Status: I don't know what I was trying to do but I think I did it.

It's Only Illegal If You Get Caught

i can give you a brand new start

"Go Dahlia!" my mom screamed from the bleachers. I had just scored the winning goal. My team, the Shadows, were going to finals. I waved at my mom before running to the locker room to shower. My friends patted me on the back as I stripped my clothes off.

"All hail Dahlia and Sierra! Without whom, we would have gotten totally smoked!" screamed Jasey Rae. The locker room echoed the noise that erupted from the rest of my team.

"You are the loudest group of 13-year-olds ever. But you won!" exclaimed Coach Bennett. We hollered all thing incoherent, sporting happiness. I smiled as I walked into a stall, turning on the water. Not even 5 minutes into my shower, Jasey Rae yelled to me.

"Your mom said that she has a last minute meeting so you should just walk home! Do you wanna come over instead?! We're probably going to celebrate!"

"No, but thanks anyway! Good work out there, Jay!" I yelled back. She replied with a thanks and then I heard another shower turn on. Once I finished, I sluggishly got dressed and packed up all my gear. I was the last one out so I locked up and turned off the lights to head home.

Since my mom was having a 'meeting at work', I decided to take the short way home so I could sneak onto the computer. I passed the usual ice cream shop and arcade before turning the corner and trudging up to my hilltop house. "Dahlia!"

I turned to see my neighbor's older brother. Well, if you consider the next hill over a neighboring house. "Hi Jonah. You mind coming to my house? I'm home alone. My mom has another meeting."

He grinned. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over. I'm home alone too and I'm real bored."

"Sure," I nodded. I turned around and headed toward him. We talked on the way there. He congratulated me on winning, I congratulated him on finally dumping his slut. Once we got there, he felt in his pockets.

"Um, Dahlia. I kind of forgot my keys inside," he told me sheepishly. I look of joy suddenly cross his face as he pulled a key out of his back pocket. "I have my car keys. Do wanna get a bite to eat?"

My nose scrunched up but I nodded. "Alright." We got in the car and I turned on the A/C. Summers in Sutherlenned can get pretty hot. I leaned back and closed my eyes. The sound of music filled the car and I relaxed. I felt so at peace, I just dozed off...


"Dahlia? Come on, you gotta wake up for me," a voice told me. My eyes fluttered open and I realized I was in my dad's workshop. I looked around and I was quickly met with the face of a very hot guy. "Hi, I'm Eric. I know what you're thinking. 'Where the hell am I?' We'll get to that later. I need you to answer a few questions.

"So, you live with your mother and your dog Roxy. Am I right?"

"Yes." I eyed him as he jotted this down. "Where's Jonah?"

"He went to get you some food. You must be hungry. You slept for a really long time. Now, what's it like living with your mother? I want you to tell me what a regular day is for you."

"Well, I wake up at about 6:20 and I start getting ready. My mom makes me some breakfast and my lunch. When I'm done, I eat breakfast. That's usually around the time that I leave, which is about 8:30. I almost always walk to school but sometimes my mom gives me a ride. When I get out of school, I call my mom. She usually say that she has a meeting when I know she's just fucking her clientele. I either go to my friends' houses or I go home. Sometimes, I go to a rave near downtown. My mom gets back at exactly 2:00 every time she has a meeting. If not, she waiting at home with dinner in the oven."

"How did you find out about your mom's meetings?"

"Her secretary told me. Me and him are really close. She would bring them into her office and let them do whatever they want to her. She's a really good therapist but he said that when there are people waiting to have sex with her, they tell him about how good she is. Some of them say she should stick to her day job," I answered easily, shrugging.

He smiled at me sadly before speaking, "Thank you for being so open. This is helping a lot. I feel horrible that you have to go through that." I wanted to roll my eyes so badly. The pity is so old hat. "Do you like living with your mother?"

"Not really. I don't even fell like she's my mother. It's like it's just me and Roxy."

I heard a door slam and then Jonah appeared in the doorway. "I bring you grub." I laughed and got up to grab a sandwich.

"Mm! You got SOCT! This is so good. I haven't had Subway in such a long time." They laughed at me as munched down on my sandwich.

"So, would you ever live with someone else?"

I stopped, a little confused. "Like, not live with her? I've thought about it. I probably would. I'll miss her a lot but it would be so much easier. Life would... relax."

"What about your friends? What about Roxy? You'll never be able to talk to them or see them again."

"Roxy would come with me, indefinitely. My mom never really wanted a dog but Lenny convinced her I needed a companion. My friends are dispensable. The ones I've know longest, I've only known them for a year. I started talking to them when they joined my soccer team. I don't like getting attached. It's a waste of time."

His face visibly saddened. He looked at Jonah as if he was asking for help. He got a shrug. Sighing, he turned back to me. "What if I told you I could make it happen? That you could live a new life."

"Psh, as if. If you could actually do that, it'd be illegal anyway."

"The only illegal part is that your mother wouldn't know," he told me. He seemed serious. I took another bite of my sandwich and chewed, contemplating. A new life...