Your First Day at BLOCKED Acadamy

Hey I'm Navin and I'm not really good at this kinda stuff. Talking to people really isn't really my thing. When I was little I was a non-stop chatterbox. Actually, I used to talk a whole bunch until my parents sent me here. They didn't even warn me. It was just "Welcome to BLOCKED Academy son" and a "Bye, we love you". Hell, they didn't even walk me to the office. Anyways, I've been here for almost a whole school year now and I HATE it. I hate the uniforms, the dining room, the teachers, the expensive french chef, the fancy dorm rooms, and all the damn rich kids. But the thing I hate the most is that my parents put me in a school for troubled high-class children and young adults. I am NOT a troubled child or young adult! In fact, the worst thing that I've ever done is read to loud in a library. Most of the other kids are in BLOCKED Academy for drinking, overspending, doing drugs, stealing, etc. So compared to what they've done I seem like an angel sent from heaven. Sorry I'm getting off topic.
BLOCKED Academy is basically eleven buildings; five buildings are dorm rooms(students are separated by grade level starting from 8th grade), the main building is the office and most of the boring classes, then there's the arts building, the dining hall, the library, the gym, and the performing arts theater. There's also the stables, the track, the soccer field, a recreational pool, a weight room, and a cross country trail. Yeah, it's a big school and if you don't know exactly where you want to go then your most likely gonna get lost. During orientation I was kind of amazed that this place hadn't already been bombed by terrorists. The curriculum is mostly the same as any other school. Math, English, Science, History, P.E., Health, Career/Life Planning, and Political Government. Your also required to sign up for a language class and take at least one year of culinary arts and performing arts. Oh, I forgot to mention earlier that not all the students here are "troubled". Some got into BLOCKED Academy on scholarships. I have no idea why anyone would willingly come here. I guess its because the teachers told us most kids who graduate from here end up getting excepted into good colleges like Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, and MIT. They're paid to say that so I doubt its true. Dammit! There's the bell! I'm gonna be late for class(which is bad since detention means cleaning the bathroom). Before I go I'd just like to welcome you to BLOCKED Academy.