Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 13

*Alaina’s POV*

Oh my head!
Why can’t I open my eyes?
Why is my throat hurting so much?
“She’s really weak at the moment and can’t do much but she should be OK in a few weeks, and she needs all the rest she can get.” Someone says, who I’m guessing was the doctor.

I heard some people come into the room.

“I get to talk to her.”
“No I do.”
“Oh grow up.”
“Coming from you?”

I would laugh if I could move my mouth.
I’m guessing it was Carly and Scott.
Someone sat on my bed.
“Alaina I’m so sorry, I really am. I guess I was just protective that’s all. Please forgive me.”

“She can’t hear you.”
“Oh be quiet.”
“Free pie outside!” Someone yelled.
“Ooh free pie.” They both said in unison and ran out.

I have such great friends. *note the sarcasm*

“Hey Alaina.” Said a voice that I would recognize anywhere.
He sat down next to me.
“You look terrible.” He chuckled.
That’s lovely.
“Not what you wanna hear right now sorry.”
“You know that if you die I’ll have no one to tease.” He said probably smirking.

His phone vibrated.
“Talk to me.”
There was mumbling on the other line.
“Really?” He said extremely bored.
More mumbling.
“I can’t I’m visiting someone.”
“I can’t I’m-“
I was really happy because he was putting up a fight to stay with me longer.
“Ok fine I’ll be on my way.”
He hung up.
“Sorry I have to go Samantha needs me.”
My heart sunk.

Duh of course. She's his girlfriend.
He left and I went back to sleep.

*3 Weeks later*

Carly, Sam, Scott always came to visit whenever they could. The doctor said I shouldn’t stress myself out and rest.
“What were you thinking?” Screamed Susana. “You could’ve ruined my reputation.”
Yes she’s home. Hallelujah. She didn’t even come to visit me, it was Charles who visited and came to pick me up.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t use my psychic powers to know what would happen.” I said sarcastically.
“Don’t you use that tone with me.” She growled. “How could you be so irresponsible?”

“Me? Irresponsible? You’re the prime example of irresponsible. Ever since I got here you’ve never been home long. You leave your foster daughter in a house while you go out to ‘work’. Ever since I got here I’ve been trying to be good for you.”

“Don’t you shout at me” Screamed Susana.

“Look it’s not that I don’t appreciate everything you’ve done for me, I do. To be honest all this is only making me think about my parents even more. How on weekends I would come downstairs and mum would be cooking while my dad helped her.”

“That’s enough.”

“My mum knew everything about me, because she cared enough to ask and be with me. What do you know about me Susana? Nothing I didn’t think so. You're probably the worst foster mother ever”

I felt my face jerk to one side and my left cheek sting.
“I’m so…. i-i didn’t me….please don…..” She stammered.
“Yeah yeah whatever I won’t tell anyone. Don’t want your reputation to be tainted.”

I walked past her and up to my room.
I wanted to get my mind off things so I called Carly.
“Hello” She answered.
“Hey it’s me.”
“Alaina? Are you still in hospital?”
“No I came home today. Um can I come over? Maybe sleep over?”
“Are you sure? I mean of course, do you want me to call Scott?” She asked kindly.
“Yeah please. Thanks I’ll be there soon.”



I started throwing some things into a bag.
I went to the bathroom and put all that I needed as well .
I zipped it up and climbed out of my window and down the trellis that were growing neatly on the side of my wall.
It was quite a distance, but I managed it.
I jumped the last distance. I was so excited I forgot to take my car and ended up running for 35 minutes.
I knocked on the door and it immediately opened revealing Carly.
“Hey, come in."

I walked in and went to the living room.
Sam and this other guy I’m guessing was his friend were watching the ‘History of Bikinis’. Pervs.

“I’m in my room if you need me, please don’t need me.” Carly called.

Carly hauled me by the arm and was dragging me upstairs.
“Hey do you girls wanna play a game?” Sam’s friend asked slyly.
“Depends what it is.” Carly answered cautiously.

“And what might your name be?” Sam’s friend asked me.

“I’m Alaina.” I said and shook his outstretched hand. He held onto it for a moment too long.
“Ahem? Actually I was thinking of about Pictionary what’d you say?” Sam said a tad irritated.

