My bodyguard

When I first came to this godforsaken school my parents hired a bodyguard to make sure that I didn't get hurt while I was here. However, the principal wouldn't allow an over-sized fellow into the school. My parents had a problem with this because they just couldn't trust all those teenagers. So the search began. The three amigos(Mom, Dad, and the principal)were interviewing every 14-year-old who qualified as a bodyguard. It was really annoying sitting in the principal's office everyday for two hours.
Anyways, one day I sneaked off to the town that was located near the school. Really nice town just by the way. Unfortunately, I can't write down the name of the town for safety reasons. Moving on, while I was sitting in the town square a bunch of teenage boys started harassing me. First it was just name calling, then they wanted money, when I refused they started punching me. Lucky for me a boy happened to be watching from across the square. He walked over and beat the cr*p out of 'em. I was scared sh*tless. The kid helped me up and introduced himself. His name was So ******. Of course, he made me call my parents and tell them what happened.
Later on my parents met with So. They found out that he had been studying Kung fu ever since he could walk. And not only was he exceptionally smart but he was a short 14-year-old with an innocent looking baby face. The principal said that he would be delighted to have So come to BLOCKED Academy. Mom and Dad thought that So was perfect for the job. I agreed.
And that's how I met So. Hope you enjoyed the story:]