Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 12

Alaina’s POV*
I was sitting under a willow tree.
It was my favorite kind of tree.
I loved how the arms of the tree dropped down to give you a comfort and safe feeling.
The bell had gone signaling Lunch.
I knew Carly and Scott, possibly Ryan were looking for me.
I had called my chauffeur and he agreed to drive my car to school.
It wasn’t here yet.
I put in my headphones which were connected to my phone, I closed my eyes.
I felt something touching my cheek.
I opened my eyes immediately and sat up, also bumping heads with someone in front of me.
“Ow! What the hell?” I shouted.
It was Sam. I wanted to kick him where the sun don’t shine but I restrained myself.
He had a bruise below his left eye. I could still see his nose bleeding just a bit.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you.”He apologized in a husky tone.
“I don’t want you here so leave.” I said surprisingly calmly.
“Look.” He started, scratching the back of his head and looking around. “I honestly don’t know what I said that made you pissed at me but I’m here to apo-“
“I don’t wanna hear your apology. You should think before words start coming of your mouth.” I bitched. “A minute ago this was my happy place until you showed up”
He looked at me with hurt eyes.
He aggressively pinned my shoulders back to the tree so I was sitting upright and looking at him.
“You’re going nowhere until you forgive me.”
We were only a couple on centimeters apart.
He looked straight in my eyes which made me uncomfortable.
I looked away, but he only brought my face with his hand to look at him.
“Let me go!” I yelled.
I snaked my hand around Sam’s arm his encircling it. As my hand got to his shoulders, I grabbed it and with my free hand I rose my hand up straight and brought it down harshly in the middle of his arm(as if karate chopping) hitting a nerve and making him release me immediately.
I glared at him before gathering my things and brushing past him to leave.
I still felt his gaze still on me as I kept walking.
I wasn’t looking where I was going when I bumped into someone.
“Alaina.” The person shook my shoulders.
I looked up and saw Scott.
“What the hell is up with you?” He asked. “First you wear all black and look like a living ghost-”
I flinched at those words.
“-Then you start hitting Sam Longford. I mean he’s a jerk and all but I don’t get why you did it and all this just has to stop kiddo.” He said.
Angry tears were threatening to spill but I was adamant not to let myself be weak and vulnerable.
“It’s just you and me you can let it out if you want.” He said calmly
We were sitting in my car when I started sobbing. He pulled me into a hug and I was crying on his shoulders.
I told him everything. From the car crash to why I hit Sam. No one but the social workers knew it until now.
“There, there.” He soothed.
We were there until the bell went.
“We could just skip school if you want.” Scott suggested.
“No I’m alright.”
“I’ll hang around with you just to be sure ok?”
“Ok. And thanks.” I thanked.
“For what?”
“For being there for me it means a lot.”
Just then Carly walked up to my car.
“What the heck is wrong with you Alaina?!” She yelled. “What the hell makes you think you can hit my brother like that? Well let me tell you something he’s got a girlfriend, so stay away from Sam, you touch my brother again and you’ll pay hell.”
“Carls she wa-“Scott started. But she ignored him and she strode off angry.
I sighed.
All of a sudden skipping school wasn’t such a bad idea now.
So that’s just what we did.
We sneaked off the school premises and went to the mall.
I wore the disguise I always wore so I wouldn’t get noticed.
A silky straight jet black wig the same length as my own hair, a beanie hat with sunglasses.
We went to the mall and started shopping.
I was trying some clothes on and Scott would give me his opinion.
I had on a blouse with an open back with a gold belt and leggings.
I did a little twirl.
“Hmmm.” He thought then shook his head. “It’s not your style.”
“You’re right.” I agreed.
He handed me some other clothes.
I went back to the little changing rooms.
I tried it on. It was a yellow Ozone halter dress with ruffle layers and a black belt underneath the bust area.
I strutted out and did a little pose.
“Bravo! Bravo!” He cheered clapping which earned weird stares from people in the store.
“It looks great and hugs your figure perfectly.”
So I bought it with the credit card Susana had given me when I first arrived.
Scott came back to my house to hang out before the party.
I called Carly’s mobile probably a hundred times but it always went to voicemail.
When we got in we watched shark boy and lava girl ((ME: It’s one of my all time favorites))
Then Scott went home to change and then came over to help me.
Scott was helping me with my makeup and all which I wasn’t very keen on wearing.
“Look in the mirror.” He said
I looked in my full length mirror and I was surprised to see a really beautiful girl staring back at me. Her face was flawless and she glowed.
Then I realized it was me.
I put on some accessories that went with my outfit and a miu miu black handbag.
It was 7:00 now and the party was at 8:00.
We climbed into my lipstick red convertible and drove off to the party.
We got there in an hour.
The music shook the ground, and beer cans were scattered all over the lawn, even though the party hadn’t been on that long. We both got out of the car, and I knocked on the front door.
The door swung open revealing Zoë in a lovely purple dress that went to her knees with a guy she was leaning on to stop her from falling probably.
