Status: Will Update Soon....Please Comment, your opinion is valuable....


Chapter 1

“I hate you,” I screamed, knowing it was futile to even say it. It wouldn't’t hide the bruise that would be forming any more than kill the whore that was sitting on our couch. Slamming the door, I ran toward the woods behind our house ,carefully climbing the wall, to my tree. It was an old weeping willow that had probably been here for ages, my refuge. I sat on its tangled roots, hugging my knees to my chest. I remember when he used to come back and apologies, but that was a long time ago. I realized that I would have to once again climb the tree outside my window to bring down my tent, for there was no way in hell I was going to sleep in that god forsaken house while they fucked in my mother’s bed. I lifted my head slowly, my cheek still stinging when, to my surprise, I saw the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I stared into them, enraptured by their beauty. After what seemed like a decade he looked down , his long black hair falling forward, freeing me from their spell, “I’m so sorry, I was, well you see I just moved, um here and err-“
“Go away,” I growled, hiding the mortification I felt at being discovered in this weakened state. Stammering he apologized again and ran away. I shouldn't’t have been so mean, he really had only been in the wrong place at the wrong time, oh well it was much too late now. I looked at his retreating figure, thinking about those piercing green eyes. They had made me forget everything, looking into those eyes I felt safe, untouchable, they had made me feel loved. I shook my head, attempting to clear my ridiculous thoughts. How could a boy I had never even meet before make me feel loved when my own father couldn't’t? Sighing I stood up and walked toward the wall. When I reached the top I looked up at the sky. Well at least it didn't’t look like it was going to rain.

I stared out the window, my thought traveling back to that boy. I closed my eyes, remembering his shoulder length hair, his lean figure, his beautifully feminine lips, and of course his gorgeous eyes. I had never felt like this before , I couldn't’t concentrate on anything, all my thoughts were devoted only to him. I had dreamed about him ,of that I was certain, but the details where murky. All I remembered was that we were in the tent, he was on his knees next to me, he had lifted his hand and brought it to my cheek tracing my newly formed bruise, his fingers leaving a warm trail. Slowly he had leaned down, placing his soft lips on my cheek , awakening a fire in me. Too soon he removed his lips and …that was it. I lifted my hand up to my cheek remembering his soft lips when I realized that there was some sort of commotion going on, I could hear excitement in my classmate’s voices. I looked toward the source of the commotion, my hand still on my cheek, when my gaze was met by those piercing green eyes.
Our gazes held for a long second, but this time I broke them. My face flushed with embarrassment and I quickly lowered my hand. I could still feel his gaze on me, but I kept my eyes on the empty page in front of me.
“Mr. Gray?”
“Huh?” His voice unleashing butterflies thru ought my stomach.
I peeked through my bangs when I knew it was safe to look. “I asked you were you wanted to have a seat.”
“Um, well,” I saw him turn and I quickly looked down, cursing the fact that there were two open seats next to mine. Judging how his mere voice was making me feel, I definitely did not want him so close.
“Over there I guess”, he responded and I could hear the snickers and my classmates eyes upon my bang covered face.
“Why would you want to sit next to that freak,” I clenched my teeth, of course Megan would oppose, “Mr. Williams why don’t you move someone so that Joey can sit over here, and I could show him around class, make sure he doesn't’t get lost.”
Several people snickered at her last suggestion but of course her witchcraft worked on poor unsuspecting Mr. Williams, “That’s a fine idea Megan, well Samuel move to the back, Joey take your seat.”
Joey shot me a pleading look, as If I could help him. I shrugged and lowered my head causing my bangs to fall forward.
“Well I guess we know who here new closet buddy Is going to be, boy Richard will be mad,” I looked up and smiled and Sam’s comment “I’m sorry you had to move all the way back here”.
“Why are you apologizing for? Besides it wasn't’t your fault and I’m glad to get away from there, would have sooner but, well you see, I kind of broke my glasses.” He smiled sheepishly. I smiled “Don’t worry you can copy off of my notes,” I whispered. “Shouldn't’t it be the other way around?” he remarked pointedly looking at my empty notebook, I laughed and nodded. We both looked forward, ending the conversation. I tried to concentrate on the notes on the board but no matter how hard I tried I kept getting distracted, looking towards Joey, he had such a cute name, fitting him perfectly. I could see Megan whispering something seductively pressing her breasts on his arm, he quickly nodded his arms and scooted away, Megan smiling triumphantly.
Anger seeped through me, it was not fair that she had everything she wanted. She could have any guy in the whole fucking town, hell even some of the girls, and she had to set her greedy eyes on him. It’s not like he even belonged to me anyway, I reasoned with myself, plus he probably would only hate me like everyone else in this hellhole, well except for the nerds, who were to in WoW or whatever to even care about the likes of me.
The bell rang, shocking me back to reality. I realized I had my hands clenched in tight fists. I picked up my stuff and walked towards the door. I saw all Megan’s posse surrounding Joey, bombarding him with questions, he looked up and met my gaze, his eyes pleading for help. I shrugged, he would have to get out of this one by himself. I left heading for my next period.
So far he was in 3 of my classes, in each Megan would drag him along. Each time she walked in she would throw me a victorious smile, as if everything she had already done to me wasn't’t enough. Well it looked like what Sam had said was true, Megan had indeed found a new fuck buddy. It had been such a long day, I was hoping my bad luck wouldn't’t hold and he wouldn't’t be in my last class, really it was too much that he was in my worst classes and that he would also be in my art class.
I walked the path toward the small building, and entered the classroom. I looked around, looks like he wasn't’t here. Disappointment filled me, when really I should have been happy, I couldn't’t afford to have him here distracting me. I made my way to my seat convincing myself that it was for the best. The bell rang, completely murdering the last of my hope. Our teacher, Mrs. Biachi started wordlessly passing out our still unfinished canvases. I took mine and walked over to my easel. I started readying everything, my body moving automatically while all my mind could do was obsess about him, every little detail. How the school uniform looked on him, how he walked, how he would lightly flush when our gazes met, the way his lips were shaped, slightly feminine like, how his hair would sweep over his beautiful eyes, oh those eyes, how they enraptured me, how they made me….
-“Do you mind if I set up here?.”
The abrupt shock of hearing his voice made me squeeze the black bottle of paint I was holding, spraying it all over myself, my painting, and, to my mortification, Joey.
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First Story...
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