We Come Out At Night 4

Chapter 17


“You want to try breathing?” I said from my couch as Christ appeared in my doorway out of breath and leaned forward placing his hands on his knees while gasping for air. “Like this dude, breathe in” I sucked in a breath in an attempt at a demonstration. “Breath out.” When I exhaled he shot me a look that said he didn’t find it funny.

I sat there waiting for him to introduce his lungs to air again and finally he walked over to the couch and sat down across from me. “Use your words.” I teased, but he didn’t seem to find me funny.

“It’s Kristina.” Now he had my full attention. I leaned forward and gripped the arm of the couch.

“What are you talking about?”

I waited as he lit his cigarette and when he blew out the smoke he looked at me. “I went to see her. I had to see for myself that she was ok.”

He wasn’t supposed to be at the hospital, he was supposed to be looking for Izzy. “Ok. What happened when you got there? Is something wrong with Kristina?”

He shook his head and blew out another stream of smoke. “She said something.”

“Tell me.”

“She said save Izzy.”

That has to be a mistake, why would she say save Izzy when Izzy was the one who did this to her? “Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. She said save Izzy.”

I stood up and started walking back and forth between the couches wondering what she could have meant if that was actually what he heard her say.

“I’m going to take off. I’m pretty tired.”

I nodded in response and was about to let him walk out, but something hit me. “Don’t tell Shadows.”

He eyed me strangely before leaving. There was no point in getting Shadows riled up again until I knew what Kristina actually said and what she meant by it. If I went to him with it now, he would head straight for the hospital and I wasn’t going to have him jeopardize Kristina’s health.

When the morning comes, I’d get the answers from her in my own way.


I stood on the terrace overlooking the city. My penthouse was now completely trashed. Izzy got the best of me and after all I had done for her. Trust wasn’t something I gave willingly and my mind kept going back to the argument we had when she asked me if I trusted her and I told her no. She was so hurt she left me and started sleeping back downstairs. That’s when Marco made his move and took her from me again.

When she came home, I put all my trust in her without regret. Losing her was what made me realize how much I really loved her and how much I really needed her. That was what got me here. When I finally did fully trust her she told me she didn’t love me and left.

It doesn’t make sense and there is a big part of me that doesn’t believe this is real. She fought with Kristina over me. She cried for my attention. She so desperately wanted my love and was only happy when I gave it to her. She needed constant reassurance from me that I loved her. She was afraid of losing me so it doesn’t make sense that she would just get up one morning and leave.

Why would she stab Kristina? Izzy would kick her ass in a heartbeat if she felt Kristina was a threat, but stab her? No. Something was wrong, very wrong. I’m not a stupid man by any means and I’m smart enough to know that some part of this puzzle is missing.

My eyes focused on the lights that lit up the large “M” that sat atop The Maker’s Marc. I’d bet my right fucking arm that Marco knows where Izzy is.

Marco Montes

I have been called many things for many reasons. I’m sure a few more names were about to be added to the list. Let the games begin.

I’ve set up the camera, the remote to start recording is in my pocket. Oh how I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Shadows sees what I have in store for him. Izzy may not love me, but she will act like it with a little help.

I pulled the needled out of the little clear bottle drawing its contents through the metal tip into the needle’s container. After flicking it once to get the bubbles out I turned towards the bookshelf. The wall of books slid sideways after I pushed the button under my desk to reveal the door behind it. Beyond that door waited my unassuming lover. It’s time for Izzy to show Shadows what a star she can really be on the screen.

When I walked through the door I found her laying on the bed sobbing in to the pillow. At another time in our relationship, this would have bothered me and I would have rushed to her side to make everything better. Now, things for Izzy were about to get a whole lot worse.

Without any warning I walked over to her and jabbed the needle right in her side. She gasped and looked at me with a shocked expression. “What did you do to me?”

“Nothing, yet…” While I waited for the drug to take its effect on her, I checked the camera and made sure the red light was on signaling that it was ready to record. After hearing Izzy whimper, I turned around to face her again.


There is much to be said for hallucinogens. I smiled back at her and reached into my pocket to click the camera remote. She was ready, and now it was time to bring down Shadows. Poor little Izzy.

“Did you miss me?” I smiled and walked over to the bed. She reached for me with her arms and as I leaned down she put them around my neck. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive…