Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 14

Sam was resting on me.
After 5 minutes I started shuffling about to get him off me
“Where’d you think you’re going?” He asked.
Our faces were centimetres apart.
I was getting nervous.
“You know you should really get off me. My lungs aren’t that great since the-“
“Party. Yeah sorry about that.” He mumbled.
He didn’t get off me, but leaned on his arm so he wasn’t resting on me and wasn’t letting me go either.
“I wanna say thanks, Carly and Scott told me.” I said shyly.
“No problem. Can I ask you something?”
“Um… sure.”
“Do you hate me?”
That caught me off guard.
“I...I don’t know, I guess we both hate each other.” I mumbled, looking down.
“That’s not good enough.” He slammed his fists on the side of the couch, by my face.
I jumped.
“Sorry, umm what I’m trying to say is that, if we don’t have a reason to fight then we shouldn’t.”
“You saying we should be friends?”
“I guess.”
“I don’t know….”
“C’mon what do you say?” He urged.
I was silent for a while.
I swear his eyes wandered from my eyes to my lips, but it must’ve been the light.
I stuck my hands out, for him to shake.
He shook it.
“Now can you please let me go?”
“Yeah…. For now.” He smirked. He rolled off me.
I shook my head smiling.
“Night Sam.” I said turning away.
“Hey” He said grabbing my arm.
He just looked at me.
He walked closer to me.
He was leaning in.
Panic! Panic! Panic!
“Night Sam!” I squeaked, practically running up the stairs.
“Night Alaina.” I heard him sigh.
Sam’s POV
I woke up and yawned.
I looked at the alarm clock.
6 O’clock.
Damn. Can’t go back to sleep now.
I remembered last night vividly.
Why the hell was I trying to kiss her?
Cos you like her?
No I don’t
Sure you don’t
Why don’t you shut up?
Make me
Urrrrgg I have a stubborn conscience.
I walked to the bathroom.
Alaina was brushing her teeth.
She was wearing shorts, a t-shirt and white boot slippers.
Snap out of it Sam!
She turned around and jumped.
Must’ve scared her.
“Morning.” She mumbled looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“Morning to you too.” I replied.
She washed her brush off and walked past me.
I brushed my teeth and had a hot shower, to stop thinking about Alaina. Easier said than done.
Alaina’s POV
Scott was still asleep tangled up in his sleeping bag.
I giggled slightly. He was so cute.
I walked down the stairs after changing, Carly was having breakfast.
I had already packed everything, ready to go home, if I could call it that anymore.
“Morning Carly.”
Carly stood up.
“Aren’t you having breakfast?”
“No I’ve got to go back to the house, got school today.”
She looked at me quizzically before shrugging.
“You want me to give you a lift?”
I peered at her breakfast, still full.
“No thanks.”
“Ok.” She said opening the door for me.
I started the 35 minute run.
The house came into sight.
There was a black car next to the house.
I honestly didn’t want to face Susana just yet.
I climbed back up the trellis.
Mmm roses.
I looked around my room.
It was thrashed.
What happened?
I shrugged it off.
I took a shower in my bathroom.
I changed into something else to wear to school.
I walked down the spiral staircase.
Susana was with a man in a suit and a policeman?
As I entered the room, Susana engulfed me in an over exaggerated hug.
“How are you? Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer your phone?” She asked.
Questions? Not what I wanted right now.
The policeman asked questions, and asked if I was alright.
“I was just at my friend’s house.” I explained. “What’s the big deal?”
“Miss Diamonds thought you ran away and something happened to you. She looked in your room for anything that might suggest where you were.” The police officer explained.
*3 ½ Hours Later*
After the policeman and the other guy in a suit were gone, Susana gave me another huge hug.
“It’s ok they’re gone you can quit the act.” I bitched getting out of her grasp.
“You think I’m acting?” She said in disbelief. “I was worried sick.”
“Well you never gave a toss before, so why bother now.”
She took my hand and made me sit down.
“Alaina, I really am very sorry, for everything. I shouldn’t have hit you, it was uncalled for. I’m sorry I haven’t been here to talk to. I guess I wasn’t much help and I should’ve been. Can you forgive me?”
“Sure. And I’m sorry too. I overreacted and I shouldn’t have just run out like that.” I apologized.
We hugged for the third time.
I parked into the parking lot in school and made my way to 3rd lesson. I only had 10 minutes left.
On a second thought I decided to skip it no point.
“Laina baby!” Scott squealed.
I gave him a hug.
“Where’ve you been?”
“It’s a long story.”
“I’m all ears.” He said pulling me onto his lap.
I told him everything as he listened attentively.
We just stayed the way we were for some time.
*Sam’s POV*
I drove Carly to school after Alaina had left.
In the morning we had an assembly about the homecoming dance.
I was thinking about going with Samantha until I caught her cheating on me with another Jock, Josh.
After second lesson I was starting to get worried about Alaina. I really didn’t know why it’s not that I like her or anything.
*cough* yes you do* cough *cough*
I was starting to give up seeing her all day after third lesson was over and lunch had started.
I was on the field on the far side.
“Hey babe.” Said the annoying voice I was hoping to avoid. Samantha.
She tackled me and started sucking my face. Talk about gross.
She moved so she was straddling me.
I didn’t like her yet I don’t know why I was kissing her back.
Her hands were in my hair and my hands were on her lower back pulling her in to me.
I licked her tongue asking for permission, she gladly let my tongue enter.
She moaned really loud which turned me on.
We continued kissing for I don’t know how long.
