Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 11

*Sam’s POV*

I was in my room thinking about before when Alaina and I were playing DDR.
I actually didn’t care that I lost to a girl, because she looked so cute when she’s gloating.

God you’re lovesick!

Am not!

Are too!

Am not!

Are too!

Talking to myself sure is weird.

I just couldn’t be mad at her, and also her eyes; they mystified (is that even a word? Well it is now) me I swear they changed color.

I just have to be sure.

She’ll probably think I’m a freak but still I have to know.

*Alaina’s POV*

This morning I woke up I was feeling crappy and sad mostly because it was 10 years today that my parents passed away, and I didn’t get too much sleep due to trying to figure out what I felt for Sam, if I felt anything that is.

I did all the usual stuff.

Susana wasn’t at home (as usual).

It was kind of annoying now than it was before, I mean she was never home and maybe when she was I was probably asleep.

She friggin’ adopted me for crying out loud she’s supposed to be my guardian.

Anyways I got my breakfast brought to my room.

I walked the door to my limo where my chauffeur was holding the door open.

I met up with Carly and Scott before school.

“Hey Lainee.” Scott called.

“Hey guys.” I said half-heartedly.

They both looked me up and down.

“What’s wrong darlin’?” He asked.

“Just don’t feel like myself today that’s all.” I said.

“You sure, you’re wearing all black?”

“Yeah I’m good.”

“Well come on then or we’ll be late for homeroom.” Carly said as the bell went.

I didn’t want to tell them yet.

We had Science first, Spanish and now it was recess.

“Are you guys going to Zoë Parkinson’s party?”

Zoë Parkinson was a scene girl whose parents were never home so she would throw parties anytime she wanted.

She was really nice; I know this because she’s in some of my classes.

“No.” I said.

They looked at me as if I had 3 heads.

“What?” I asked.

“You have to go everyone will be there!” Scott exclaimed.

“Will Sam be there?” I asked, keeping curiosity out of my voice and succeeding.

“Yeah he’ll be there with Samantha.” Carly said casually.

“I guess, but I don’t have anything to wear.” I lied.

“Don’t give me that bull. Your foster mum is Susana Diamonds! If you asked for a million dollars she’d give it to you!” He whispered loud enough for only us three to hear.

“We’ll help you pick an outfit.” Carly insisted.

“Fine but no-“

“-makeup? Oh no you’re wearing makeup alright even if it kills you.”

“Which it probably will.” I muttered. “Guys I’m really not in the mo-“

“I honestly don’t know why, you’d look prettier if you wore your hair down instead of that dreaded ponytail; add a little foundation, eyeliner and a touch of lipstick and boom! Sexy Lainee.” Scott gestured with his hands hovering over my face, which looked a bit funny.

“Ok then I’ll let you do all that stuff, when’s the party?”

“Tonight.” Carly Stated.

“What! We won’t have time!” I exclaimed.

“We’ll make time.” Carly and Scott said in unison.

“Fine. I’ll call my chauffeur to bring my car to school at lunch then we can go to the mall together, discreetly of course.”

Why did I have a bad feeling about this?

We heard the bell go signaling it was the end of recess.

Art went by really quickly, so did lunch, the only interesting thing that happened was me and Sam were constantly bickering so we got sent out the classroom and even then we couldn’t stop arguing.

I quite liked music it gave me a chance to play the guitar which I hadn’t done since I was 13.

Well Mrs. T Riley was a young teacher about 21.

She was pretty cool.

Currently the gang (Carly, Scott and me) were going over the P.E. block.

“And that’s why you should never give gorillas piggybacks.” Scott finished.

Well that was certainly disturbing.

We reached the P.E. block and had to separate. We said our goodbyes.

Me and Carly walked into the changing room and started changing into our own chosen P.E. kits.

Carly had some grey trackies with a light green polo shirt and white trainers.

I had some light blue tracksuit pants with a matching blue hoodie top and some gorgeous white trainers.

“Wow nice.” Carly commented.

“Thanks they’re from the mall in Rodeo drive.” I said in a monotone.

She gave me a weird look, which I ignored.

We put our lip-gloss on and walked into the huge sports hall.

“Class you’re going to be playing dodge ball with the boys.” Coach Riles informed.

All the girls except me were cheering like crazy.

“Why are you so down kiddo, this is a chance to embarrass the boys!” She said, punching her fists in the air.

After she said that the boys strode in like they owned the place, probably hoping to make the girls drool.

Although some were drool-worthy.

And last of all came Sam looking pretty good in his tracksuit and hoodie.

Such an understatement

Shut up brain!

*Sam’s POV*

Today I had fun, I made Alaina angry. *grins madly*

You said her real name!!! Let’s celebrate!!!

Shut up



It’s was soooooo worth it though.

Anyways our coach told us we were going to be playing against the girls in dodge ball.