We were minutes into the game now and it was Daniel’s turn to answer for his side. (Sam and Daniel on one side and me and Carly on the other)

"Oh my god Daniel! What does that look like to you?!" Sam yelled loudly.

"A bowling ball?" Daniel tried.

“There is no hole idiot! How the hell is it a bowling ball!?"

Carly and I were laughing uncontrollably and Daniel was shaking his head.

"Um... is it a... bowl?" Daniel asked nervously.

"Times up!" I declared.

"IT’S THE SUN!" Sam yelled at Daniel. "It must be a crime to be this stupid!"

He got up from his spot on the floor and pointed out the window.
"You've never seen the sun before? Is that it?! A blind person is better at this game!"

He continued yelling at him.
"I want to change partners." Sam declared.
"Not it!" Carly yelled. Lovely sister she was.
"Not fair! I don't want to be with that..." I paused to watch him kick over a little green chair.


"Monster." I said

He glared at me. "I'm not a monster."

"Look at you!" I said. "You’re kicking over chairs. Relax It’s only a game."

He sighed and reluctantly sat next to me. "You’re the same way with ddr.”
"I am not!" I defended.
Carly laughed.
He stood up and jumped on the couch.
"You think you’re all that just because you’re so good. Well you’re not!"
He jumped up and stepped on an imaginary dance mat.
He started moving his legs to imaginary beats and continued yelling.

"Yeah! Beat that! Yeah! Uh-huh! Yeah! I'm the master!"

Carly and Daniel were laughing.

I wasn’t like that.
I crossed my arms and pouted.
Sam turned his head to look at us. "Did you guys see? I got over 5000 combos! I really did!"
"I think we've lost him" Carly mumbled as Sam hopped off his imaginary mat.
"I'm not like that at all." I mumbled.

The three of us started laughing again. "Yeah you are." Carly informed me.
"Oh whatever." I stopped pouting and turned his attention to Sam
"Come on monster. Let's win this thing."


"It was an umbrella!" Sam yelled at me.

I narrowed my eyes. "Oh come on. It looks like a boat."

"No it doesn't! Since when do boats have points?! And a curled stick?!"He jumped up and banged his fists on the table. "They don't! See!" He drew a boat. "That's a boat! Right there!"

I smirked. "Still looks like an umbrella."
"Ahhh!" He yelled.

He kicked over the same chair he had before, and then threw a cushion at me. "Are you winding me up on purpose?"
Daniel and Carly were laughing at us.
I was sitting down calmly watching him as he kicked stuff.
Before I knew it I was flat on my back with a crazy looking Sam on top of me.
"Competitive are we?” I teased. "Now get off me you crazy pedophile."
He tilted his head and smiled at me. "I'm rather comfy right here."
"Well." I said shifting under him. "I am rather uncomfortable."
He tilted his head to the other side. "You smell pretty." He crinkled his nose and grinned.
"You’re a weirdo." I told him.
"I am no such thing." He said. "I'm just simply informing you that your new perfume doesn't smell like cheap hookers."

I narrowed my eyes. "You’re an asshole."
He smiled and leaned down. "I bet it turns you on." He raised an eyebrow and licked his lips. "Hmm?"
There was a knock at the door, so I guessed it was Scott.
“Hello people.” Scott said.
He stopped in his tracks.
“What's going on here?” He said referring to the position me and Sam were in.

“Mr Weirdo here decided it would be fun to sit on me, hereby cutting off the circulation to my lungs.” I said uncomfortably.
Sam, for some reason, blushed and rolled off me.

“Thank God! I can breathe again.” I said clutching my chest.
“Come on girls lets go upstairs we’ve got loads to do.” Squealed Scott, dragging Carly and I upstairs.

*3 Hours Later*

We had painted each other’s nails, given each other makeovers and we were almost at the end of the movie we were watching.
Simpsons Movie.
Scott went downstairs to get something.
“Did you hear that Samantha’s boobs are fake?” Carly informed me. “Apparently someone works with her Doctor and she’s had over 5 boob-“
"Shhh!" I hushed her as I heard footsteps outside my bedroom door.
We both stared at the door and listened carefully. "Are they asleep?" Scott whispered.
"I don't hear anyone." Sam whispered back.
I clamped my teeth together and narrowed my eyes.
"Then they are sleeping." Scott said. "Have you got it?
There was no reply which either meant they didn't or that they're showing it to him.

