Status: Next update: Courtney. This week I get to write two chapters in a row! :D

Thin Lines & Paper Hearts

t w o

I was freaking out. I looked over at her, and OH MY GOD! Shes bleeding! I stomped on the gas and started speeding as if I was in a drag race. If she's hurt it's all my fault. I was trying to protect her and look, I just hurt her even more.

"RED LIGHT!" Summer screeched as I slammed the breaks just in the nick of time,"What's wrong with you!? It's just a cut. Everyone gets them. I don't need to go to the hospital," she said harshly. She was pleading and I could hear it in her voice like a two year old trying to lie to their mom. It Finally clicked in my slow ass brain. I pulled over on the highway in the midnight looking sky even though it was only seven-thirty.

"Alright," I said looking at her, "Just answer my question and then no hospital."

"Here it comes," she murmured under her breathe, clearly meant for me to hear.

Damn she knew what I was going to ask.

"Why?" was all I asked instead of my original question I had planed to ask her.

She looked out the window with a sad, soft, expression that you see in movies after a
massive blow that has happened or when someone gets hurt and normally has the dramatic music playing in the background. Summer just stayed like that for the longest time.

"I don't know," she whispered, "I guess I just . . .we need to be together I guess."

"No one should be tortured like that. It's . . . " She cut me off before I could finish
my sentence.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! I DON'T NEED A LECTURE," she screamed bloody murder. I just looked at her in astonishment. Why doesn't she ever talk to Jayden like that? Oh right; because he'd beat the living crap out of her. God, why do some guys have to be such jerks?

"Sorry," she whispered unable to look me in the eye, "I know I shouldn't yell. I just. . ." she
lost her voice, " I know. I know I shouldn't be with him but, this cuts too deep to heal."

"Nothing's ever to deep to heal. There's medicine to heal everything." I whispered, running my hand through my hair.

We just sat there in the ominous dark forever it seemed. Finally, I started the engine and started to drive. I didn't know where to go so I just drove through the unknown night in silence. Not a word was said. It was like sitting in a class that everyone has just gotten detention. She didn't trust me. I don't think she trust anyone after being stuck in hell for so long.

"Where are we going?" Summer questioned breaking the sound of the dead.

"Where ever you wanna go."

"No where. I don't wanna go anywhere." Summer said while looking out the window.

"How 'bout we get ourselves lost." She looked at me like a puppy beginning told to sit,
eyebrows scrunched up, "We just take turns and go down random streets 'till were lost," I
answered her questioning look.

" Okay . . . , " she answered unsure of what to think.

" You start," I told her.

"Follow the light up-head until you can make a right turn."

We turned down a street with lights shut off and people asleep.Then I took a left turn down a
street with tons of lights you'd think you'd be driving into the sun. We did this for hours. God
knows why but this was the fist time we've ever talked to each other before. Of all places it winds up in a car. I felt like we were in a world all of our own. Just a world with a list of directions we've always wanted to take but just couldn't.

It began raining. The sound of raindrops splattering was so peaceful and calming. It sounded tropical almost. I don't know how it just did. The tension seemed to pour out a little at a time like the storm was starting until Summer was as calm as a butterfly on a Summers day.

" FUCK! I gotta get home NOW! I' so dead," she panicked after hearing her phone buzz in her black and white zebra purse sitting in her lap.

I veered the car around and drove to her house which was right by the skate park speeding
all the way. We pulled up to her yellow, one story house with white shutters, a yard full of emerald green grass and a small concert porch with steps to sit on. It was exactly twelve A.M. Her dad came out of the house at first sight of us pulling into the pebble-filled driveway.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU HAVE DANCE AT FOUR A.M. NOW YOUR GOING TO FAIL TOMORROW! " He bellowed as soon as she stepped foot out of the car.

Summer gave me an apologetic but an urgent look as if I had to get away. As she bent over to grab her purse, she kept sending me the same look. I pulled out of the driveway not looking at the muscular six foot military-looking man. He didn't even care who Summer was with, just her dance. I felt bad leaving her to more yelling and punishment for things that weren't her fault.

I drove away into the night that would hopefully withheld an adventure soon for me and one other person, whom I'm sure you can guess.
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Sorry it took so long for the update. Somethings wrong with the paragraphs. I am trying to fix it thank you :)