“Hey guys, how’s it going?” She slurred.
“Good.” We replied.
She opened the door wide so we could both come in.
“Enjoy yourselves guys.” She swayed drunkenly.
We entered and looked around for anyone we knew.
“You wanna make fools of ourselves dancing?” Scott asked.
“Yeah!” I said enthusiastically.
The house actually had a dance floor in the living room, and a lot of people were grinding against each other on it.
We were dancing like idiots. Doing the bump and other goofy things we could think of.
We danced for half an hour.
And I was getting really hot.
“I’ll get some drinks.” I said.
“No I’ll get it don’t worry.” Scott offered.
I decided to get some fresh air so I walked out to Zoë’s garden which was full of drunken teens making out.
A guy with slick blonde hair walked up to me, looking me up and down.
"A pretty girl like you should be dancing. Join me on the dance floor?" He asks, smirking down at me.
"I don't think so.” I replied.
I think I would faint if I spent another minute in that stuffy room.
“Derek always get’s what Derek wants.” He whispered dangerously.
I gulped.
He moved closer to me so I was completely backed up against the wall outside.
I held my breath and didn’t move.
His breath tickled my face but he reeked entirely of booze and cigarette.
Somebody please get him a breath mint!
He was going to kiss me if I hadn’t turned my face the other way so he kissed my cheek instead.
He laughed.
“Don’t try and resist babe.”
Right then I started to cry.
“Help!” I screamed.
He quickly put a hand over my mouth.
But everyone was too drunk to notice.
His hand crept up my shirt.
I froze.
He stopped when he reached below my bra.
“Come on baby lighten up.” He slurred.
I started yelling and lashing out. I couldn’t kick him because his legs were between mine.
He tilted my head to the side and started kissing my neck.
Lower and lower till he was kissing my bare chest.
Oh God! I what would happen now? I would get raped at a party OUTSIDE With a guy I didn’t even know?!
I was screaming, now.
“Shut up b****!” He yelled slamming my back against the wall and my head automatically crashed against the wall.
I felt something warm trickling down my neck.
Blood. Shoot.
He then got out a white handkerchief and held it against nose.
As I breathed in, I felt myself get light leaded and drift into darkness.
Oh this isn’t good.
*Sam’s POV*
Carly told me that Alaina was going to be at the party, but didn’t sound happy about it.
I wonder what happened between them two.
I caught a glimpse of her when she arrived with Scott. He had his hand around her waist.
I glared at him.
She looked stunning in her yellow dress. She was all smiles as she greeted Zoë.
I was dancing with Samantha.
She was so drunk she couldn’t even stand upright.
She kept clinging to me like a leech.
I led her off the dance floor and to one of the chairs in the living room.
I wanted to get some fresh air because the inside reeked of cigarette.
The garden was huge and slightly better.
I inhaled the crisp October air.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see a couple getting personal.
Although the girl didn’t seem to be enjoying it.
She was crying?
I looked at them more closely and saw that it was Alaina.
Anger was bubbling up inside me.
I walked towards them.
“Shut up b****!” I heard the guy say, slamming Alaina’s back against the wall.
And blood was running down her neck from the back of her head.
Then he got out a white hanker chief.
I was running now.
He held it to her face. And slowly she began to go limp.
I pulled the guy by the collar and punched him square in the jaw.
I moved Alaina away from him. I didn’t see he was coming for me until I felt I was kicked in the stomach.
I embraced the pain.
I lurched at him and pinned him to the floor, hitting him anyway that I could. He hit me in the mouth causing blood to spew out. I kept hitting until he had no more strength but to pass out.
I quickly turned my attention to Alaina.
She looked so cold. I stroked her cheek.
I took off my jacket and lay it on her shoulders
I looked in her bag for her phone and dialed Scott’s number since I had no idea where he would be in Zoë’s huge house.
He picked up on the 1st ring.
“Alaina? Where are you! I’ve been looking all ov-“
“It’s not Alaina it’s me Sam.”
“What are you doing with Alaina’s Ph-“
“Just get your ass out in the garden ASAP.”
“Be right there.” He said.
I picked Alaina up bridal style when Scott came along with Carly.
She wasn’t heavy at all.
I laid her in the car which Scott said was her’s.
“I can’t believe you can be this nice to her after what she did.” Carly spat.
I looked at Alaina’s pale face for I don’t know how long. I soon snapped out of it.
“Look Carly. She only lashed out at Sam because...”
“HELLO! A girl’s been drugged and you’re standing here talking. We need to get her to a hospital fast.” I snapped.
I drove as fast as I could. I’m surprised I didn’t get stopped.
The doctors took over when we reached the hospital.
I was adamant to stay with her, but the nurses said only family could.
I didn’t really know any of her family, so Scott, Carly and I reluctantly headed home, her on my mind all the way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Could Sam possibly like Alaina???? Maybe, Maybe not.
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Alaina's Party clothes