleep on my lap.

It was four o'clock when he finally woke up.

He leaned over and looked at me, "I'm so sorry."

I shook my head, "I forgive you."

Kyle smiled and got off my lap. He then leaned in and kissed me, long and deep. My stomach did little fiips, and my heart beat straight out my chest.

Kyle leaned away from me, "Bree... I want to make love to you."
