Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 24

I brought out the compact mirror I had in my pocket and looked at the reflection. I let out a small sigh. I patted my hair down a bit and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. It was now stained with strawberry lipgloss. I straightened out my top. I pulled out my phone and dialled susie's number.
Try again.
Still voicemail.
If she wasn't going to be back today then I won't be able to get in. Charles and everyone else were given the day off. How did she think I was going to get in anyway. Teleportation?
I calmed myself down and exited the small closet.
I made my way down the stairs.
"I'm not that hungry now." Sam said.
"You had me make the damn sandwich now you're going to fucking eat it or I'll ram it right up your-"
"Hey guys!" I said smiling.
Carly gave Sam a death glare. He quickly picked up the sandwich and was chewing like crazy.
I admit she was really scary when she wanted to be.
"Yes?" She turned to me as if she hadn't just been bullying her older brother.
"Is it okay if I stay the night here?"
"Sure. You don't have to ask. You're like the sister I always wanted." She smiled. "Instead I have that thing over there."
"I'm offended." Sam frowned placing his hands on his heart, acting hurt.
"Oh just eat your sandwich."
"What do you guys want to eat cos I'm starving?" Carly asked.
"Let's go to Antonio's Pizza Place." Sam said.
"Urg I'm tired of eating greasy crap let's make something." I suggested.
"Well making something involves working so you're on your own." Sam answered lazily.
"What about you Carls?" I asked hopefully.
"Sure. Why not."
"Don't set the kitchen on fire!" Sam yelled with a mouth full of his bacon sandwich.
We headed to the kitchen.
Carly sat down on the island, swinging her legs.
"What could we make that's not greasy or disgusting?" She asked me.
"Well what do you have?" I asked.
She hopped off the counter and rifled through the cupboards.
"We have rice, jalapeƱos, tomato sauce, chicken stock..."
"Ooh I know what we could make!" I exclaimed. I thought hard what ingredients we needed to make the food. "Have you got butter, green onion, chili powder, cumin and salt?" I asked.
"Ummm yeah we do."
"Great let's get them out I know a recipe."

45 Minutes later

We plated the food and walked out of the kitchen with our food.
"What dis you make?" Sam asked taking his eyes off the tv to look at our food.
"Spicy tomato rice." I said.
"Well where's mine then?" He asked.
Carly and I looked at him incredulously.
"Why should we give you any you didn't even-" Carly started.
"We're just teasing we'll go get yours." I smiled and pulled Carly with me to the kitchen.
Carly was still arguing.
"He did nothing to deserve this food." She pouted.
"You're right. So let's make him pay."
I whispered my devious plan to her.
Her smile grew wide.
We put Sam's food into a bowl and got out chili peppers and scraped in the seeds into the food and stirred it.
We then put it on the clean plate. We opened the door leading into the living room and made sure to lock it with the key in my pocket.
We set it down in front of him.
Suspecting nothing he scooped the first mouthful.
"Mmm this is great. Really ni-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot."
Carly and I we on the floor laughing. His face was as red as the chili peppers that was in the food.
"Fuck!!! Water! Water! Water!" He yelled.
He made a mad dash for the kitchen only to find it was locked.
He turned back to us.
I stood there dangling the keys.
He ran straight for me. Knocking me onto the couch in search for the key.
Before he could get to me I threw the key to Carly.
"This isn't- Hot. Hot Fucking funny anymore!"
"Fine. Say you are sorry for being a lazy douche bag."
I smirked.
Carly got the camera out.
"Fine. Fine. I'm sorry. I'm a lazy douchebag!"
"Ooh and you have a small willy!" Carly said.
"My willy is so fucking tiny now give me water!" He screamed.
I threw him the bottle of water we hid behind the couch.
He gulped it down so fast.
I unlocked the kitchen door and he raced there to get more water.
Carly smiled at me and hi- fived me. She stopped the recording and saved. She then ran up stairs to hide it.
Moments later she came back down.
Sam emerged looking less red with a glass of water in his hand.
"You two are so fucking evil." He said. "I'll get you back and I will find the tape."
We all turned our heads as we heard the door to the living room open.
In came Mr and Mrs Longford.
"Mom! Dad!" Carly yelled and ran over to them like a little girl.
She hugged her mum and her dad.
"Hey Princess." Mr Longford smiled and kissed the top if Carly's head.
"Hi mom. Hi dad." Sam smiled.
"You been alright Sam?" His dad asked.
"Yeah, good."
"Oh my babies we missed you all so much!" Sam's mum smiled wide and hugged Sam and kissed him on the cheek.
Sam looked so embarrassed but you couldn't see the blush his whole face was dark pink.
Sam's mum turned around to look at me. She smiled wide.
"Alaina! Oh I haven't seen you round here that much!" She smiled and engulfed me in a big hug. It was a nice motherly hug. I hugged back. I could feel my eyes stinging a bit.
When she pulled back to look at me her eyes were full of worry.
"Alaina dear, are you alright?" She asked genuinely worried.
"Oh. Nothing. I'm alright. It's really nice to see you again." I smiled, lightly brushing the little tears away.
"If you're sure. Mmm what's that lovely."
"I helped Alaina make spicy tomato rice." Carly smiled. "While he did absolutely nothing."
"It smells divine. Sam you should be more like Alaina." Mrs Longford scolded.
"Maybe she can teach me some things." He said with a smirk.
That definitely had a double meaning.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a filler. I just have really bad writers block. The story is going somewhere I promise.
Thought I'd post today as my present to you all.
Please subscribe, rate and comment.
Merry Christmas to all. :)
P.S. I have a new story well not that new but I hadn't had a chance to post it on here.
I've posted the summary for it. I think it let's you subscribe if you want to.
It's called Mercy.
Please give it a try. Thanks!!!