Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 20

The next day I took the bus to school.
It was different but not that different.
I sat by myself near the window.
The bus slowed to a stop and I got down.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out.
I had 3 missed calls from Carly but I didn’t want to answer it for obvious reasons.
I arrived at the school gates as normal just as the bell went.
I hurried through the gates and the corridors.
I entered the classroom just as my name was being called for attendance.
“Right here!” I answered.
“You’re late.” Mr Tate said.
“But I made it in time.” I argued.
“Well I’m in charge so I say you’re late. So detention it is.” He stated.
He handed me the pink detention slip.
I looked up at Carly and she had a sympathetic look on her face but when I looked behind her I saw Sam in a full blown make out session.
She was giggling like crazy and whispering something in his ear which made him smirk.
“Bloody asshole.” I muttered.
“What was that?” He Mr Tate asked.
I was actually saying it to Sam but I couldn’t be bothered anymore.
Both Mr Tate and Sam were both assholes.
“I said. You. Are. An. Asshole.” I enunciated.
The whole class all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.
“Get out of my classroom.” He said calmly.
“Gladly.” I countered and turned around to leave.
“No. Go back to your seat.”
“No.” I stated.
I really had no idea what the hell had come over me. It was like I had no control over the way I was acting.
“You will do as I say and sit down immediately!” He yelled.
“Screw you.” I spat.
And with that said I walked out of his classroom.
I could still hear his yelling as I ran out of the building the classroom was in.
I plugged my earphones in just listened to the loud, angry tunes coming out.
By now I had walked out of the school premises.
I turned around and faced the road to cross.
I moved my legs onto the road.
After a couple of steps I heard my name being called out.
I turned around to locate the source of the voice.
I couldn’t look fully at the person because of the loud horn that managed to penetrate through to my ears.
I yanked my earphones and looked at the huge truck coming my way.
I was almost blinded by the light.
I just stood there not doing anything.
Totally scared and frozen to the spot.
I heard my name a couple more times.
I begged my legs to do something as the truck came closer, unable to stop.
Just as I thought I was going to die, my whole body got pushed away with such great force I landed with a thump on the grass next to the kerb.
My heart was thumping really loudly as I heard the truck speed by past me.
I lifted my head which had been buried into the grass up and looked at my hero.
There he was looking directly at me.
I waited for a moment before saying something.
“Can you get off me?” I asked.
“What? Oh. Yeah… sorry.” He stuttered.
“And what the hell were you doing playing in traffic!?” Sam asked. “Do you have a death wish or something!?”
“Of course because number one on my ‘stupid list’ is to go play in traffic. I can tick that off now.” I replied sarcastically.
“Seriously I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you.”
“Then why don’t you ask?”
“Why don’t you tell me?”
“Well it’s kind of hard when you have your tongue down someone’s throat all the damn time!”
She’s my girlfriend what the hell do you expect?”
“So what? We all get it you’re both together! Not everyone wants to see you two sucking face every bloody second!”
“Why? Are you jealous?”
“Hardly!” I scoffed loudly.
“You are jealous.” He smirked. “Bet you wish I was kissing you instead.”
“Why the hell would I want to kiss you voluntarily. It would still be slimy and disgusting.”
“You don’t mean that.” He said.
“Wanna bet?”
“Yeah I do!”
He crashed his lips down onto mine in a fiery kiss.
I gasped from the fierceness of it.
An electrifying feeling filled my being.
Fireworks and butterflies going off under my eyelids.
I thought I was going to explode from the shock.
I went to pull away but he placed a hand on the back of my neck to bring me closer if that was even possible.
He continued to kiss me passionately.
My hands tangled in his hair and his other hand gently placed on the side of my face pulling it towards him.
Our lips moved in sync and it all felt so right.
His tongue grazed my bottom lip asking for permission.
I didn’t give in and pulled away with force feeling slightly flustered.
I stood up, brushed myself off and walked away leaving him still kneeling on the kerb knowing he was still looking at me.


I walked to a red door and pressed the right number on the wall next to it.
I spoke into the speaker.
“Aiden, its Alaina.”
“Oh. Err... ok.”
A second later I heard the door click open and I pulled the handle out and walked in.
The building reeked of cigarettes. My eyes were watering.
The walls were coloured with graffiti and other very rude words and drawings.
I walked up the first flight of stairs and up the next.
I walked along the grey coloured corridor.
I stopped at the door with the number which was on my piece of paper.
I knocked and waited.
He opened the door and signalled for me to come in.
“You got any company?” I asked looking directly at him.
“No.” He replied.
I walked in and sat on the couch.
The walls of the room were grey also and it really didn’t have a very welcoming atmosphere to it.
There was a living area and a kitchen next to it. It had a couple of doors on the right. One I’m guessing leading to his bedroom and one to a bathroom.
“You changed your mind huh?”
I turned to look at him properly.
“Yes or I wouldn’t be here.” I replied sarcastically. “I really just want to know why you came back and why you never kept in touch.”
“Ok. How about I tell you while we grab a bite to eat.”
“Sure.” I replied.
“I just need to change, so just make yourself comfortable.” He smiled.
As he disappeared into his room I pulled my phone out and texted Susana that I was out with a friend so she wouldn’t worry.
He came out five minutes later.
“You ready to go?” He asked.
“Sure.” I replied.
He led me out of the apartment and onto the street.
The cafe wasn’t that far so we walked silently for five minutes.
As we were approaching the cafe he walked in front of me and held the door open.
I smiled slightly as I went past.
We sat in a booth facing each other.
Not long after we had been seated a waiter came over with a small pad of paper and a pen.
He looked about my age and was on the skinny side.
He had jet black hair which was swept to the side and grey silvery eyes. Also he had silver snake bites and a snake tattoo on his arm because the sleeve of his shirt was rolled up past his elbows.
“Are you ready to order?” He asked.
“Yeh um I’ll have a double cheese burger with a large coke thanks.”
The waiter turned to Aiden with a bored expression.
“I’ll have the same.” He decided.
“Is that all?” He asked.
“Yeh that’s it.” Aiden replied.
The waiter in front of us wrote something on his pad and walked off with a smirk.
“So...” Aiden started.
“So what?”
“Been a long time huh?”
“Six years.” I replied dryly.
“What have you been up to?”
“Nothing much.”
“Ok you are not making this easy.”
“Why should I make it easy?” I ask.
“Ok look. I’m not asking you to forgive me immediately but please just hear me out ok?”
Before he started his explanation the waiter was back with our order which he placed on our table.
He walked back to sit behind the counter.
Aiden turned to me looking a bit nervous.
I signalled with my hands for him to start and he did.
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All in Alaina's POV and i cant believe i have 84 readers and 10 subscribers. Thank goodness people like my stories. Also thanks for the 2 stars :) Need more comments or ideas or anything :) Thanks.