Status: Updates will be quite slow but ill try my best :-(

Highschool Daze

Chapter 7

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!
The phone by my bed on the wall was ringing.
“Hello?” I answered groggily
“Alaina! Sorry to wake you but you’ve got school today” Came Susana’s cheery voice.
“Susana I hope the school I’m going to isn’t some rich snotty school is it?” I asked doubtfully, holding my breath.
“No it isn’t I thought that it would be best for you to fit in than a rich snooty school” She replied.
I exhaled. Thank goodness, there was no way I was going to fit in a rich stuck up school.
“Is there a uniform or can I wear anything?”
“No uniform, but wear something appropriate.”
“I’ll leave you to get ready then.” Susana said. “Bye.”
“Bye.” I replied, hanging up.
I went to the bathroom and did the usual morning stuff.
I walked out of my (amazing) room, walked down the hallway, turned the knob on a baby blue door on the left, down the white corridor, down the chrome spiral stairs and through the big glass door into the living room.
“Charles?” I called out.
No response.
I looked around and found a phone for the whole house.
I scrolled down the list until I found ‘Kitchen’. I dialed and waited.
On the 3rd ring a woman answered.
“Hello?” She chirped.
“Hi.” I replied.
“Is this Miss Alaina?”
“Err…yes it is.” I answered politely.
“Then what would you like sweetheart?”
“I was wondering where Charles was because I’m kind of hungry, but I don’t know where the kitchen is…” I trailed off.
“Oh, my apologies. What can I get you?”
“Some cereal please.”
“We’ve got Shreddies, Coco pops, Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Weetabix……”
“I’ll have Cheerios please.”
“OK I’ll get one of the staff to bring it to you. Are you in your room or the living room?”
“Living room.” I answered
“I have it brought to you in just a few minutes.”
“OK thanks bye.”
*15 Minutes*
I had finished my breakfast and had cleared up.
A chauffeur came into the house.
“Is there an Alaina here?” He asked.
“Yeah that’d be me’” I smiled politely.
“I’m your personal chauffeur.”
I stood up following him to a long white, glossy limo.
He dropped me off at a decent looking school. It wasn’t a crowded public school nor was it a neat posh school. Somewhere in the middle.
I walked in through the gates and into the school.
I wasn’t looking where I was going and walked right into someone.
“Watch where you’re going freak!” The person spat venomously.
People are so friendly round here aren’t they?
“Sorry,” I muttered and ran to the office, tripping on the way there. I heard a laugh behind me but I ignored it and kept on running.
I knocked on the big white door.
“Come in.” Came a cheery voice.
I walked in and shut the door behind me.
“Hi.” I said.
“Hello sweetie, how can I help you?” Asked the receptionist. She was a petite brunette with a small frame and glasses. She looked pretty.
“I’m Alaina Williams.”
“Oh yes you’re our new student aren’t you?” She said smiling. “Here is a folder with your timetable, locker number and other things you’ll need. Oh and wait a bit, someone will be coming soon they’ll be your mentor for the week till you’re familiar with things.”
“Ok thanks.” I replied taking a seat in the office.
*15 Minutes*
I had waited for 15 minutes.
“Here I am.” Declared a male voice to the receptionist.
“You were supposed to be here 15 minutes ago.” She said impatiently.
“I had stuff to do.” He replied shrugging his shoulders. “So who’s the lucky girl?”
I raised an eyebrow.
“Right there waiting for you 15 minutes ago.” The receptionist said pointing at me.
“I’m supposed to be mentoring the freak?” He spat.
“Nice to meet you too.” I answered sarcastically.
I looked. HE looked a lot like the pizza guy but with a more athletic build, not too muscular and his eyes was a lot different.
He must’ve been the one I bumped into earlier.
“Alaina Williams, this is Sam Longford, your mentor.”
“Whatever.” Sam shrugged and with that he swiftly walked out of the office.
“Wait up!” I shouted running. Running was actually no problem. I did track in my old school, won competitions.
“You speed up freak.”
“I am not a freak!” I demanded.
I tripped over my own foot just a moment after.
Sam erupted with laughter.
“Oh be quiet it’s not like you’re perfect.” I retorted.
“Oh but I am, I mean look at me.” He boasted.
Someone’s ego is pretty big.
Never-the-less I looked at him.
He had blonde tousled hair that was spikes up with gel just a little, and a strand that came over his right eye.
Lovely icy-blue enchanting eyes. A perfect immaculate face.
I snapped out of the weird trance I was in and replied.
“Cocky much?”
“Mmmmhmmmm pretty much yeah.” He said simply.
I looked at my timetable.
Homeroom……………………………………………………..Mr. M Tate
English…………………………………………………………….Miss K Trish
Geography………………………………………………………Mr. B Evans
Social Studies & Debates………………………………..Mr. M Tate
Math……………………………………………………………Mrs. S Singer
P.E……………………………………………………………….Coach Riles
Do you know where Mr. Tate’s homeroom is?”
Sam stopped dead in his tracks.
“You’ve got Mr. Tate, MY homeroom teacher?” He half-shouted.
“You don’t own no one, now can you please tell me how to get there before we’re both late.” I said impatiently.
“Y’know I’m only mentoring you to get outta class right?”
“Yeah I kinda figured and I do have a name you know unlike yours who sounds like a girl’s name Sammy whammy.” I teased.
“That’s SAM to you freak.” He said emphasizing his name and the word ‘freak’.
A bell went off.
“Whatever dude just tell me where my homeroom is, and I couldn’t care less if you skip it.” I panicked.
“Fine stuff you.”
I rummaged around in my folder. I found a map of the school, thank goodness. I pulled it out and began to follow it leaving Sam aka The Jerk behind.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Alaina's clothes