Should be quite fun hitting Alaina with balls.

That sounds wrong

We all strode into the Sports hall and I came in last making sure I got all the attention.

*shakes head disappointed*

I saw Alaina looking as bored as ever. It was a cute look on her.

*Snap out of it*

Keep out of it

I went to the bleachers (yes our sports hall had bleachers at the sides) with the rest of the lads.


The game started and I knew who my main target was.

The ball started hurling towards us but all the lads dodged it.

I grabbed a soft ball and threw it directly at Alaina, but I wasn’t expecting her to do a straddle jump over it.

She was graceful doing it kinda as if she expected it. And also there was a gap between the bottom, of her hoodie top and the top of her pants showing some stomach.

*Wolf whistle*

I was shocked but I composed myself.

Alaina grabbed a softball and hurled it with such precision it would’ve hit me if I hadn’t ducked behind Scott.

Scott got hit and playfully glared at Alaina while leaving the court while she stuck her tongue out with her hands on her hips.

She glared at me with her Hazel-honey eyes, which entranced me but I glared back with my signature smirk.

Oh it’s on.

*Alaina’s POV*

After he glared back at me, I back stepped to get a free ball lying around.

Ready for war.

*4 minutes later*

I had to admit the boys had good aim and hit a lot of the girls.

I had never got hit and dodged every hit Sam threw.

I could see he had started to become frustrated.

Right now there was only Carly and me on the girl’s team and Sam and Ryan (Carly’s boyfriend).

Ryan had a ball in his hand and aimed for me.

Carly was behind me and as soon as I saw the ball coming towards me I ducked and the ball hit Carly in the stomach.

She groaned and held her tummy while glaring at Ryan.

Ryan was mouthing an inaudible apology to Carly and I took the opportunity to grab a ball and aim it for his head.

I heard a thump as the soft ball made contact. I smiled and Carly gave me a thumb up from the bleachers.

Now it was only me and Sam.

*7 Minutes later*

It was still me and Sam.

The tension in the room was intense, nobody dare to move or speak.

“Just give it up you know you’re gonna lose.” He said as he threw the ball at me.

“What makes you so sure?” I asked catching it.

“I’m fast and agile and you’re a girl, all women are weak.” He boasted.

“No they’re not!” I insisted.

“All women are good for is housework and bowing down to the true masters, the men.”

That did it I wasn’t gonna have any of this bull. It was sexist and rude and my mother wasn’t weak; far from that. I was fuming.

I ran towards him, anger in my eyes and tackled him to the ground and I was straddling his hips.

I started punching him in the face. I couldn’t help myself I was pissed as heck.

“What was that about weak girls?” I asked in between punches.

I knew he could push me off and hit me, but for some reason he didn’t he just laid there taking every punch.

His nose and mouth was getting bloody.

I felt someone grab both my shoulders hauling me up off him.

I shrugged out of their grip after I calmed down a bit.

He looked up and caught my eyes and shuddered.

I grabbed the soft ball and hurled it at his stomach. He bent forward in pain.

“You lose.” I spat. “Next time I would keep your mouth shut or I’ll do worse than kick your sorry ass.”

Everyone was in shock.

I shoved him aside and walked out of the sports hall, back to the changing rooms.

Minutes later I was done, so I walked out of the P.E. block and to the field.

*Sam’s POV*

I was dissing women and girls to get Alaina angry because it was fun.

“All women are good for is housework and bowing down to the true masters, the men.” I said. ((Me: I hate sexism but I put it in the story for a reason)).

After I said that she didn’t look angry; she looked worse.

If she was a cartoon she would have steam coming out of her ears and fire in her eyes.

She sprinted towards me, blatantly angry.

She tackled me to the ground and was straddling my hips.

She then started punching me in the face.

“What was that about weak girls?” She asked in between punches.

I could’ve pushed her off therefore hurting her but I decided not to I didn’t want to make this worse so I just took every punch as it came.

My nose and mouth was getting bloody.

I felt someone lift Alaina off me.

I dared to looked up and caught her eyes and shuddered.

I looked up and caught her eyes and shuddered because her Hazely-honey eyes that were bright with excitement were practically pitch black with a speck of silver in them.

They were dark and scary.

She grabbed the soft ball and hurled it at my stomach.

I bent forward, I felt like screaming but I bit my tongue.

“You lose.” She spat. “Next time I would keep your mouth shut or I’ll do worse than kick your sorry ass.”

Everyone was speechless.

She pushed me out of the way kind of hard and walked out of the sports hall.

I stood there like a statue still looking at where she was just in front of me.

I felt ashamed.

I think I hit a nerve.

I felt really bad, so I just slumped off to the boys changing room in the other direction with all the boys following.
♠ ♠ ♠
Got 24 readers, dead happy:) Pls comment i wanna know what you think
Alaina's Clothes
Alains's P.E Kit