Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 26

Sam's POV

"Close your eyes." I whispered.
She did as I told her.
I guided her slowly past the little playground in the park.
The trees were getting thicker and there wasn't much in the way of a path so I got behind her to maneuver our way easily.
We walked a little bit more.
By now i'm sure she could tell where we were because of the sound of water.
We came to a halt.
"You can open your eyes now." I whispered.
She opened her eyes and blinked a bit. I was anxiously waiting for a reaction. Her expression was unreadable.
Great. She hates it. I knew I shouldn't have brought her here. She probably thought it was too cheesy , heck I thought it was too cheesy.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when she began to speak.
"Oh my goodness. It's beautiful. Amazing how did you find this?" She asked.
"Some years ago I got really angry at my parents and I came to the park to calm down but I couldn't stand the noise of the children so I kept walking and I found it right at the bottom."
"It's beautiful Sam" She grinned.
We lay down on the dry grass opposite the flowing river, the moon lighting the water up.
Alaina laid her head on my chest and I was playing with her hair.
"It's quiet here." I whispered.
"Mostly the fact that it is" She checked her wrist. "Almost eleven. And you're not saying as much."
I smiled.
"That's because I'm giving you my full attention."
"What do you want to do?" She asked.
"Not sure but I double, super dare you to..." I thought for a minute. "To stand in the river!"
Alaina looked at me wide-eyed.
"It's freezing in there." She shivered. "You go in first."
"Fine." I said.
I stood up and pulled my shirt up and over my head and threw it next to me.
I decided to be brave.
I jumped in.

Alaina POV

He whipped off his shirt and threw it on the ground.
I looked at him incredulously as he dived into the probably really cold river.
He came back up and whipped his hair away from his face and grinned at me.
I smiled trying not to ogle at his shirtless form.
"Come on." He said.
I shook my head no and started backing away from the river.
"I guess I'll have to come get you." He sighed dramatically.
Once I heard this I jumped up and started running as fast as I could.
I didn't look behind me in fear he might be right behind me.
The thought only made me run faster.
I disliked cold water very much.
I decided to look back since I was running out of breath.
He wasn't there.
I slowed down and slunk down the trunk of a nearby tree to catch my breath.
Wow I really am unfit.
"Why hello there" Sam whispered sharply.
"Shit don't." I said with my hands on my heart. "Plus you sound like a pedophile."
He emerged from the trees and carried me bridal style.
I was honestly relieved to be carried. I didn't feel like walking. Realization hit me when we neared the river.
I was kicking and screaming.
"Shhh." Sam hushed.
I didn't.
He walked into river still holding me.
"Please. Please. Don't I'll do anything!" I begged.
"Seriously?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"Oh well that changes things."
"It does?" I asked. My legs were millimeters from touching the water.
"Nope!" He smirked.
"Whaaaa- cold! cold! cold! cold!"
The jerk dropped me in. I was drenched beyond belief.
I screamed a blood curdling scream until Sam covered my mouth and then kissed me. Suddenly the coldness of the water was blocked out and all I concentrated on was our lips softly moving together.
He pulled me closer to him by my waist and left his hands there.
I had my hands on the back of his neck.
He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth gladly.
His tongue slipped in with mine. We continued to kiss until we ran out of breath.
Sam detached his lips from mine only to start sucking on my neck. I shut my eyes enjoying the feel of his lips on my skin.
When he began leaving trails of kisses down my neck I shivered because of his breath and the electric feeling where his lips had been, although he mistook it for the coldness of the water.
"I think we better get out of here before you turn into an ice cube." He laughed.
"Mhmm." I nodded, feeling slightly disappointed that he stopped so abruptly.
We waded out of the water and I actually couldn't feel my legs.
Sam handed me the shirt he took off before and gestured for me to put it on while he turned around. I took off my wet shirt and slipped the T-shirt on and felt slightly warmer.
"Are you done yet?" He asked.
"Yeah. Turn around." I said.
I squeezed the remaining water out of the wet shirt I had on before.
Sam gestured to get on my back, so I did just that.
I glanced at my watch, glad it was waterproof. 01:15. I was so tired I fell asleep to the even rhythm of Sam's walk.


"Alaina wake up!" An agitated someone was shaking me.
I opened one eye and glanced around the room. Carly was unusually close.
"Get up it's time for school." She yelled.
I groaned and rubbed my eyes with my hands like a kid. I sat up and yawned.
"Why are you cold?" Carly asked, the back of her hand on my forehead.
"Err I'm not sure. Anyways best be getting up." I replied quickly.
I kicked the comforter off and got up. She looked at me with an unreadable expression.
"Why'd you change clothes?" She asked again.
"Wow. Bombarded with questions so early in the morning. Wow I'm tired. I will tell you later." I said lamely. I really need to think up more excuses.
She shrugged and helped
me hauled up the mattress back to the spare guest room.
I waited patiently outside the bathroom door for Carly to get out. She had been in the bathroom for 45 minutes I mean who does that! Even I don't do that.
I heard a door open at the end of the hallway. Sam sauntered out sleepily. His eyes lit up when he saw me sitting on the floor.
"Good morning!" I chirped.
"It is now." He replied sweetly as he pecked me on my lips.
I instantly turned to mush. He was being extremely sweet.
"Tonight's the Halloween party. It's supposed to be great." He stated.
"Yeah I know. I'm gonna try and end things with Josh before the party." I replied.
"That's great." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I nodded dolefully.
The door in front of us opened and we sprung apart, trying to act normal but failing badly.
Carly gave us a peculiar glance, then wandered back into her room and shut the door quite loudly. Geez what's up with her today.
I gave Sam an 'I don't know' look and slipped into the bathroom to have a quick shower.

An hour later

I clipped my seatbelt in as Sam walked round to the drivers seat. He slammed the door tight and clipped his seatbelt in.
The drive to school had a slightly awkward air though the music was blaring. Carly didn't talk like she usually did.
Each time I tried to start a conversation she only said a word and nothing else. I turned in my seat to face her.
"Thanks for letting me stay the night last night." I said to Carly.
She didn't reply.
"Carly, Hun? Is something wrong? Is it Sam?" I asked.
She showed no expression.
"Me?" I added.
"Ryan? Anyone?"
She turned her face away from me and stared blankly out the window.
"Oh you know what? I give up! When you're done being a mute you know where I'll be." I snapped. The car had been parked in the school's parking lot so I grabbed my bag and swiftly got out.
I turned on my heel and walked into the school building.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope that's long enough. The next update will be about the Halloween party.
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