
chapter one;

Far off, farther than the darkness of the Forest and farther than the sea of stars in the sky, a large bustling city moved at a fast pace. It was early morning, just after the sun rose, yet most of the denizens of the city had been up way beyond the hours the sun would show to just watch as the stars twinkled on merrily. Now that the city could wake and get busy with the daily duties, the large streets were unsurprisingly filled with creatures - that of the imagination and human realm alike - who would buy and sell their goods.

Then, a far off horn blew, causing the city of Grates Hollow to get still with not a single breath being heard. On each street corner, a royal servant dressed in only the finest silk and satin shades of purple, stood with a piece of parchment. The citizens waited until the horn blew again, and the servants recited the message with an echo surrounding the entire city.

"Millenniums have passed since Grates Hollow was first establish. The royal bloodline was picked only from the finest family who lived within the small group of those who established their homes, the first homes ever on the kingdom's soil. Now, the kings and queens have ruled to their best, giving heir after heir to take their place on the golden throne that now sits empty as we speak..."

With a small moment of pause, the crowds gasped, now away from their own things and eager to hear who would next be their ruler. The servants continued.

"Our beloved King Wynn fell ill seven suns ago, and today he took his last breaths, uttering the name of the next heir on his lips. Due to King Wynn's first sun, Prince Isaac, having died in his younger years from illness and his highness' first daughter, Princess Dantia, too young to take the throne, our kingdom now has an empty throne. This will continue to be until any brave man dare venture out of the walls of Grates Hollow, and find the King's next possible heir, Lady - now Princess - Ezra, his niece of his brother, Lord Dane..."

Voices now began to start up again, but quieted for the servants to take their last few words and continue with business at the palace for the great King's funeral.

"Any man brave enough and succeeds in finding and bringing back Princess Ezra will be rewarded beyond he can possibly dream. May King Wynn rest in peace..."

The servants quietly rolled the scrolls back up and followed each other, one by one, back toward the towering palace on the North side of the kingdom. The streets went back to their bustling selves and talk of the new heir was what was only talked about that day, and the day after, and the day after.

Sons and fathers and brother took off with a packed sack out into the dark forest to travel and find Princess Ezra. After three months of searching, only a handful of the hundred came back telling stories of what the forest was like. Wild animals, evil witches and warlocks, and those who looked to once have ventured out but were much more unlucky to make it back.

Mothers and wives and sisters and daughters all cried alike, sad that such a small task could take such a large toll on their hearts. Many swore to get revenge once the Princess was found and taken to the kingdom. They all wanted their revenge on the causer of the deaths, but years passed - the past King's closest advisers taking over the important jobs currently - and there was no word.

Many more men came back, even a few women who were able to sneak out and try their luck. Each came with the same story, though. The forest would not allow them to get any farther than the other side of it. There was a small town, they could tell, but anyone who tried to pass would be thrown back by an unknown force. Whether it was put up hundreds of years ago or put up only twenty years ago by Princess Ezra herself when she disappeared, it was all a bunch of unanswered questions.

Then one night, while all of the city was asleep with not even a single mouse stirring from its nest of old cloth and twigs, a bright light flashed across the sky. No one was awake to see it, so the only evidence that it had passed were the small bits of silvery dust that floated down to only be blown away in the wind.

The next morning, everyone went about their business. It had been close to almost sixteen years since King Wynn's death, and the quest for Princess Ezra went unnoticed. But then, the gates opened. Everyone of Grates Hollow turned and craved to see who was coming back, now, after almost sixteen years had passed since the King's death. Had someone finally found her?

The citizens were only disappointed when a lean dark haired man stumbled through. Women hissed angrily at getting their hopes up and went back to business. Then something surprised everyone.

The man called out to anyone who would listen, and everyone actually heard.

"Does anyone know where King Wynn is?"

The townspeople laughed at the man, not believing what they were hearing. This fool had been gone so long that he didn't even know the King had died so long ago!

He was laughed at, criticized for the unusual clothing he wore, but he disappeared just as soon as he came. The man was never seen in the streets again and the people of Grates Hollow forgot about him just as easily.

But, it just so happens that the man was taken by the royal servants and led to the castle. There he was met with many old friends - the past King's closest advisers - that had grown so old, they almost looked like death themselves.

He was welcomed with many warm smiles and open arms, but he did not know of why Stella - the ruler of his people, the Stars - had sent him here. He was told of the situation that had been going on for almost two decades now.

"Vian" has he was called, set out the very night after he arrived and wasn't seen again.

Vian had indeed already fulfilled the quest of finding Princess Ezra, he just didn't know it.