

She was the most beautiful and graceful thing anyone had ever seen. People would climb buildings, trees, windows, just to get a glimpse of her dancing. Many loved what they saw, but none truly knew of who she was. She was a monster. A beautiful monster. Nothing ever pleased her. She had everything, but always craved for more. The people who did know her though, never hated her. They couldn't. Fear enveloped their entire being. They had children to feed and wives to house, but she couldn't care.

Everything was about her.As a young child, her father spoiled her with hugs, kisses, stories and songs. At the age of six, he passed away. No more hugs, kisses, stories and songs. No, people only pitied how pathetic and needy she was. That's when she started to really dance. It's what her father loved the most, her dancing. He said it freed and expressed one's being, one's soul. So on she danced, no longer caring about others. She dedicated her life to it, anyone who interrupted would pay the price.

No longer the sweet and innocent girl, her every wish came true. But she went to far. She demanded she rule all, have all, own all. It wasn't granted and Hell broke free. Fire enveloped the Earth. Almost everyone died. And there she was, dancing in a field of fire, while the world fell all around her. Dancing like there was no tomorrow. For most there wasn't, but for her, the possibilities were endless...
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I wrote a song no too long ago and decided to also write a story to go along with it. This as well might be going into a community book. Enjoy.