Stop and Erase

Rock Bottom

“Sam!” she heard her name being called even though the music was blaring loudly. “Sam, come here and try this.”

Sam was swaying side to side to the music, with a bottle of vodka in hand as she saw her boyfriend walking towards her. A smile crept onto her face as her boyfriend, Nick, pulled Sam close to him and they both moved in synch to the music.

Sam saw him put something in his mouth and she soon realized it was ecstasy when he opened his mouth to stick out his tongue and saw the small pill. With her free hand she picked the tablet from his tongue and popped it in hers.

She knew she shouldn’t have taken the pill since she had around smoked three joints, snorted a great amount of coke and not to mention half the bottle she held in her hand was already consumed. But of course, Sam Jenkins believed she was invisible and was at her all time high at the moment.

She didn’t have a care in the world. She didn’t care that her parents stood up every night waiting for her to come home or how much she was affecting her family. Nope, she is just another careless sixteen year old junkie who was throwing her life away.

“Why don’t you and I go upstairs and have a little fun of our own?” Nick asked Sam as he caressed her back and nibbled on her neck.

Sam wasn’t even listening to the words coming out of her boyfriend’s mouth. She was more into trying to finish the liter in her hand. She put the bottle to her lips once again and took a long swig.

She felt different now. She didn’t feel so invincible anymore. Her head felt as if there was a little man in there hammering away and her breathing didn’t feel normal; she felt like she had to work harder just to get oxygen to her brain. Nothing felt right.

“Nick, stop,” she whispered. “My head… my…” She dropped the bottle quickly and put her hands to her head. “The music… shut it off!” She dropped to her knees and continued to press her hands into her hammering head. This felt worse than any hangover she ever had. Her head hurt, her lungs felt like they were squeezing close and the last place she wanted to be was at this party.

Sam felt like she was in a horrible nightmare. Nobody cared she was on the ground except Nick who finally bent down to calm his psychotic girlfriend down.

“Sam, what are you on?” he asked her. “Chill out, I’ll take you home if you stand up and…” He looked down at Sam who was still on her knees except she was leaning all the way forward and her hands weren’t on her head anymore, they were curled up slightly and lay on the ground.

“Sam?” Nick went to lift her hair off and felt something wet and sticky. “Sam, that’s sick! How can you puke all over yourself? Get up before someone notices and we have to clean.” He reached for her arm and tried pulling her up but noticed it felt light. “Sam… stop being a brat.”

Nick picked Sam’s head up and noticed her eyes were shut and it was obvious she vomited. “Sam, stop joking around.” He began shaking her but nothing was working. She lay unconscious in his arms. “Sam, please wake up. This isn’t funny anymore.”

No, it wasn’t funny and no she actually wasn’t faking it. It would take Samantha Jenkins months to realize her old habits needed to be broken and everyone she associated herself with will no longer have a part in her life. She needed a clean break away from this life and that is exactly what she got.
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I felt like starting something new and different compared to everything else I've written. Tell me what you think please <3