Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 25

Alaina's POV

"Alaina come with me." Carly called.
I got up from my spot on the couch and followed her up to her room.
"Here." She threw a pair of pajama shorts and a top.
When I tried it on the shorts that would reach Carly's knees were up to the middle if my thigh.
The top wasn't any better. It fit but it was too short. It didn't cover my bellybutton. I never realized how tall I was.
"Erm..." I said turning around.
"Oh." She replied. She sat back and thought.
"Don't suppose you could get a shirt from Sam without him killing you for even asking?"
"Dunno. I'll go ask."
"Be careful." She said melodramatically.
I just rolled my eyes and walked across the landing to the door which had a load of "Do not enter" signs.
I knocked softly.
"Who is it?" Sam's voice asked.
"Mum." I replied in the crappiest impression of his mum's voice.
I could hear footsteps. Then the door swung open revealing a shirtless Sam in his boxers.
"Well you're not my mother." He smirked.
"No I am not. Can I come in?" I asked.
"Sure." He said.
I walked into his room. It was neater than an average boys room. His room was painted black on two walls and white on the other two.
Very zebra. He had posters of bands and football littered on his walls.
"Like my room?" He asked.
"Yeah. Very sporty." I said lamely.
"If by that you mean very manly then thanks." He smirked flexing his muscles. Mmm.
I just smiled.
"May I borrow a t-shirt of yours please?"
He looked at what I was wearing for the first time.
"Those are very provocative clothing." He joked.
"Which is why I need a shirt from you."
"What's the magic word?"
"Actually it was peanut butter but anything for you babe."
I smiled at this.
I watched him rummage in his wardrobe and bring out a dark blue t- shirt with "01" on the front and handed it to me.
"Oooh number 1. I feel so special."
"So you should." He smiled down at me.
"Thanks." I smiled and leaned up to kiss him.
"Anytime." He mumbled into the kiss. He put his hand on my lower back. And mine was running through his hair.
He brushed his tongue along my lower lip and I let his tongue wander into my mouth.
I don't know how long we were making out for but we pulled away really fast when we heard a knock on Sam's door.
"Thanks again." I said rushing to the exit.
He caught my hand before I made it to the door, pulling me towards him.
"I'll be at the park at 10:30. Meet me there tonight?" He whispered.
"Sure." I replied.
"What took you so long?" Carly asked
"Er...persuading." I lied.
"Oh. Come on." She ushered pulling me back into her room.
I absolutely hated lying to Carly. I wish Sam and I wouldn't have to hide this.

Alaina's POV

I managed to convince Carly that we should go to bed early. I pretended to be asleep until now. I peered around the dark room, hearing soft sleepy mumbling from Carly I stood up and carefully crept to the door. I safely made it out of the room and shut the bedroom door. I used my camera light as a flashlight as I made my way downstairs. I grabbed my coat and quietly opened the front door. The night air wasn't cold but it wasn't warm either. I turned the camera light off and made my way to the park, the mildly cold air nipping at my legs that were bare.
It was a 2 minute walk.
I opened the park gates and looked around.
It was empty.
I heard rustling behind me and jumped a foot high.
"S-Sam? I-I-is that you?"
I saw a shadow move very quickly and disappear between the trees.
"O-o-ok this isn't f-funny anymore Sam?" I stammered. I was scared shitless.
Just then I felt cold hands on my shoulder. I let a scream and elbowed the person hard in the stomach.
I turned around and yanked the hoody back from the dark face.
Typical Sam.
"What were you trying to do? Kill me with a heart attack?!" I yelled though keeping my voice lower than normal.
"I'm hurt though." He joked.
"You should be hurt a lot more."
"Guess i did deserve it. But it was meant to be payback for the prank."
"Why me?"
"Didn't think you'd hit back that hard." He said rubbing the spot on his stomach I elbowed.
I folded my hands and proceeded walking out of the park.
I was stopped when Sam got on his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist like a kid.
"I'm sorry. Please stay." He said pouting.
He got up and pulled my arm and dragging me towards the end of the park it seemed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey again people. A short update today but I promise the next one will be long.
Anyways I have 2 chapters up for my other story Mercy. Please check it out.
Anyways you know the drill. Comment, rate and message!!!!
Till next time :)

Sam's room
It's funny cos i wrote the description then i found the picture.

Carly's room