Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 5

Alaina’s POV
My alarm clock. I reached over and hit the big button on the top. There was a knock on my door.
“Come in.” I said groggily.
It was one of the maids.
“Miss Alaina, I just wanted to inform you that it is 7:30 and you are going out with Miss Susana, so could you please get ready?”
She turned and left with a smile on her face.
Susana never mentioned anything about going out.
She wasn’t even in all yesterday.
After I got settled in yesterday she took off.
Guess she must be back.
I walked into the bathroom.
OMG. This is so cool.
The bathroom had white tiles with a bright white light on the ceiling, a huge window but with automatic curtains.
It had a huge white bath with golden taps.
It had a huge shower in the corner and a hot tub in there as well.
It was incredible.
I brushed my teeth, took a hot shower, got dressed and straightened my hair.
I put my locket around my neck and clipped it in.
I walked out of my bedroom and looked around.
I had no idea where to go.
I walked down the hallway and opened several doors.
Nope, Nope, Nope, Ooh Games room.
Focus, Nope.
At that moment one of the butlers was comings down the hallway as well.
“Miss Alaina? Are you lost?” He asked thoughtfully.
“Actually yeas I am, how’d you know?” I asked intrigued.
“First of all you’re supposed to be down in the dinner hall, this place is huge and I got lost myself on my first day of working here.” He answered counting off each point on his fingers.
“Oh.” I said.
“Follow me Miss Alaina.” He instructed.
I obeyed.
We continued walking down the hallway, opened a door on the left, down a corridor, through another door, down a spiral staircase and we were at the dining hall.
I wonder how long he had been working here.
“Where’s Susana?” I asked the butler whose name I really must learn.
“She’s still in her room, but she’ll be down any minute.” He assured. “By the way my name is Charles Miss.”
“Please call me Alaina.” I said politely.
“Ok Alaina. Would you like anything to eat?”
“Erm... that’s alright I’ll make some eggs and bacon myself.” I declined politely.
“No no I insist. Scrambled or sunny side up?”
“Sunny side up please with toast and orange juice.”
“Will do just that.” Charles said as he walked off.
I made my way into the living room; where me and Nicola slept off last ni…. If I was downstairs then why was I in my bedroom in the morning?
Maybe one of the maids carried me to the room.
Can’t believe I missed that.
Nicola walked in through the big double doors In her normal clothes. Just as she walked in another maid (who looked about 2 years older than me and Nicola) stepped into the living room from the dinner hall.
She looked at me with a fake smile, at Nicola and did a double take.
Her fake smile vanished in an instant.
“Excuse me Miss Alaina; I need Nicola for a second.” She said through gritted teeth.
Then she practically dragged Nicola into the dining hall and shut the big oak and glass door behind her.
-Nicola’s POV-
“Nicola for heaven’s sake Why AREN’T YOU WEARING YOUR UNIFORM?” April screamed.
“Oh well Al-“April cut me off.
“There’s no excuse. Either get a uniform of you’ll be fired.” She bellowed. “Fired. Fired huh? On second thoughts why don’t you walk around in your normal clothes? Can’t wait till you get kicked out.”
I was on the brink of tears.
“Why do you want me out of here? Why are you SO MEAN TO ME?” I shouted.
Soon after I spoke April’s palm made contact with the side of my cheek.
“Don’t you ever raise your voice at me” She spat.
“What’s going on?” Alaina asked although by the looks of things she probably knew.
“Err…well...I...err...was...erm.” April stammered.
“It looks like you just slapped Nicola here because she isn’t in her uniform right?” Alaina asked rhetorically.
April was stupid enough to answer.
“Y-yes Miss Alaina.” April stuttered.
“Well I told her she could wear her normal clothes for work, and what you did was totally uncalled for, so please apologize……..”
“April, Miss.” April finished for her.
April glared at me.
“Sorry.” She mumbled.
“She can’t hear you.” Alaina sing-songed.
“I’m sorry Nicola.” April said through gritted teeth.
“Thank you.” I answered.
April then took off still glaring daggers at me while Alaina wasn’t looking.
Note to self: I totally owe Alaina.
“Nicola are you ok?” She asked examining my cheek.
“Yeah thanks Alaina” I thanked.
“C’mon let’s get you some ice.”
-Alaina’s POV-
“Alaina there you are.” Said a relieved-looking Susana.
She paused, looked at Nicola then back to me with a confused look.
“Oh I told her she could. She’s my new friend. Is it ok with you?”
“Oh that’s fine.” Susana answered.
“Right come on we’re going shopping.” She informed me.
I looked down at what I was wearing.
A grey checked blouse with sliver grey jeans and bubble gum hi-tops with my locket.
“Your breakfast Alaina!” Charles called.
I forgot about that.
“Give me 15 minutes Susana?” I begged.
“Ok but hurry.”
-15 Minutes later-
We got in the limo and were off to the mall.
♠ ♠ ♠
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