Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

CHapter 17

*Alaina’s POV*
Hanging out with a bunch of older women was surprisingly fun.
They weren’t fussy about what they ate or anything.
We had pizza and watched a movie and hung out and best of all they didn’t even treat me like I was a child.
Susana’s friends were gone and I was lying in my bed trying to get to sleep.
I got up and turned off the TV.
I got a glass of milk from the mini fridge.
After I drank the milk I placed the cup on my bedside table.
I sank under the blanket and succumbed to sleep.
“Please- Stop….NO!” I screamed as I bolted up wide awake, sweat evident on my face.
I was definitely wide awake.
This is all wrong; he wasn’t supposed to say that.
What the hell am I going to do?
“What’s wrong? I heard yelling.” Susana burst in my room.
She looked around to make sure there was no one there.
She looked hilarious with her face mask and curlers.
“Nothing, just a really bad dream.” I said.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked.
“Yeah, and I need some advice.”
I hadn’t had a nightmare that worse since my parents died.
I had a dream that I was being chased by someone with a hoodie, and they were clutching a dagger in their left hand.
I had stopped running because I ran out of breath.
He reached me and pushed me down.
He was looming over me with a crazed expression.
He reached into my chest and pulled my heart out.
I tried to beg and grab it, but he dumped me in the river and spat out cruel and hurtful words.
I was struggling to keep my head up above the water.
Something was pulling me under.
Deeper, deeper and I couldn't fight it and soon my eyes were heavy and my arms stopped flailing and I slowly drifted into unconsciousness.
I parked my car in the usual spot and joined the Carly, Ryan, Sam, Scott and regrettably Samantha.
She looked like she would rather commit suicide than get involved in the conversation.
“Hey guys!”
“Hey!” They replied with the same enthusiasm apart from Samantha who scowled at me.
“We were just talking about you.” Stated Ryan.
“What about?” I asked suspicious.
“It’s nothing bad don’t worry.” Assured Scott. “We were talking about the Halloween party.”
I knew it!
Her eyes do change color!
When Alaina was trying to steal back the stationery her eyes turned a lovely shade of hazely-honey and it sparkled.
She was looking into my eyes as well.
For a second I thought I was getting butterflies.
But that’s ridiculous I’m Sam Longford, quarter back of the football team, the ladies man. The list could go on.
Yes. Yes I am
I probably looked like an idiot as I was staring at her, well until Susana came in. How come she never told me that?
She’s my favorite model plus she was hot.
I felt stupid when I panicked and ran out, but I did make her laugh on my way out.
Lately Samantha’s been acting weird.
Like anytime I try to ask her something she denies it even when she doesn’t know what she did.
I didn’t have time to worry about that. I have a Halloween costume to buy.
So I grabbed my wallet and jacket and headed to the mall.
♠ ♠ ♠
What did the hooded guy say?
Alaina admitted she likes him!
And its almost the halloween party.
Ideas are most welcome.
Comments pls.