They walked away quietly. I heard them go down the stairs. I got up.
"Where are you going?" Carly asked from her bed.
"If they want to try and prank me, then I will just have to prank them back." The tone of my voice was dead serious.
"Great idea." She said smirking.

I didn't answer. I snuck out of the room and walked quietly to the bathroom across the hall.
I took the bowl had popcorn in.
I filled the bowl with ice cold water then tip toed back into my room I set the bowl down next to my pillow and crawled into my sleeping bag.

"What are you going to do?" She asked nervously.
"Oh nothing.” I smiled slyly. “Quick! Pretend you’re asleep."
We closed our eyes and listened quietly for the guys.

Finally after a few minutes of suspense the bedroom door opened quietly.
I felt someone hovering over me. Whoever it was smelt fantastic.
"Sam." Scott whispered from somewhere else in the room.
"Don't wake her up. She'll kill you."
So Sam was standing over me. Whoo. I take back what I say about him smelling good.
His hand carefully went under my blanket and he felt around for my hand. He brushed against my bare skin where my shirt had lifted up slightly. His hands were cold which sent shivers down my spine. I concentrated on my breathing as he grabbed my wrist.

He held it for a few seconds. "Dude." He whispered. "Where’s the stuff?"
There was some shuffling and soon my hand was covered in something wet and slimy. Ew.
"Should we do Carly?" Daniel asked.
Sam put my hand down carefully. "No. Don't."
"Okay. Let’s get out of here before she wakes up." Sam whispered as he stood up.

I heard Daniel’s footsteps pause as he reached the door.
Sam got up and turned away from me.
I stood up quietly and grabbed my bowl of water.

Daniel’s widened his eyes. "Sam! Ala----" I motioned him to shut up and he smirked. "Never mind."

Sam stopped walking and turned around.
I smirked and dumped the whole bowl over his head.
He gasped and stared at me. "What. The. Hell?"
Carly sat up and started laughing.
Scott and Daniel joined in with her.
The look and Sam’s face was priceless.
I wiped my hand on his shirt very slowly and smiled.
"What happened Sam?" I asked. "Why are you all wet? And cold?"
He took a deep breath and raised his eyebrow.

He took his wet shirt and threw it on the floor.
It made and thwacking sound when it hit the wood.
Then he shook his head and splashes of water hit my face.
There he was.
Eyebrow raised in anger.
Shirtless and wet.
Shaggy, also wet, hair glistening.

And cute Power Ranger boxers.
Dare I say he looked pretty hot standing there wet and mad.

"I think you know." He said deathly calm.
I smiled. "No. I don't think so."
I noticed his fists clenching and unclenching.
Carly, Daniel and Scott stopped laughing and watched us stare each other down.

"Ahhh!" Sam yelled with anger.

He finally snapped and charged at me.
"Crap!" I squealed. I ran around him and down the stairs.
I heard him run after me. "Help me! Scott! Carly! Daniel! Help!"
"I swear I am going to kill you!" Sam yelled from just a few steps behind me. Curse his physical fitness.
I jumped down the remainder of the steps and ran into the kitchen.

I crouched down behind the island and waited in the dark.
"Oh Alaina!" Sam called. "I'm not going to hurt you."
He hit the light switch hard and the room was lit up. "I just want to play."
Temporarily blinded by the light I ran past Sam.
He ran after me.

I ran into the living room which was dimly lit up from the kitchen lights.
I stopped and looked around.
Sam was just a few steps behind me again.
I ran towards the couch and flung myself over the stop.
I landed on the cushions and breathed heavily.
The wind was knocked out of me as a one hundred forty something pound Sam flung himself over the couch and landed face first on top of me.
"Are you done running?" He asked after catching his breath.
I raised my lip in disgust as he looked down at me. "Are you done chasing?"

He smiled and rested his head on my chest. "I'm tired."
"Get up and go to bed then idiot." I told him.
He yawned and held me to him. "No. I'm comfortable right here."

What a jerk.
I know its a filler but i had trouble coming up with something.

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♠ ♠ ♠
I know its a filler but i had trouble coming up with something.
Not been getting any comments whatsoever. Been a bit of a downer.
Any ideas are welcome as well just inbox me :)