*Alaina’s POV*
While Scott and I were talking on the field, sitting on the wide wall (I was still on his lap).
My eyes caught Sam and Samantha making out like there was no tomorrow.
My heart sank.
My smile was ripped off.
“Alaina, hun? Are you ok?” Asked Scott looking concerned. He looked in the direction I was looking at. “Is it Sam?”
“No, no it’s not him wh-why would you think that?” I denied.
“Because you’re close to tears and you’re scowling at Samantha.”
“Well it’s not.”
“I’m not dumb Alaina, I see it in your eyes. Do you like Sam Longford?”
I looked down.
He sighed.
“Come on let’s go find Carly, she’ll be worried sick.”
I jumped off his lap onto the soft grass, followed by Scott.
Something hit the back of my shirt.
Something wet.
I turned around to see Samantha holding several water balloons and smirking at me.
“Isn’t it a bit childish to play with water balloons? Then again some things never grow up.” I said sarcastically.
“Well I’m not the one like wet now am I?”
“Samantha come on babe.” Called Sam.
“Just go crawl back under a rock or else.”
“Or else what?” She challenged.
“Or else I’ll rip your plastic face off!”
“That’s enough!” Yelled Sam.
She huffed off grabbing Sam with her.
“Come on hun.” Scott said leading me to the front of the school, glaring at Sam.
I looked back one more time to see Sam holding Samantha’s hand.
I sighed and kept on walking.
*After School*
It was the end of school day. Carly, me, and Scott were hanging out in my car.
Ring, Ring.
It was Susana
“Alaina, are you coming home”
“No, I was going to ask if I can go to Carly’s.”
“Oh.” She was quiet for a while. “I was wondering if you wanted to do something like shopping because I’m off today.”
I asked Carly if she wanted to go and she said yes and Scott just jumped up and down.
“Ok but Carly and Scott are coming too.” I informed.
“Err...ok I guess, see you at Rodeo ok?”
I hung up.
“Guys we got some shopping to do!” Yelled Scott, earning strange looks.
“Yeah, homecoming is only a few weeks away.” Carly said.
Sam’s POV
I had to stay behind 3 hours every weekday until the homecoming game.
Coach Hills wanted us to be perfect for the game, so we had to practice really hard.
The cheerleaders were practicing too.
Half of the lads couldn’t concentrate because of the girls.
“You had better stop drooling over those girls or else you’ll be running laps!” Coach yelled.
The girls soon went home much to the boys’ disappointment.
I was aching all over.
I hoped the car was still there.
Thank goodness!
I got in and started driving home
Alaina’s POV
We shopped till we dropped.
I got the perfect dress for homecoming.
It was a semi-short red halter dress.
It looked gorgeous on me. Carly, Scott and Susana approved of it too.
After we finished shopping we all went to an expensive Italian restaurant.
Susana’s treat.
I asked Susana if I could sleepover at Carly’s.
She was a bit reluctant but said yes finally.
After we ate, Susana went home in the limo and Carly, Scott and I went to Carly’s house in my car.
*Carly’s House*
Carly unlocked the front door.
“Hello?” She called out.
No answer.
“Guess no one’s in.”
When I entered the living room I almost dropped the shopping bags I was carrying.
Samantha was lying on top of Sam kissing him.
“AHEM!” Carly yelled going into the kitchen. “Do you mind?!”
Sam quickly pushed her off once he saw me and Scott.
“Saaaaaaaaam!” Samantha whined, tugging at his shirt like a 4 year old child wanting a lolly. “Forget about them, now where were we?”
I couldn’t take it. I ran upstairs to Carly’s room. Scott hurried after me.
“Come on Lainee, please don’t be upset.” He cooed. “Hurry Carly’s coming up the stairs right now,”
As soon as he said that I straightened myself up, checked to see if my makeup was running and patted my hair.
Carly entered the room.
She looked at the both of us for a while then shrugged.
*1 Hour of gossiping later*
“I’m kinda in the mood for ice-cream.” Scott stated.
“Yeah me too.” I said.
“We haven’t got any left, Sam ate them all.” Carly said. “But I’ll go and buy some, the shop’s only a few minutes from here.”
“I’m coming with you; you always end up buying the ones I don’t like.” Scott whined.
“How can you hate a brand of ice-cream?”
“I just do ok.”
We all laughed.
They were both gone when I where the front door slam.
Might as well bring up some more snacks from downstairs.
I skipped downstairs, taking the steps two at a time.
Sam was watching football.
Damn, where are the cookies?
“Tell me where your cookies and potato chips are please”
“One sec!”
Oh for the love of drat.
He walked in.
“Close your eyes.”
I did as I was told.
Sam was standing in front of me holding a big bag of potato chips and a medium pack of Maryland cookies.
“Thanks, why did I need to close my eyes?”
“Because those are from my secret stash. “
“I feel so lucky.” I answered sarcastically.
“So you should.”
No one talked.
Awkward silence
His crystal blue eyes were searching mine.
He moved forward and I moved back until I was backed up against the fridge.
“Your eyes are pretty.” He said.
I bit my lip.
“Thanks.” I muttered.
He put his left hand on my waist and used the other to cup my face.
I focused on trying to breathe evenly, but that was never going to happen.
There were deranged butterflies, doing all sorts of acrobatics in my stomach.
He was leaning in.
I could feel his breath on my face.
All I had to do was lean in a little and I would be kissing him.
“What is going on here?!”
♠ ♠ ♠
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo dun dun dun!!! How is Alaina gonna get out of this. is she going to get out of this??????
53 readers thats amazing :)
Comments please :) :) !!!